I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 702 Sitting on the hydrogen bomb and setting off

The significance of this analysis is mainly to evaluate how much resources Aramco can devote to space. However, some economists believe that if such endless inflation continues, it will either lead to a large-scale financial crisis or federal fiscal bankruptcy.

Such a conclusion makes everyone familiar with the situation feel frightened and cannot imagine the impact it will have on the world economy.

"Don't worry about them. I really don't believe that there are those evil wolves on Hual Street in China who understand this MMT thing."

Lin Ju was not greatly affected. In the original world line in 2024, the scale of Ami's release of water had reached an extreme level, which was even more serious than what the think tank said.

In addition to attracting hot money during the AI ​​craze at that time, Aramco’s bankers also played an important role. Facts have proved that no one knows how to suck money better than Aramco.

Of course, in addition to these reasons, there are other reasons why he firmly believes that Ami will never fall:

"Even if it comes to a serious matter, Ami and we will never be the ones getting hurt."

Zhong Cheng pondered the meaning of this sentence, and when he understood it, he immediately felt terrifying malice.

Crises will not disappear out of thin air, they will only metastasize.

As long as it raises the banner of defending human civilization and as long as it stands aside and stands aside, Aramco will have the ability to control the situation beyond economic means.

Even more extreme, as long as the two super groups reach an agreement, they can suppress even the Third World War.

Alien civilization is a crisis, but it is also an unprecedented opportunity. It is obvious that Lin Ju is thinking more and further in this direction.

His face immediately darkened:

"This matter must not be told to the outside world. If it is leaked, it will cause big trouble."

It has been almost a month since we learned about extraterrestrial civilization from above. People in various top departments have almost disappeared from sight, and they are obviously actively making various preparations.

These ideas were just rough assumptions between the two of them, but in the unknown underground bunker, they had definitely become some kind of plan and had even been discussed publicly.

In the past ten days, he and Lin Ju basically resumed their previous work, just trying to stay away from the maelstrom that was forming.

Especially Lin Ju and Xinyuan, every move may bring unexpected consequences.

At some point, humans are more difficult to predict than alien civilizations.

Lin Ju nodded obediently. There was no need for the base to participate in these matters. In fact, in previous exchanges with Ye Changsi and others, everyone agreed that the base would maintain considerable independence in the future and remain a close entity organization.

"I understand, but Bureau Zhong, those technologies have already begun to be sorted out and tackled. Xinyuan is really..."

Xinyuan owns a lot and can foresee that it will also acquire a lot of advanced alien technologies in the future. As for the ownership of these technologies, it is clearly stated above that they still belong to Xinyuan.

The way to transform these technologies into physical objects is through cooperative research and joint funding. Xinyuan has strong autonomy.

Of course, this is also related to Xinyuan's extremely special status. No one treats it as a private giant, and there is both dependence and implicit fear.

Lin Ju revealed that the next mission of "Karst" is to land on Titan, and the Aviation Development Commission will help Xinyuan complete it. This can actually be said to be the country's mission to complete the mission.

The huge amount of funds needed for this was of course provided by the government, but Zhong Cheng didn't expect Lin Ju to ask for money so quickly.

Although these funds were only nominally allocated by the Aviation Development Commission, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but ask:

"How much?"

"Why do you want 100 billion?"

"One hundred billion!"

"Fifty billion is fine. The main reason is that Academician Zhang chose the 'Red Ren' material and controllable nuclear fusion, which requires the construction of several high-energy physics laboratories and a weak force test center. These things are the first of its kind in the world. Fifty billion can only be counted as less. ”

Lin Ju looked helpless. Of course, he was also looking for research funds for the system. However, it is not false that high-energy laboratories cost money. For example, the environment required to study weak force and quantum synchronous communication technology requires silencing particles to the greatest extent. , that is, providing a high vacuum and an extreme environment infinitely close to absolute zero.

The cost of maintaining these environments to conduct experiments is astronomical. At least when Zhang Shoucheng and Ye Changsi calculated it, they thought that it would not be a big problem for these two projects to consume even a small target in the next day.

Another important reason why Ringstar Laboratory proposes to build a laboratory on the moon is to try to dig out and purify a large amount of helium-3 from the moon to use in the laboratory to create an extremely low-temperature environment. The production on earth may not even be able to meet the experimental needs.

According to the law of scientific and technological development, the more advanced the technology, the higher the requirements for the manufacturing environment. The process of forcibly digesting these cutting-edge technologies under the current technology is not beautiful, and will be a heavy burden for a long time.

This is entirely the result of the mismatch between technological level and social productivity, but now there is no choice.

"The investment in basic science is really exaggerated..."

Zhong Cheng was full of criticism, but he knew that no matter what Xinyuan said, the higher-ups would always find a way to satisfy him, otherwise money would not have any meaning in the future.

He suddenly turned his head:

"How long can such peaceful days last?"

Continuing huge investment in space always comes at a cost, and sooner or later it will affect people's normal lives.

Lin Ju shrugged:

“Who knows, it could be decades, half a century like the Cold War, or it could be a mess next month.

Isn't John planning to visit us? I estimate that he will come very early, and everyone is making preparations. "

"Careful, I say, are you really going to put this damn thing under Roy's ass?"

Victor Glover directed the staff who carefully maneuvered the trailer to maintain an appropriate distance from the streamlined object being lifted.

The young man named "Roy" stood next to him and looked motionlessly at the hydrogen bomb being brought in, swallowing subconsciously.

Victor patted his shoulder and showed his dazzling teeth:

"Come on boy, you're about to surpass me."

"But I don't want to at all..."

"Shut up, don't be such a coward."

The former aerospace hero Victor has been promoted to the director of the Astronaut Training Center, and "Roy" next to him is the payload expert of Artemis 6.

A total of 8 hydrogen bombs will be detonated in mid-July, and Huamei will provide them according to the ratio of 2, 2, 2, 1, 1. The assisting Artemis 6 will have to pay 10 million for Ami and the 3 bombs it brought. Tons of hydrogen bombs were sent there.

The storage location of the hydrogen bombs is just behind the command module. Whether during flight or landing, the three super hydrogen bombs will be closely accompanied by the four astronauts. It is not an exaggeration to say that they sleep with the hydrogen bombs in their arms.

Although these highly educated elites all know how difficult it is to detonate a hydrogen bomb, they can't help but feel a little uneasy at the thought of spending a few days with these terrifying things.

Especially the young genius engineer Roy, who is responsible for taking care of these three big babies. Now it seems that this is a very challenging job.

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