"I saw...a big crater, a perfect circular dimple."

Two hours after the explosion.

While the base was busy discussing the GW1805 signal and United Mining celebrated its first test explosion, the astronauts working on the development of the moon were still performing their duties.

The Wutu Space Station has flown over the explosion area and seen the surface after the explosion through its telescope.

This large lunar space station was on the backside when the nuclear explosion occurred, avoiding more than 95% of the impact. Only the electromagnetic pulse caused communication interruption for dozens of minutes. The remaining parts were in good working condition and no abnormalities were found.

However, when they arrived here, the lunar dust that was ejected into orbit by the explosion was still there and was spreading outward at a huge initial velocity.

Fortunately, the impact of such a nuclear bomb is no more than an itch to the moon, and there is no need to worry about it causing too much adverse impact.

A small amount of dust must have hit the space station, leaving some traces of yellow-brown streamlines.

The 12 astronauts scrambled to observe the landmarks after the explosion, which were now indistinguishable to the naked eye.

They are now not only observing the effects of the test explosion, but also providing navigation to Li Wei and Fu Xiangjie on the ground.

Since the GPS system has been disabled, rough guidance can only be provided through the space station.

"Can you estimate the diameter of the explosion crater? Is it 100 meters?"

Li Wei was communicating with the space station while rushing to the mining area in the T7 lunar rover.

Not only to carry out the sampling mission, but also to recover the hard drives of the monitors placed around the core.

7 test devices and 12 monitors collect data from unknown equipment placed in each of them. The data is encrypted and is waiting to be sent back to Earth for analysis.

In fact, because 'Robin Hood' is a semi-public experiment, the data of the seven experimental devices will basically be obtained, but the information that can be learned without knowing the purpose of each other's experiments is relatively limited.

The lunar rover set off five minutes after the explosion. Under the sensitive control of the '14', it rushed forward at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour, kicking up billowing dust wherever it passed.

‘Fourteen’ is not only a powerful artificial intelligence, but also familiar with almost all geographical environments hundreds of kilometers around it. The speed of 45 kilometers per hour is only the limit of T7, not its limit.

But it also took almost six hours to reach the mine, which basically took a day. Both astronauts were well prepared for emergencies.

It was already two o'clock in the morning when Li Wei arrived at the explosion area, and it was still a moonlit night on the far side of the moon. Only the top of the rover projected an ultra-bright light, illuminating a sector-shaped area about 200 meters long.

The advantages of nuclear power are clearly demonstrated here. Generally, a lunar rover cannot travel more than two hundred kilometers in one breath and still have such an abundant power supply.

T7 stopped behind a small hill 5 kilometers away from the center of the explosion, where the first collector that needed to be recovered was located.

Li Wei pushed open the hatch and reached down gently. From the depth of the footprints, it was confirmed that the surface layer of floating soil had increased.

The moon has no atmosphere, so it is outside the core area of ​​the explosion. The outer terrain will not be greatly changed by the shock wave, but a lot of lunar dust will be shaken over.

After waiting for him to stand carefully, Li Wei asked Fu Xiangjie to come down over the radio.

There were too many newly deposited surface electrostatic particles, and a lot of the originally uncharged lunar dust had also deteriorated due to radiation. This caused the lunar dust attached to the spacesuits and lunar rover to be far greater than expected.

The ground considered this situation and asked them not to take off their spacesuits after returning to the lunar rover. After completing the mission, the T7 was converted into an unmanned mission vehicle and the spacesuits were discarded and no longer used, so they wore all It's still the old-fashioned 'opening up I'.

The two used the strong light of the lunar rover to dig on the small slope with shovels. It took half a day to find the cable of the first collector. They followed it to the host computer and followed the instructions to pull out the hard drive full of English symbols. .

"Data Collection: 1/12"

After marking on the electronic map, the two reentered the lunar rover and headed to the next location.

No robots participated in the mission this time. The Explorer series' protection was limited to the conventional environment on the lunar surface. The residual radiation value after the nuclear explosion was quite high enough to interfere with them.

In fact, astronauts are also working at risk. The space suits are not enhanced PRO chemical protective suits. The characteristics of cosmic radiation and nuclear radiation are also different, so they cannot pass through the core area.

The effectiveness of hydrogen bombs in mining can only be determined through space observation. It will take 72 hours before robots or astronauts can re-enter the blast core and carry out excavation and sampling on the spot.

However, Li Wei's communication from the Wutu Space Station speculated that the explosion effect was quite good, and United Mining's bold move was completely feasible.

He seemed to have seen super mines thousands of meters deep, and saw mining robots that were as hard-working as ants. They were then broken and loaded into trucks, transported to the Yushu base for smelting and formed, and then accelerated and thrown to the earth by a long electromagnetic track.

The Union Mining logo flew around the world with the ore, and he was among the first to witness the beginning of the golden age of space.

May 11, Manhattan.

In the United Nations building, the latest round of supplementary amendments to the Outer Space Treaty is being held.

Unlike the last meeting, which was attended by all 15 members, this time it was a closed-door meeting, making it even more mysterious.

It was still Ami who gave the main presentation, but the representative to the United Nations, Germanie, was replaced by Sullivan, so the other parties had to brace themselves and listen carefully to what medicine Ami was selling.

The public data of the test explosion has been sent back, and the 12 secret hard drives are still on the way. However, it can be seen from the lively discussions within the explosion team in the past two days that the results of the test should be good.

It is precisely under such circumstances that it is unusual for Aramco and the United States to still insist on revising the Outer Space Treaty.

People with sharp noses have already smelled the unusual smell and are waiting to see the truth that is about to surface, while the only two insiders are still engaged in a silent confrontation.

What Sullivan said this time was not much different from Germani's last speech, but it was a little more targeted. From time to time, he mentioned "certain unstable factors", "stimulating the escalation of the situation" and "the final result of armed space must be Totally terrible" and so on.

The representatives from the three parties vaguely noticed something, and felt that something terrible had happened. Their eyes kept wandering between Sullivan and Xu Rang, who seemed to have no communication.

While the country was looking for "senior spies" because of the early leakage of Project 210, they also selectively told Xu Rang a little bit of the truth about Ami's strange movements.

Xu Rang was shocked at the level of this leak, but at the same time he was excited about the technology he had mastered.

If it is really that kind of thing, Ami's awkward attitude of jumping around but not daring to point it out is completely understandable. Pretending not to know is a hidden danger brewing, but pointing it out will seriously affect the situation.

Xu Rang easily understood what attitude he should take, so he sat there comfortably, looking like he was very interested in world peace.

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