While welcoming new team members at the Yushu base, the crew of the Advance also received visitors from afar from Earth.

"Li Sheng, Commander of the Qianjin Space Station, on behalf of the entire crew of the Qianjin, welcomes you to come and give us guidance. Salute!"

Li Sheng's voice was high and powerful. Behind him were the crew members lined up in 5 columns and 5 rows, all standing neatly in a square formation.

Next to the crowd, a special "crew" was arranged separately, and their movements were very consistent.

Now that the Forward is still under the Aviation Development Committee, Li Sheng, after comprehensive consideration, followed the appearance of the Forward's test fleet system and saluted the people in front of him with his military rank.

Lu Jianfei, who had not yet fully adapted to weightlessness, worked hard to straighten his posture, tensing his muscles to prevent himself from falling to one side and seizing the opportunity to return the favor.

"Hello, comrades, you have worked hard."

After saying this, Lu Jianfei's posture tilted significantly. Lin Ju decisively stepped forward to help him, then took a step forward with a smile.

Xinyuan employees in the team immediately shouted:

"Hi boss!"

"Mr. Lin!"


"Thank you for your hard work. I just came here to take a look and hang out."

Lin Ju waved his hand casually, but kept looking around, looking at the layout of the Qianjin's functional cabin.

All kinds of knowledge in the weightless state returned to the body. He floated smoothly on the floor and looked at the 6 beautiful life housekeepers:

"Care mode, help him adjust to gravity."

The robot at the front didn't hesitate at all. It gently pressed its arm on the bulkhead and floated over gracefully like an elf. It accurately stopped next to Lu Jianfei and then supported him.

The other "people" behind "her" also followed the same example and floated over to help the visitors.

"Hey, hey..."

Suddenly, Lu Jianfei was supported by a "beautiful woman" with an excellent figure and appearance. Lu Jianfei subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but he was still firmly grasped by the opponent's waist and arms. His body, which had been on the verge of losing control, was immediately stabilized.

"I am Wen Xin, the life steward. Please relax your body and adapt to the weightless environment faster under my guidance. Please..."

The simulated skin, whose surface temperature was much lower than that of ordinary people, made Lu Jianfei relax a little. He was embarrassed to be manipulated by the other party, and even his weathered old face couldn't help but have a touch of red.

Li Sheng in front of him had an expressionless face, suddenly turned around and said loudly:

"Everyone, follow me immediately to carry supplies."


The crew dispersed in a hurry - in a physical sense, they floated from the upper and lower spaces on both sides to the docking port as flexibly as spiders, messy and without collision, like a group of killer whales hunting in tacit understanding.

Yu Man awkwardly pushed the "woman" next to her and wanted to get to Lin Ju, but the latter grabbed her waist first.

"Don't kick your legs so hard. Remember when you were swimming, like this..."

Lin Ju patiently taught her how to master the essentials of the movements, making up for his shortcomings.

Four days ago, on July 20, Lin Ju met Lu Jianfei in the capital and saw him running around with four lieutenant colonels. When he asked, he found out that this was the team being formed by the Space Force.

There is one rocket each for land, sea and air. The main thing is fairness~

In the past few weeks, the organizational structure of the Space Force has been rapidly improved due to the concentrated efforts of the above, but when it comes to actual personnel, the boss still has to bother to personally recruit people.

What the Space Force needs most is not physical supermen, nor experienced elite non-commissioned officers. Just like the air, sea, and land are ridiculed as first-class, second-class, and third-class, the later the military service appears, the higher the basic quality requirements of its personnel. higher, and the number of people is smaller.

Members of the Space Force must first have a basic level of science, engineering, and culture. At the same time, they must not be too old and have high learning ability. They must have good physical fitness, good psychological quality, and preferably have a broad knowledge base.

It is the start-up period, and the first team of the Space Force will greatly affect the direction of development. Both leaders and members must have foresight and extraordinary creativity.

There are not many talents who are young and meet these requirements, but they are all the top talents trained by each unit. Lu Jianfei also spent a lot of energy to gather these four young talents.

It is easier to find higher-level staff and technical officers, but they are generally over 55 years old and more focused on strategic research. Attention still needs to be focused on young people at the school level and below.

At that time, Lu Jianfei happened to mention the need to familiarize these officers transferred from other services with the Space Force. Lin Ju immediately suggested that the best way was to go to space first.

Just like the onboarding corporate culture training, there will be a ceremony for the new recruits to join the company. People in the Space Force must first have a concept of space.

It just so happened that the Forward would have 7 days of downtime after a month of continuous operation to conduct maintenance and receive supplies. The one that was about to carry out the supply mission was the Storm, which had completed its rest, and could take five people up for a lap immediately.

Lu Jianfei's first reaction was that it was not in compliance with the standards, but neither Xinyuan nor the domestic situation could follow the normal rules, so he reported it to the superior, and it was immediately approved...

There was no adaptive training, only a full physical examination and a three-hour safety briefing. On the 24th, the five people got on the ready-to-go Storm at the Qiongzhou launch site.

The reason why they can be brought with them is also very simple. This time, the Storm will not return to the ground immediately after delivering supplies. Instead, it will go to the moon after emptying the supplies and use it as a ferry ship between the earth and the moon. Therefore, modular modules are installed in the cargo bay. There are many empty seats in the passenger compartment, so there is no pressure to carry a few people.

As for the returning passengers, they will be picked up by aerospace aircraft. Now the two aerospace aircraft "Ruiyun" and "Tengyun" are available at any time.

There are six people in the space force and two pilots, exactly ten people.

It was only after Lu Jianfei was fixed in his seat that he noticed two heads popping up in the front row. When Lin Ju and his wife greeted him, the countdown had already started for three minutes.

"How did you get up here!"

"You are traveling before marriage. Get the certificate when you come down."

"I'm asking you who dares to approve your coming up!"

"The one who gave you approval."


"Sit down quickly. I'm hosting a family banquet at the wedding. You must be there."


Lu Jianfei instantly understood what was wrong with what he had felt these past few days, but he didn't expect that he would be in trouble as well.

But it was too late to regret, and he could only pray that this trip would be safe.

He was even a little lucky that Lin Ju still obeyed the rules. It was so convenient to enter space after the emergence of aerospace planes. It only took two hours from preparation to launch at Xinyuan Base, which was as convenient as a passenger plane.

If Lin Ju suddenly wanted to relax at night, and there happened to be a space shuttle in the hangar, he might be floating in space in the blink of an eye, and in the next blink of an eye he would be on the moon and driving a lunar rover!

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