"Sherwood, United Mining, this is Canopy-4. We have inserted the key and are requesting the next step."

"...Squeak...Sherwood understands, please evacuate quickly and as planned."

"United Mining understands that evacuation is allowed. Please dock to the space station within 3 hours. Over."

In the B-level base, Ye Changsi and others were listening to the voice communication relayed from the capital.

Theoretically, the top person in charge of Operation Sherwood is United Mining CEO Wu Yi. In reality, it is controlled by the Aviation Development Commission, and the Royal Air Force is responsible for issuing specific detonation orders.

However, Ye Changsi is not very concerned about Operation Sherwood. According to his experience, the problem should not be big. The base is currently busy with the aftermath of Death Ray No. 1 (formerly Qianjun Bang No. 1).

After getting more information from above, the base immediately launched "Shan Hai" with all its strength to conduct big data analysis again, and finally concluded that "Death Ray No. 1" has been exposed with a 55% probability, and the second highest probability is 30%. The ultimate spy.

Just in case, the base is issuing an order to simply continue to ascend the orbit of Death Ray 1. There is still a lot of fuel left in the ion thruster, and it will fly outward in the next time, heading to the Lagrange L1 point, on the sun. Between the balance point and the earth, use the sun as the background to hide, and at the same time test whether it accidentally leaked its existence temporarily or has been completely controlled.

Ye Changsi prefers the former, but he is a little worried that if the top leaders of the two parties have further contact and reveal the secret of Death Light No. 1, the problem will be troublesome.

But Serev disagreed with this:

"Don't worry, although they are bluffing now, they are also the party least willing to break up. They must be afraid that if we break up, we will let Death Ray No. 1 directly go into actual combat.

This kind of thing is most likely communicated through hints. The disadvantaged party will definitely not be us. As long as John is not crazy, he will not cause trouble for himself. "

"I hope so..."

Ye Changsi finally decided to trust Serev's judgment, because "Shan Hai" also gave a similar answer.

"What about Li Huo? Does the original bait plan remain unchanged?"

After discovering the huge misunderstanding of the "M Incident", Ye Changsi and others immediately realized the huge value of this matter, and they might be able to find ways to achieve some goals.

The first priority was of course whether to find a way to clear up this misunderstanding, but in the end everyone agreed that it was more beneficial to maintain the existence of aliens, which would provide the possibility of directly and obviously interfering with Aramco's development path.

In this case, the original two signal leaks seemed a bit weak, so Xiao Gangtian proposed a "bait" plan.

That is to create another "accident" at the right time to make NACA more convinced of the existence of aliens. The timing of this "coincidence" must be within the next two or three months to achieve the best effect.

There were already many controversies surrounding the decoy plan, and now that it was a troubled time, Ye Changsi's instinct was that it would be better to make less fuss.

But Serev obviously didn't think so, and the two simply started discussing the matter, and time passed quickly in this minute and second.

Beijing, United Mining Headquarters.

Lin Ju, Zhong Cheng and the senior officials of the Joint Mining and Aviation Development Committee all stood up, with the exception of some staff members.

The expressions on everyone's faces were serious, out of due respect and etiquette for the other end of the video connection.

“I, by order of the Head of the Federation of 56 countries including the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, etc., require the great Royal Air Force to execute the following instructions:

I appoint Sir Terry Ford Malilla, currently Air Secretary and Chief of the Defense Staff, in the name of the Queen, to the Moon..."

Lin Ju was slightly speechless as he watched his "old friend" who was slightly younger than he remembered speaking slowly and lengthy speeches, and Sir Malila who was kneeling on one knee with a gorgeous sword on his shoulder.

Dai Ying prepared a great scene for this operation, claiming that every hydrogen bomb required a supreme order before it could be used, and held such an elaborate ceremony two hours in advance.

Because of the gimmick of the nuclear explosion on the moon, such a boring self-promotion conference actually attracted great attention and successfully satisfied the vanity of the old Mi Zi Banner people.

It's okay to come here just once to satisfy your vanity, but it would be too torture if everyone did it once in the future, since it's obviously just mining!

It was not until about six o'clock in the afternoon, when the sky was getting dark, that Sir Marilla officially obtained the short-term command authority. After talking a lot of nonsense, he waited for a long time before holding his watch and issuing an order five minutes in advance, requesting the issuance of orders. Detonation command.

The signal is sent from the belt, forwarded by the low-Earth orbit satellite to the "Peregrine Falcon" far away on the moon, and then sent again to the "Robin Hood".

About a minute later, the Aviation Development Commission received a notification that Robin Hood successfully received the command and the detonation was irreversible.

In the lunar surface broadcast footage that cannot be seen by the public, the 'Robin Hood' lying in a shallow pit began to light up red cold light regularly, like the breathing of a giant beast, constantly opening and closing, as if it was given life.

Although this was not the first time, Lin Ju couldn't help but be excited to see such rich details on the surface of a real nuclear bomb.

For a moment, he had the idea of ​​​​persuading Ye Changsi to let the base also manufacture hydrogen bombs.

Facing the power of the sun, it is difficult for someone not to be moved by it and want to get close to it.

The United Mining Headquarters, where dozens of people were present, also fell silent. Except for the sound of electronic equipment working, everyone remained silent for fear of missing something.

At this time in the lunar orbit, the Wutu Space Station also crossed the boundary between the front and the dark side, and the mine where the test explosion occurred completely disappeared from the space station's field of vision.

Except for the five people who have returned to the Tiangong Space Station on Dawn-1, the remaining 12 astronauts are all wearing tight spacesuits. The fragile electronic devices outside the space station have been turned off, leaving only the main systems to continue to work.

The 12 astronauts were divided into rows and looked at each other face to face. There was only meaningless white noise on the radio, and no one spoke.

Unfortunately, there were no direct human observers for this nuclear explosion. The Yushu base was 200 kilometers away from the center of the explosion. With the curvature of the moon, nothing could be seen, especially when there was no atmosphere to conduct light.

According to the running speed, it will be an hour after the Wutu Space Station reaches the center of the explosion. Theoretically, a small crater should be visible, which is still far inferior to other impact craters.

"1 minute!"

The picture Lin Ju saw had switched to a camera set up several kilometers away from the explosion center, and the nuclear bomb was completely invisible to the naked eye.

Countdown provided by the Royal Air Force, but does not take into account delay corrections.

"30 seconds!"

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

The picture was still as calm as a static picture, but after Lin Ju counted two numbers, a dazzling, slightly blue super-strong white light suddenly erupted at the junction of the yellowish gray-white lunar surface and the dark space. , directly turning the huge LCD screen into a pure white, making people who have been staring at it for a long time feel a bit dazzling.

The pale glare lasted for less than 10 seconds. When the light gradually dissipated, the picture was completely replaced by gray, which was lunar dust rolled up to a height of tens of kilometers.

Because of the low gravity of the moon and the absence of air, they spread rapidly but did not form clumps due to airflow like the earth. Instead, they spread evenly in all directions, like dense foam, extending straight to an area with a radius of tens of kilometers. .

The spectacular dust mass is like the tail of a comet. From a distance, it looks like there is a small bump on the back of the moon, but it is extremely thin, just enough to be observed.

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