I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 718 This is the future I want to see

Is the president really weak?

Robert did not agree with this statement in his heart. In reality, John was a very pragmatic president and rarely regarded the status of manufacturing as very important.

NACA is a direct beneficiary of these changes. In fact, a large part of the reason why NACA has continued to "dove" in recent years is due to the regression of the manufacturing industry. Those high-tech and numerous companies have closed down in large numbers, and only a few military industries have remained. Although the giants have the technology, they do not have the energy to develop so many projects quickly at the same time.

Although all the small and medium-sized enterprises in the past were merged and acquired, this also greatly affected the vitality of the industry, and NACA's promotion plan was constrained by enterprises.

John's industrial bill has achieved initial results, and many companies have sprung up under the huge federal subsidies. This is good news for NACA.

The secret agreement reached with the Chinese was also based on a pragmatic perspective. In the final analysis, it was a huge gamble by the top federal officials:

I bet that the impact of a large number of Chinese companies entering Aramco will not directly kill the vitality of the entire Aramco manufacturing industry. Just like China's opening up to the outside world in the last century, the influx of foreign goods has great advantages, but relying on the country's strong industrial base is very difficult. Soon we will be able to slow down and gradually regain the swallowed up market.

To use a metaphor, John's inclusion of Chinese people is equivalent to taking advantage of the catfish effect, hoping to enhance the confidence of the domestic manufacturing industry through external stimulation, thereby accelerating the recovery of the manufacturing industry.

This set of plans also has enough convincing reasons. At least the Chinese in the last century have succeeded. There is no reason that Ami cannot do it.

Moreover, the situation in the last century was that foreign companies had stronger technology, but now the technical levels of both parties are almost the same, mainly in mid- to low-end production capacity.

According to the White House's plan, opening up the market will only bring an impact period of 2 to 5 years to the Chinese people. When this "labor pain" passes, Aramco's industrial strength will quickly return to the level before the 1990s.

The huge space program is the locomotive pulling the recovery. According to the predictions of think tank experts, in order to establish space power, the current world productivity needs to be increased by more than three times, and there is no fear of overcapacity.

Robert, who was deeply involved in the negotiation process, agreed with this idea. John called this plan "John's New Deal" and the results would be seen before the end of his second term.

Deputy Director Jim, on the other hand, knows less. Jim is probably one of the outermost members who knows about extraterrestrial civilizations, and he doesn't know much about the above ideas.

Robert was about to explain a few words, but suddenly thought of something and asked:

"Jim, do you really think this is wrong?"

"Of course, America is the greatest country in the world and we have never surrendered!"

Jim looked serious, and his words basically represented the thoughts of most citizens. Although they are now troubled by problems such as education, medical care, drug flooding, and public security, the inherent impressions of more than a hundred years are still telling them this. I believe that the entire Amy is great.

After thinking about this, Robert suddenly realized a very serious problem:

The purpose of "John's New Deal" is firstly to avoid large-scale conflicts with the opposite party, and secondly to try to revitalize Aramco's manufacturing industry. It is a well-thought-out and good plan.

But in the eyes of ordinary people outside, this is weakness and concession. Even for most middle-level companies, "John's New Deal" will bring them to the brink of bankruptcy and face dumping.

If most people are dissatisfied with John, then...

Robert was so excited that he wanted to rush to John's office immediately. At least he had never heard anyone mention this issue. Maybe he had, but he ignored it.

However, just as his buttocks left the seat, he slowly sat down again under Jim's astonished gaze. After being silent for a while, he raised his head:

"Jim, you're right, but I don't want to see an interview with you, do you understand?"

Jim was a little confused, but he still nodded firmly:

"I think I know what to do."

Boca Chica, Starship Factory.

Musk, who was observing the surface of the Starship SN30 spacecraft on the scaffolding, stopped and turned to stare at his assistant:

"Are you serious? Which media disclosed it?"

“Not from the media, but from a former official who is now an expert working at a think tank, who issued a public recommendation.”

"Scott, this is the kind of public suggestion that Falcon 9 will never succeed in its lifetime."

"But there are also grapevines coming from the federal government that can respond."

Musk's expression finally became serious, and he digested the news brought by Scott with some surprise:

Trade barriers are about to be lifted. Next year, Aramco and China will simultaneously open up trade controls on each other, restrict unofficial commercial interference on both sides, open up strict review in many fields including aerospace, and allow free investment and investment in each other's territory. Get revenue.

If this is true, it is absolutely tantamount to a bombshell, unprecedented in the entire history of Aramco.

It is not that there have been similar treaties before, but the comparison of strength between the two sides is like this...

Musk suddenly slapped his head:

"Does this mean that my Tesla factory in China will be allowed again? Starlink will also enter the Chinese market!"

"Yes, but we will also face the impact of similar products."

"That's nothing!"

Musk kept walking up and down the trestle with something to say in his mouth, and suddenly turned back and said:

"We will also have technical exchanges with XAP, and aerospace cooperation will be open, right? So SpecaX may also join United Mining's moon program, and XAP will also join the 'Constellation' program."

The assistant did not expect Musk to be so bold at all, but based on the information obtained during the meeting, he still nodded cautiously:

"It's possible, but..."

Want to join each other's mainstream space programs? No matter how he thought about it, Scott thought this was unreasonable. Could it be that Aramco astronauts are going to land on Mars in a spaceship made by China, and Chinese people live in cabins made by Aramco?

However, Musk seemed not to have thought about these troubles at all, and just thought about himself. After a while, he said:

"Gathering the engineers together tomorrow, I will set a goal to compress the manufacturing time of the super-heavy booster to 25 to 30 days. The starship must be as perfect as possible. Before the end of 2018, we will let astronauts ride on it. Go to space."

After handing over the task, Musk was still not satisfied and looked at his assistant with excited eyes:

"There must be something going on that we don't know about, but it doesn't look bad right now! I don't know what it is yet, but I think soon, it will be soon.

Scott, this is the future I want to see! "

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