But these spacecrafts in good condition may have time to re-enable the observation module and wait to run to the observation point, which will take dozens of minutes.

Both United Mining and the Aviation Development Committee were waiting patiently, when the atmosphere was suddenly broken by the harsh ringtone of mobile phones.

Lin Ju was stunned for a moment, and then took out his phone with a normal expression.

His mobile phone is usually in vibrating state, and it will ring in only one situation: someone contacts him through the emergency contact channel of "Jingwei", and it is a very important matter.

When he saw the screen of the phone, the call was hung up on the other end, obviously hoping that he would find some time to call.

Lin Ju smiled sheepishly at Zhong Cheng:

"Manman called here, she..."

"Go quickly, don't leave others alone."

Zhong Cheng didn't think much about it, since there was nothing important to do now, so Lin Ju left calmly and took the elevator directly to the empty rooftop. After switching the mobile phone system, he called back the call.

The call was connected almost instantly, and then I heard Ye Changsi's anxious voice mixed with fear:

“Something happened on Plain Zero, an alien signal was discovered, an alien signal was discovered!

We are doing our best to deal with it and are fully prepared! "

Lin Ju felt as if his head had been hit hard by someone, and he went blank for a moment and was at a loss for words.

There was no prompt from the system, and he never thought that Plane Zero and Titan would change without them coming into contact. At least, he had never heard of anything unusual in the original world line.

The accident happened so suddenly that no one was prepared.

He wanted to return to the base right away, but his reason forced him to calm down. After taking a few deep breaths, he realized that going back now would not help him.

"Lao Ye, what's the specific situation?"

"Lihuo has detected gravitational waves! The wave source has a power of more than 100 kilowatts and is emitted from Mars. It is so obvious that even its detector can detect it!

It directly activated the emergency program and transmitted the information. We are conducting analysis, and it is very likely that it was sent from Plain Zero! "

"Okay, I will come back as soon as possible. You don't need to apply for what you want to do. You must figure it out!"

"We will pay attention, boss. This beam of gravitational waves is a medium wave and may be received by several Amei observatories. I applied to use the 'Shanhai' to hack into it and control the development of the situation."

It only took Lin Ju a few seconds to understand the meaning behind this move, and immediately answered decisively:

"No problem, use all available means, no impact will be as big as this trouble."

The call with Ye Changsi ended here. Lin Ju stood on the rooftop of a high-rise building in the capital, looking up in the direction of Mars. Of course, there was nothing.

He wanted to blink his eyes, but after closing them for a few seconds and then opening them again, he felt as if the whole world had been put on a filter and became different from before.

He simply sat on the exposed pipes on the roof and used his groggy brain to try to digest what had happened.

Frankly speaking, it is not that he has not seen supernatural (alien) power. The system is like this. It is difficult to imagine how it was done several times.

But it may be that his subconscious believes that the system will not be harmful, and his sensitivity to it is far less than that of the two planets that are highly suspected of aliens.

After all, as long as you think about alien civilization from a rational perspective, you will definitely understand that the dangers of alien civilization far outweigh the benefits. Human beings want to know whether alien civilization exists, but they are not willing to actually see alien civilization.

If an alien invasion really occurs, the probability of survival with the current world's technological level is very low. This has become a consensus in the base's very early discussions.

In the end, the best way everyone can think of is to use the supernatural existence of "system". For example, spending money can promote the progress of scientific research. There seems to be a lot of articles in this.

The money spent by the system does not enter the market circulation, which means that this part of the money is "swallowed" out of thin air. Not only is it harmless to society, but it is a perfect channel to reduce inflation.

And the modern state machine does not have to issue banknotes one-to-one to inject water into the economy. In the era of digital economy, it only needs to modify the asset and liability figures.

Therefore, according to the existing theoretical conjecture, it may be possible to let the central bank "print money" like crazy, and then hand over this part of the money to the system to "swallow" it. The central bank will then erase the previously changed accounts or classify them separately, which will not affect inflation, but will also Countless advanced technologies can be obtained for free.

However, this is just a conjecture. This kind of blatant BUG behavior is really unimaginable and its feasibility is questionable.

But if it really comes to a critical moment, I am afraid that this is the only way to quickly improve the scientific level to a certain height, or at least find a way to get the fusion-powered spacecraft to have the ability to escape.

I don't know how long it took, but when Lin Ju's mind had jumped to the interstellar battle, the sound of the rooftop iron door being pushed open woke him up.

Zhong Cheng's secretary and his security guards found Lin Ju sitting there alone, and hurried forward to ask:

"Mr. Lin, why have you been out for more than an hour?"

about an hour?

Lin Ju was in a daze for a moment. He wanted to stand up but almost fell down. Fortunately, he was supported by Ji Ji.

"Oh, I just had a phone call, I'll be down right away."

Back in the command room, Zhong Cheng explained before he could ask:

"Manman may (vaguely) be pregnant and didn't pay attention to take more time."

"Yeah, this is a good thing."

Zhong Cheng and the other people around him immediately began to congratulate him. For them, this was a good thing in pairs. In the atmosphere of laughter and laughter, not many people noticed that Lin Ju had something wrong.

Hexagon Building, Office Thirteen.

David Usnow is crazy—literally.

The rest of the employees only remembered that their boss suddenly rushed out of the office door, yelled something randomly, jumped directly onto the desk of a female employee, then took off his shirt and started dancing wildly.

It wasn't until people almost thought he had taken drugs and was about to drag him down that they could clearly hear what he was saying when they got closer:

"Signal, signal! I'm right, I'm right!

There is no error at all, I received it in just 8 minutes, haha... cough cough cough. "

David, who was a little too proud, even choked on his own saliva, pinched his neck and knelt on the table and coughed.

At this time, the people who followed him out of the signal monitoring room also raised their heads and explained the reason to everyone:

"Everyone, at 8:23, only 8 minutes after the nuclear bomb was detonated, we received the signal from the MRO, and we discovered another alien signal in the exact same band!

There it was, and just as Mr. David predicted, its trigger was a nuclear explosion.

The energy threat theory is correct, we have completely confirmed that aliens are monitoring humans! "

Although this incident was not good news in nature, people in Office 13 couldn't help but cheer together, which meant that their work was meaningful.

Driving all night, I'm going crazy

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