"Want to repeat the mistakes of the alliance's economic imbalance?"

Lin Ju turned over the summary of the first meeting minutes sent back by Yang Zhongkai in his hands. He did not expect that those researchers would give such a warning first.

"Vigilance... is very necessary."

Unlike Lin Ju's curiosity, Ye Changsi took this report very seriously:

“We do have quite a lot of advanced technologies, but it will take at least ten years before they can impact ordinary people’s lives.

On the one hand, the application of these advanced technologies consumes huge amounts of resources; on the other hand, they cannot improve our foundation. It is like a top-heavy giant that cannot go far.

Especially when we have to prepare for war in the future... It will be a huge investment of resources. The resources that were originally involved in social circulation have been turned into cold spacecraft and warships. In the long run, this will be abnormal development. "

"But we have no choice. Besides, social productivity can also be improved."

Lin Ju glanced at the base factory building not far away, obviously referring to the OGAS system.

The so-called imbalance means that the resources that originally supported ordinary people's lives have been misappropriated, resulting in shortages, but this can be completely alleviated as long as productivity is high enough.

Don't forget that the base's OGAS is a plagiarism alliance's idea and only manages one company. The real OGAS is to realize nationwide automated command and control.

Don't be so exaggerated. Bringing only a limited heavy industry-aerospace industry chain into OGAS control can also greatly release human resources and greatly improve efficiency.

OGAS, AI, robots, and CNC machining will exert unimaginable power when combined.

However, Ye Changsi still shook his head:

"This is not the moon. Once OGAS is truly applied, it will require the cooperation of a complete industrial chain. The impact will be too great... Let's get the LARS set up at the Yushu base first."

LARS is the abbreviation of Lunar automatic command release system, which means lunar automatic command release system. It is generally used as the abbreviation of LARS.

This system was proposed to meet the future construction needs of the moon. After the moon is mined in the future, a powerful and highly automated chemical-steel production complex will be needed to refine metals.

A series of parts and assembly machine factories should also be built around this consortium to manufacture machinery, vehicles, living supplies, etc. needed for the moon.

With the foundation of steel, chemical industry, and mechanical processing, it represents a small but complete industrial base that can support the construction of large-scale lunar settlements and even urban agglomerations, and creates a lot of demand.

This is the correct path to comprehensively develop lunar resources. First, focus on building a base that can use local materials, and then step by step self-propagation and expansion.

However, the first process is also extremely difficult, or the expenditure is controlled but the progress is slow.

LARS emerged from this. Its goal is to use lunar resources as much as possible to complete colony construction through a large number of flexible robots and AI interfaces, computer-controlled machines and production machines after completing the mining and smelting steps.

To put it nicely, it means throwing robots up there to work hard while producing new robots, and humans can just sit back and reap the benefits. It’s wonderful and easy.

The basis of this system comes from the base's OGAS. It is smaller in scale but covers a wider area, and the complexity needs to increase by an order of magnitude.

The idea of ​​LARS has taken shape since the beginning of the year, but it has always received strong support from Lin Ju, because he believes that if LARS is successfully implemented, it will not only be meaningful in outer space, but also more meaningful on earth.

After all, this thing always reminds people of robots in science fiction novels supporting humans, and productivity has increased exponentially, but it seems that it is still far away.

Even LARS is very difficult in Ye Changsi's opinion. The person in charge of this project is still Serev. He not only wants to achieve the above, but even pursues fully unmanned automation. He is simply a lunatic.

It is an automated process of a complete industrial chain, and the requirements for technical coordination are really too high.

Solving the problem of limited production means was too complicated. Lin Ju and Ye Changsi felt a headache after going a little deeper and decisively chose to give up.

Lin Ju returned to the base firstly to continue to pay attention to the development progress of the moon, and secondly to avoid the visiting Aramco mission and avoid any contact with them.

The results of the negotiations with David and Robert will be sent to the Space Strategy Research Association at the same time. Since they have not mentioned it, the communication is obviously still in progress.

Moon, Yushu base.

While the earth is quietly undergoing earth-shaking changes, the astronauts of Tianmu-4 are still faithfully performing their missions.

June was extremely busy for them. As the time between the two blastings, various plans and tasks were piled up.

In addition to sending back samples and data from the last nuclear explosion, there is also the need to receive supplies and install three living compartments.

Previously, only four astronauts lived in the two cabins, but after May, the Aerospace Development Committee continued its efforts and sent half of the remaining six cabins.

A service module, a planting module, a transition/equipment module, and three 20-ton modules were sent to the vicinity of the Wutu Space Station by three Xinyuan-2 missiles, and were taken down by the Jiuzhang after completing the fuel replenishment. By the way, there are also up to 40 tons of supplies-including 5 hydrogen bombs.

At the end of June, the four resident astronauts and four payload experts worked hard to install the new module in place, and then had to immediately start sorting out the newly arrived supplies.

Just after properly sorting out the four hydrogen bombs and other urgently needed equipment, the four foreign expedition team members were a little overwhelmed by such high-intensity work. Under Deng Lei's suggestion, they successfully accepted the mission to explore the mine and sat on the The two T7 lunar rovers headed hundreds of kilometers away.

Witnessing the departure of the four foreigners, Deng Lei's eyes flickered. When he turned around, he saw Fu Xiangjie sitting down against the bulkhead, with tiredness in his eyes.

The mission schedule on the ground is too tight. Even if each astronaut actually works less than 8 hours a day, the intensity is still much higher than that on Earth, and it is a severe test for the body and mind.

Deng Lei just said a few words of comfort. These days will soon end. With the completion of the 5 cabins of the Yushu base, the resident astronauts will soon increase to 8 people, which is much better than now. .

Of course, the main reason for being so tired is that there are no robots involved. The accident investigation of "14" has been completed, eliminating the risk of other robots having the same malfunction. However, due to the presence of foreign experts, they had to choose to keep it secret.

Deng Lei used work methods to quietly and temporarily drive away these foreigners, but it was not for the purpose of secretly using the robots.

After confirming that the two lunar rovers were gone, he and Li Lei approached the locker and opened a small box that had been delivered with the latest batch of supplies.

The box had a lock, and it was marked as 'Deng Lei's personal belongings'. However, the two of them pressed their thumbs on the fingerprint lock at the same time, and then heard a soft "click".

The moment the box was opened, a white mist surged out. After it dissipated, 10 nearly transparent injections with a hint of blue were revealed. There were only simple numerical markings on the sides of the disposable syringes:


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