I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 680 The old ginger is still young

Barry's "misjudgment" of Livingston Observatory is of course wrong. In fact, it was not only Livingston that detected the existence of GW180509, but also Hanford Observatory and VIRGIN Observatory in Italy.

Although the power of GW180509 is very low, it is too close. Gravitational waves spread without dead ends, and the frequency is just within the upper limit of the entire LIGO system.

However, almost five minutes after the launch of GW180509, Shanhai completely invaded these advanced observatories, and the staff there found ways to erase traces of the existence of GW180509 before discovering the anomaly.

Only the Livingston Observatory's computer system was partially upgraded to physically isolate the possibility of intrusion, leading to errors.

Although "Shan Hai" still tried to delay the time as much as possible, it was still unable to avoid mistakes. Now it can only decide the next step through strict monitoring.

"It's not a good thing to go out in public."

Just as Barry started to troubleshoot the fault, Lin Ju was discussing with Ye Changsi how to deal with the gravitational wave incident.

This was already the third night when the incident happened. In fact, he flew back the next morning on the grounds that Yu Man was pregnant, and then started to deal with the big troubles one after another with a huge headache.

After discovering that Livingston began investigating GW180509, the first decision to make was to control the scope of insiders.

According to theory, the best strategy is of course to present it to the Permanent Council, and then let the world's elite think tanks plan and formulate huge response plans to pool the power of all mankind to resist risks.

But this is just my ideal security situation. According to the deduction of "Shan Hai", there is a 65% probability of triggering World War III without exposing the base.

The basis of the deduction comes from Shanhai's all-pervasive intelligence collection capabilities around the world. It believes that the probability of unity for all mankind is only 5%.

After all, if we are to resist the invasion of alien civilization, we must mobilize the potential of the whole world, which means a new carving up of the world, but the reason is just and fair.

The entanglement of interests involved is frightening just by describing it in words, and "Mountains and Seas" also brings up a factor that has been ignored before: religion.

In addition to domestically, the influence of religion cannot be underestimated, and the variables caused by confirming the existence of extraterrestrial civilization are unimaginable.

At least according to the latest information summarized by Shanhai, the M incident has even caused serious instability in the beliefs of those who are familiar with it, and it is worthy of vigilance.

The Third World War triggered by this will be completely different from previous imaginations, and the possibility of complete unanimity with the outside world in the end only exists.

Of course, there is another important factor: the base's think tank, the Cosmic Sociology Research group, conducted extensive analysis using the 'Mountains and Seas', and finally concluded that the 'malicious value' of GW180509 was less than 30%. .

GW180509 confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, indicating that not only are there aliens, but they also formed intelligent civilizations, and their science and technology were much more advanced than humans a long time ago.

The last point is easy to judge. A civilization that can build a gravitational wave transmitting device on Mars (estimated to be small) has definitely reached an extremely high level in physics and mathematics.

The CSR group that felt like it was freeloading for half a year finally came to life. Starting from GW180509, the discipline of cosmic sociology can finally announce its existence, and then it starts to play its role immediately.

After three consecutive days of hard work, they came up with several basic conjectures:

First, when alien civilizations place gravitational wave transmitters, there is life in the solar system;

The main basis lies in the pertinence of the signal. The targeting of hydrogen bombs is particularly strong, because although a hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of 1.5 million tons is terrifying, there are many physical phenomena that release energy higher than this in the solar system. There must be some strict screening conditions for nuclear bombs (and Only nuclear bombs exploding in space) can be triggered.

This can further be explained by the fact that the triggering condition is a man-made big explosion. The premise is that there must be "people" in the solar system, maybe on the earth, or on Mars, Venus or other planets.

Second, it is inferred from the first point that alien civilizations are not very hostile, at least they do not have a strong awareness of the risk of erasure;

If 'they' believe that the civilization of the solar system can meet the signal triggering conditions, then if they really want to eliminate potential threats, they should eliminate them when life is still in its primitive stage, rather than waiting for the threat to grow.

It is so easy to wipe out a group of primitive people. There were so few humans in ancient times that it would not take much time to kill them one by one, let alone a civilization that can master gravitational wave communication.

Even in the 20th century and before, it is possible that the launchers were put down at that time. After all, humans were previously unable to detect what happened on Mars, but they were also defenseless against alien civilizations.

Although it cannot be said that the alien civilization is friendly, at least when it releases the 'transmitter', 'it' should not be hostile.

Third, there is a serious connection between Titan and the anomalous existence of Mars.

Again, the possibility of two waves of alien civilizations visiting the solar system is so small that it can be denied. If there were so many alien civilizations, nothing could be found until now.

Fourth, the receiving end is around, not too far away, no more than 100 light years away.

Even though the solar system is located in the "urban-rural fringe" of the Milky Way, there are 50 stars within 17 light-years of the surrounding area, and 10 stars within 10 light-years of the Earth. There are too many places to stay.

The diffusion speed of gravitational waves is still the speed of light. If the receiving end is too far away, it is basically meaningless. 100 Earth years can almost bring about radical changes to civilization in the scientific era. If alien civilization takes action, it should not be The receiving end is placed too far.

The main function of these four conjectures is to tell others that basically there is no need to worry about the sudden appearance of alien civilizations in 10 years, and humans still have enough time to make decisions.

Technically, the exploration of Mars and Titan has its own rules, whether it is earlier or later, the base can completely turn them upside down in the next few years.

The trouble is how to deal with the situation on Earth.

If astronauts are sent to dig deep on Mars, there is a high probability that the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations will be made public.

Even if everyone considers jointly blocking information, at least Aramco and ESA will get the information unless their detectors there are destroyed.

This may be what will happen in two or three years. In addition, it will inform the country that if it must be exposed, at least some preparations need to be made in advance.

But the question is how to explain the existence of the base...

Intuition tells Lin Ju that the so-called 'system' is not as simple as Shuangwen's supporting role. Every step it takes is to induce. Lin Ju and the base are just tools to achieve its goals. Directly disclosing it is not a good option.

After Lin Ju said, "It's not a good thing to go out in public," Ye Changsi basically understood what he meant.

At this point, it is neither necessary nor possible to continue to conceal alien civilization.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the subsequent role of the base.

"We needed a new look, one that was positive and innocuous, with as little presence as possible."

Serev was the first to say something, but it did not provoke a response from the others. Instead, they were all deep in thought.

"There is still a possibility."

Xiao Gangtian opened his eyes wide and proposed a bold idea:

"The base's contract binding force... seems to be very strong. As long as we let someone with enough influence sign it, it will spread at an exponential speed, and eventually..."

He didn't say the rest, but obviously everyone understood what he meant.

Employment contracts are definitely the simplest and crudest solution. Under this extreme method, there may even be a virus-like control of the world. This possibility has always existed.

Then everyone, including Lin Ju, shook their heads silently. Although the thoughts of the people who are now restrained are completely free, but if they really do that... to put it more harshly, they will make all human beings slaves of the system. .

This was a subconscious consensus that had long existed, and there was no follow-up to Xiao Gangtian's words.

After a while, Ye Changsi, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly opened them and said:

“Our existence is unnatural, and this cannot be changed, so we need an unnatural but reasonable reason, which can only be limited to the existing unnatural factors.

In fact, we are also an alien civilization, and we know what alien civilization is like.

If the anomalies in the base are also attributed to aliens, or aliens from Mars or Titan, then it would be very convincing, and we can get considerable evidence. "

The base has indeed seen countless 'alien civilizations', and quite a few of the technologies they have acquired come from other possible 'world lines', which also supports the feasibility of the parallel universe theory to a certain extent.

In countless fragments describing other world lines, the base has seen various strange human civilizations. In fact, they can be called alien civilizations. If they combine some characteristics and stitch them together, it will definitely be impossible to fault. , and an alien civilization that can fully withstand doubts.

Realistic ‘evidence’ is also easy to come up with, such as the C172 Type-A metal hydrogen battery, or the 14nm process ternary silicon carbide chip, etc.

Objects and stories complement each other, and it is natural to create an almost perfect background. Although it is bizarre, aren't all alien civilizations already on Mars?

Ye Changsi dictated a very rough idea, but it made everyone feel its great feasibility.

After all, alien civilizations do exist in this world and are located on the edge of the solar system. In any case, it is easier to accept than the base's weird origins.

Lin Ju's mind was running rapidly, and then he looked at the CSR team who were also thinking seriously.

Yang Zhongkai didn't sleep for 30 hours the day before yesterday. He got up again after less than 5 hours of rest. He looked a little scary.

“If necessary, President Ye’s plan has a certain basis.

However, we still need some time to perfect it. For the time being, I can't think of a better way, unless I keep it secret. "

"That's it."

Lin Ju made the final decision and his eyes drifted to the deep night sky outside the window.

"The Typhoon still has some time to launch, so it shouldn't be too late."

Hefei, EAST Experimental Center.

It is now May 16th. On the evening of May 11th, Jiuzhang landed on the moon again and returned 24 hours later.

In addition to entering the explosive core area to collect a large number of field samples, they also brought 12 encrypted hard drives collected by Li Wei. Once they returned to the space station, they were stuffed into Dawn 2 with the samples and rushed to the Tiangong Space Station. Then they happened to be unable to perform the task. brought down by the Unity space shuttle.

The samples and hard drives were divided up at the Qiongzhou airport, and then immediately sent on different planes to different laboratories. United Mining could just wait for the results.

The Hefei Experimental Center was naturally the first to complete the analysis. There was nothing to say about the blasting effect. From the data sent back, it was generally confirmed that the blasting was feasible, but the residues needed to be carefully analyzed.

The focus is on the four encrypted hard drives that belong to the family. Everyone is praying before opening the data inside.

The four test plans are placed at different angles, and the window for recording the effects is very short. It is not possible to know the results at a glance.

They are all being put into supercomputer databases and tested with specific models before comprehensible data can be displayed.

This time is very long, and the designers of the four plans are nervously waiting for the results.

"Mr. Yu, how sure are you?"

Ai Quan couldn't help but look at Mr. Yu in the wheelchair. The latter's waist was now straighter, as if he was a few years younger. His clear eyes looked through the resin frame at the dozen or so pieces of writing piled up in the corner. blackboard.

Hearing Ai Quan's question, Yu Min smiled and tilted his head back slightly.

"Thirty percent, but this kind of thing...just like back then, no one can say for sure."

The most conservative plan No. 4 is only 30% sure?

Ai Quan is even more pessimistic about his own plan No. 2, not to mention Plans No. 1 and No. 3 made by those who are engaged in nuclear fusion.

He is not afraid of failure, but he is afraid that Ami has also conducted similar experiments and succeeded. Although it is not impossible for him to continue to organize more experiments, it is too difficult to obtain raw materials, and every failure is a huge waste.

Fu Mingdong, who was not far away from him, obviously had similar thoughts. He picked up the cup and took a sip every ten seconds, but Ai Quan suspected that his lips were separated from the tea at the first touch, and he was just covering up his nervousness.

It may have been a long time, or it may not have been long before the person from the supercomputing center opened the door, holding in his hand an A4 paper that was still warm from the printer.

He almost immediately became the focus of more than a dozen people, receiving the collective attention of the Republic's top scientists.

Without deliberately showing off, the operator of the supercomputing center read out the results tremblingly:

“The response rates for Plans 1 to 4 are calculated as follows, with an error of no more than 5%:

Plan No. 1, 1.12%

Option 2, 1.44%

Option 3, 0.02%! "

Fu Mingdong and Ai Quan both clasped their hands and listened, feeling shocked and excited when they heard the numbers.

Plan No. 1 is designed to be 2.2%, Plan No. 2 is 1.65%, but as long as it is higher than 1%, it actually means that the plan is feasible, but the details need to be optimized, and it can almost be considered a success.

As for Plan No. 3, there is obviously a big problem, but it doesn't matter. The result is good enough. Having two feasible solutions is already extremely good.

The operator read three in one breath, then looked at the old man with stern eyes with reverence, and announced the last result with respect:

"Plan No. 4, 3.58%!"

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