"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome~"

At the Capital Airport, there was once again a scene of blushed elementary school students lining the aisles to welcome him. While waving flowers in their hands, they stared at John as he strode down the gangway.

Lin Ju's eyes keenly caught the flash of red between the suits, and sighed that it was indeed a familiar classic dress.

John, who was led to the motorcade by the reception official, walked vigorously, and his height of nearly 1.9 meters made him very powerful. According to the outside world, the main reason was attributed to the successful launch of the starship.

Just two days before his departure, the SS-5 starship assembly was successfully launched and successfully reached a circular orbit at an altitude of 150 kilometers.

The booster was damaged after splashing down at sea, but the main starship spacecraft is still controllable and is expected to return to the atmosphere in 15 days.

Anyway - Aramco has officially put its advanced launch system into service!

Although there are still many problems waiting to be solved, Starship is already usable, and its ultra-low price can bring a lot of help to NACA. It is cheaper and faster than SL-X.

The outside world believed that this success provided a great boost to Robert and his delegation's negotiations in China, so John flew to the capital on July 2 for a three-day visit.

Lin Ju, wearing a hat, mingled on the edge of the crowd and was inconspicuous. He just wanted to see what John looked like up close.

After leaving the airport, he returned to the United Mining Headquarters and met someone who surprised him.

"General Lu, what are you..."

"Oh, I'm here to find out the logs of the astronauts of the Sky Curtain Project, and I'm looking for you."

The clothes Lu Jianfei wore this time were also very strange. They were dark blue and black clothes that were very similar to astronaut uniforms. However, the styles of the shoulder straps and chest badges were very different. The armbands were printed with a dense row of small characters on the top and three large characters below:


"Space Force (SAF)"

Space Force? !

Noticing Lin Ju's suddenly widened eyes, Lu Jianfei smiled and explained:

"Hurry up? It's actually not unusual. Ami and Lucia already have one. Let's get one too. This uniform and armbands are temporary. It's an astronaut uniform. The color is darker and a little darker. It's still not suitable for formal wear. "

Lin Ju looked at Lu Jianfei's uniform carefully and found that it was indeed a familiar uniform, but the armband was very interesting. It looked like a columnar spacecraft with solar panels unfolded, a bit like... Qianjun Bang No. 1?

"When...when did this happen?"

"Three days ago, the Space Force was established as an independent service independent of the sea, land and air. The troops were drawn from the original missile force, information force, and several aerospace research institutes.

Even though I was brought over to be the leader, I was actually a platoon leader. In theory, the only troops that could command the battle were the 26 men in the sky and a small boat weighing less than 2,000 tons. "

Lin Ju understood instantly. When discussing the Space Force, he had heard that low-Earth orbit was allocated to the Air Force. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. Only the Advance, which has the ability to travel long distances, is under the control of the Space Force.

So apart from other personnel, the Space Force currently has one "battleship" and a combat strength of only 26 people. Moreover, the Advance currently has no armaments... Fortunately, compared to other "Space Forces", this Space Force at least has real space power.

Just look at Lu Jianfei's expression. Although he said he was disgusted, in fact his smile never stopped.

This is the Space Force. Even if it is just a temporary team that has been put together now, everyone knows that it will be the absolute focus of future construction, and countless resources will be injected into this new group.

I just didn't expect it to be established so quickly, beyond imagination.

"It's a good thing, General Lu. I didn't expect you to do it yourself. Just say hello and we will send it over."

"That won't work. Now is the time to lay the foundation. I'm just a layman. I can do rockets. I need to learn all these things again."

The two simply put aside their original purpose and started chatting passionately.

It turns out that the reason why the Space Force was able to be established so quickly was that, in addition to the quick decision-making by high-level officials, the biggest reason was the huge reduction in jurisdiction.

The combat range of the Space Force is clearly defined as beyond 1,000 kilometers of Earth orbit, and everything within this area is under the command of the Air Force, including aerospace aircraft.

Several aerospace planes can be built a year, but spacecraft that can leave the earth and sail are too expensive and complicated. For a few years, the Space Force can only hold the "Forward", and it must cooperate with the Aerospace Development Committee at any time. The main business is scientific examination and the side business is military training.

Don't forget that the Advance Xinyuan is still half-owned. Even this "battleship" is not entirely owned by the Space Force.

From this perspective, Lu Jianfei is indeed a "simple" commander, and even going to space has to go through the Air Force or the Aerospace Development Committee...

Although the future development prospects are good, they are still far away from the present.

But the higher-ups were already anxious to put up the space force first, so they didn't care enough to let Lu Jianfei catch up and start building the most important armed force in the future from scratch.

Of course, there is another reason. Lu Jianfei also told Lin Ju:

"We and Aramco may sign a memorandum to reach a mutual defense alliance in the solar system. The main constraint is our respective space forces, so we need to establish a space force."

"Defense Alliance...Confederates? This is unlucky."


"It's not the name, it just means the same thing. In short, it's a few very simple articles. The purpose is to ensure that the developing space forces do not target each other, draw safety boundaries, and clarify the red lines of their respective actions. This is the basic condition for breaking the Outer Space Treaty. .

I estimate that America and the United States will soon make the Space Force independent, otherwise they will not be happy with the additional constraints on the Space Force. "

"Is this what the NACA director came to discuss?"

"This is just one area where both sides have the same attitude. There are too many other differences. What do you think Aramco wants? Open patent exchange in the aerospace field. Any patents listed under the aerospace systems of both parties can be used free of charge by the other party, except for commercial Purpose.

In addition, it includes mutual visa exemption for talents, unconditional permanent residency, etc. It is a good calculation. "


Lin Ju was at a loss for words for a moment. Talent exchanges for patents were visa-free. This level of cooperation was truly unexpected. Ten years ago, he would have thought that Ami was crazy.

But of course it is impossible to agree to these seemingly reciprocal conditions now. It is too clear who will lose and who will gain, and there are too many loopholes that can be exploited.

But if Ami's suggestions were too outrageous, then why did John come here in such a hurry?

"Of course Aramco is most interested in our laser technology. They hope to obtain laser technology in the name of enhancing the earth's defense power and helping space development, and they have paid a high price. They are really planning to cut off our skin.

Of course we didn't agree, but we didn't want to irritate them too much, so we proposed another exchange plan. "

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