"Xiao Lin, I have brought you a big deal!"

As Lu Jianfei spoke, his eyes kept staring at the "Enterprise" that was making the transition.

The Enterprise, which was not covered up at all, has naturally been exposed to public opinion, and satellites have long taken spy photos. However, the outside world found that its external dimensions are almost the same as those of Jiuzhang and Zhurong, which implemented the Tianwen-5 plan. It is taken for granted that it is The third sister model.

Such high efficiency has made other space agencies numb, and they only treat it as a landing spacecraft that will carry out the lunar mission with Jiuzhang.

Only those in the know know what kind of monster the Enterprise is, and they all look forward to the day when it breaks through the atmosphere.

Lu Jianfei even knew that the Army had procurement intentions, and believed that the Enterprise could be used to organize a global landing force and directly parachute into the enemy's rear areas.

You must know that the payload of the Enterprise when taking off and landing in the earth environment is also 25 tons, which is equivalent to a Y-8 tactical transport aircraft. There is no problem in transporting a company, and it is not impossible for four or five Enterprises to airdrop a mobile battalion. In addition, The "Warrior" series of robots are absolutely destructive.

What should this force be called, Space Marines?

However, this idea is destined to only exist on paper for the Army, because the purchase price of the Enterprise is too expensive, and the Space Force spent a full 16 billion yuan on it!

The purchase price of the Great Wall One is only 13 billion. This does not include the subsequent modification costs. Three Enterprises can replace one aircraft carrier. If the missiles are not included, one Enterprise can build two 055 destroyers.

Enterprise = 17 J20s = 2 055s = 1/3 aircraft carrier.

Although the Space Force has just been established and has not even set up a grassroots team, the speed of spending money has already made other military services frightened.

When Lu Jianfei was distracted, Lin Ju had already taken the purchase order form in his hand, and it turned out to be from the Air Force.

It is a procurement plan for a total of 12 NPAE-powered nuclear-powered aerospace aircraft. The procurement will be divided into two batches, with the first batch of 6 aircraft.

Unlike the Tengyun series, which are named after clouds, the nuclear-powered version powered by NPAE is named after rain. The first six aircraft have already been named: Thunderstorm, Wind Rain, Heavy Rain, Fog Rain, Frost Rain, and Shower.

Lin Ju glanced over and didn't see the budget listed, so he couldn't help but ask:

"With so many, the army can't survive?"

The nuclear-powered version of the aerospace plane requires a full 10 NPAEs. However, the NPAE used by the aerospace plane is simpler than that used by the Enterprise, and the quality restrictions are not so strict. Xinyuan's quotation is between 13 billion and 15 billion yuan. between.

Six nuclear-powered aerospace planes represent a purchase worth hundreds of billions, and they can be delivered within one year, which is equivalent to more than 100 billion more military expenditures made out of thin air.

Coupled with laser satellites, Enterprise, etc., the defense budget in 2018 will be seriously overrun, at least 30% more.

If the military is not prepared to bargain, it would be too shocking to place so many orders in one go.

However, Lu Jianfei did not show a shocked expression at all, but explained with a serious face:

"The military has entered full preparations for war. These aerospace aircraft are used by the entire military to cultivate space talents. If you want to understand what a space war is about, you must at least go to space first.

Moreover, although aerospace aircraft are expensive, they are very cheap to use. A nuclear-powered aerospace aircraft has to serve for more than 20 years, so it is very cost-effective in the long run.

There is also the demand for space construction. The space agency is also planning to replace rockets with more nuclear-powered aerospace aircraft. In the future, hundreds of them may be in service at the same time. Now the cost can be reduced, right? "

"of course."

The main structure of the nuclear-powered aerospace aircraft is not much different from the conventionally powered version. Most components are produced by manufacturers across the country. The base's ability to control pricing mainly comes from the power system.

One hundred nuclear-powered aerospace planes are equivalent to a thousand NPAEs. It is not impossible to lower the overall quotation to 6 to 7 billion while ensuring profits.

But even so, the cost of building space power is still ridiculously high. The cost of the Enterprise and the nuclear-powered space plane even exceeds that of the B2, which is called flying gold, and the number is also greater.

Although Lu Jianfei said that the military has entered a state close to wartime, the national economy has not. Coupled with aerospace investment, if exports cannot be expanded, the financial data will be ugly.

Lin Ju is worried about the threat of alien civilization, but he does not want the heavy military expenditure to lead to a decline in social living standards.

Even if it was a matter of time, he still wanted to try his best to save something.

The expression on his face was not hidden from Lu Jianfei, who put his hands on his shoulders and forced a smile:

"Do you regret speaking out? If you don't speak out, society may get better and better under the guidance of the advanced technologies you throw out, and everyone can live a good life for at least a few decades."

"If we forget to fight, we will be in danger. We cannot ignore the threat."

Lin Ju closed his eyes and suddenly felt that his coming to this world was not a good thing, but instead caused disaster.

He just closed his eyes and thought for a long time. Lu Jianfei did not disturb him.

"Intelligence is too slow."

He didn't know when he opened his eyes and stared at the patrol robot not far away and said something.

"I have neglected the promotion of civilian technology and limited the application scope of AI and robotics. This is wrong. The OGAS model should be promoted, and robots should replace manpower in large numbers."

Lu Jianfei did not question the angle of his words, but asked with interest:

"Isn't the unemployment problem what we should be most concerned about? Solving the unemployment rate is the government's top priority. For this reason, many places deliberately avoid machines. Otherwise, many people will be unemployed, which is even more detrimental to the economy."

Lin Ju also asked him: "At the beginning of the industrial revolution, workers also thought that machines were taking away their jobs, so they smashed the machines in the factory. But industrialization really improved living standards."

"You mean to use intelligence to expand productivity, and then use the extra productivity to support the unemployed and improve welfare?"

Lu Jianfei felt that he had guessed what Lin Ju was thinking, but he saw the latter shaking his head vigorously:

"This is just a beautiful delusion. How can industrial progress in turn cause massive unemployment? This process will expand like a snowball at the beginning, unless it is interrupted by force majeure.

Haven't the above been thinking about how to use the advanced technology acquired to feed the economy? AI is an entry point. I think the Science and Technology Commission is still worried about the stagnation in the promotion of ternary technology, right? "

Several subsidiaries of Xinyuan have been in a state of almost pure stocking in the past two years, but this does not mean that Lin Ju knows nothing. "Shanhai" can always summarize them in time, and it is easy to grasp their dynamics.

It turns out that the Science and Technology Commission is preparing to lead the ternary technology to kill 5% of the domestic market in 2018, reach 15% in 2020, and exceed 40% in 2025, achieving a situation where it can compete with traditional electronic technology and gradually catch up. .

However, the actual promotion has encountered a lot of troubles, and most of them are not just technical problems.

After all, there is a core problem: switching to the ternary system always requires a lot of energy. If the benefits obtained are not enough, the company will not buy it, and forced promotion has limited meaning.

Ordinary people can grit their teeth to support domestic production, but companies need to consider the impact of all aspects, and the impact of one move can affect the whole body.

Lin Ju thought for a long time. AI had become an unstoppable trend when he died and must be taken advantage of.

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