No matter what organization it is, there are problems in the initial stage of unclear division of responsibilities, unclear division of functions, and blurred management boundaries. This is especially true for the Space Force.

Although it is already an independent service in the system, the Space Force is actually still under the trusteeship of all parties. From the military, the Academy of Sciences to the Aerospace Development Commission, each party is heavily involved and cannot be separated.

The nascent Space Force needs the blood transfusion of these old institutions to be established. In turn, the scope of responsibilities overlaps, and it is impossible to clearly divide the system. It can only be based on the situation and adapt to changes.

This situation will continue until the Space Force has a formed system. Before that, it is up to the commander to strive for whatever he can develop. Lu Jianfei was airborne not only for his personal ability, but also for his thick skin, which is greatly valued. , to put it crudely, it means you need to beg for alms everywhere.

In this case, it is extremely important to win people's hearts first.

Even if half of the crew of the Advance are actually employees of Xinyuan Company, Lu Jianfei still has a lot of confidence in joining the Space Force:

Soldiers serving on space battleships are at least engineer-level technical talents. It is too difficult to train them by yourself.

Only air force ground crew/pilots, navy and army noncommissioned officers and above have the potential to transform. This has greatly limited the size of the Space Force's personnel. The future combat strength may only be a few thousand people, which is surprisingly small.

The current 26 seeds are particularly valuable, and the entire Space Force must rely on this backbone for construction.

"Comrade Li Sheng, this time I came here mostly by accident, so I'm not fully prepared, but I can still tell you something."

Lu Jianfei looked past him to the other curious crew members, and Li Sheng immediately understood:

"Please come with me. We have a conference room in the Chenlong cabin. It's very quiet."

The two people left the forward cabin one after another, and the voices of the remaining crew members immediately became louder.

"Quiet! Some of you are going to the space shuttle with me, and some of you are returning to their posts!"

Hu Dong immediately stopped this meaningless discussion, directed the crew to get to work, and then looked at Lian Xinwei, who was thinking on the spot without moving.

"Squad leader?"

"Huh? Oh, I was distracted."

Lian Xinwei finally came to his senses. Just as he was about to leave, he turned his head, looked at the title badge on Hu Dong's shoulder and asked jokingly:

"Vice Captain Hu, are you interested in becoming a real soldier?"

"What's the meaning."

There was no expression on Hu Dong's face, but Lian Xinwei knew that he had some thoughts and quickly disappeared from sight without saying anything.


"Chief An, Chief An!"

Zeng Xiangdong excitedly held Androv's hand and shook it up and down. He almost greeted him with a roar, but it was still covered up by the noise of the scene.

Surrounding them were circles of excited crowds. The final thanks were being given on a temporary podium not far away. The sound from the speakers was so loud that it could be heard throughout the entire factory.

It is now July 25. Through the unreserved efforts of Southwest Commercial Airlines, 611 Research Institute, and Xinyuan, Southwest Commercial Airlines Yizhou large aircraft production base has been officially completed.

In fact, the factory building was completed last year, and the equipment and production lines were all installed at the end of April. The remaining nearly three months were spent on filling in personnel and debugging equipment.

Xinyuan's support for commercial aviation is at best design and technical equipment. As for the huge number of production line workers, negotiations on parts supply and everything have to be left to them.

At this time, Commercial Aviation used its own self-developed and self-produced golden brand to poach people all over the country, and even swung a hoe on Shang Fei's head and hired a group of skilled workers.

The equipment debugging in April was actually considered a trial production. The Yizhou production base obtained the components of two C822s and two C832s and began trial assembly. They debugged while building and finally assembled the first C832 that passed the acceptance inspection.

Southwest Commercial Aviation finally had independent production capabilities and immediately held a ceremony. A large number of dignitaries and industry peers arrived.

When Androv arrived at the scene, he was immediately greeted with Zeng Xiangdong's highest enthusiasm.

The independent Star Airlines is not a competitor. It is more similar to the relationship between a design bureau and a factory with Commercial Aviation, and it has many competitive products.

As far as Zeng Xiangdong knew, Star Airlines independently developed two turboshaft engines in the first half of the year, one for medium-sized helicopters with a power of 2,000 kilowatts, and one for heavy-duty helicopters with a power of more than 6,000 kilowatts.

Not to mention that the military has immediate purchase ideas, the State Grid and several "China Construction" companies, which have strong demand for outdoor operations, immediately hope to develop large helicopters based on them. It is currently rumored that they have reached cooperation with Hafei and Changfei to start developing several new models. helicopter.

But what concerns him the most is the C1000 project. The bet between Star Airlines and Boeing has spread throughout the aviation industry around the world. Both C1000 and Boeing 3707 must fly for the first time this year, otherwise the defaulting party will pay huge fines.

The progress of Boeing 3707 has been reported from time to time. Since the beginning of the year, its design prototype XB70 Valkyrie has returned to flight. Now it is said that it has been re-entered into the modification factory. Boeing is trying to build the first bomber by modifying it on the basis of this nearly 60-year-old bomber. The prototype of 3707.

However, this is a big project that requires changing the engine and modifying the airframe. Even if you have the foundation, you may not dare to test it before the end of the year.

The progress of C1000 has always been mysterious. Androv disappears from time to time, but so far he has not seen any real objects.

Zeng Xiangdong has been thinking about this big order. Star Airlines cannot deliver so many supersonic passenger planes.

"How many of you are there now?"

"More than seven thousand! This year it will be expanded to ten thousand!"

"Then you have to keep working hard. C1000 requires additional production lines and testing processes."

"Mr. An, is your prototype C1000 about to fly?"

"Construction has started. The main frame has just been sent for forging."

Androv's words almost made Zeng Xiangdong choke to death on his saliva. He coughed for a long time and still couldn't believe it:

"It's only been five months, and we're just starting to build it now?"

Androv nodded. The C1000 design work did not take too long. The main reason was that he was afraid that Boeing would break the contract and waited until the other party's investment in the 3707 project reached a certain level before deciding to start building the C1000 prototype.

The first prototype was manufactured by Xinyuan. Although the cost was high, the advantage was that it was very fast and it only took two months to start from scratch.

His confident expression left Zeng Xiangdong speechless for a moment. He gave up his intention to question and instead said:

"Commercial Aviation fully supports the C1000 project. If you need a test flight site or other support, you can contact us for cooperation."

"Thank you, but I still hope you can ensure the yield rate of the production line first. I will come to inspect it later."

"Of course...what is 'you'?"

"Oh, Star Airlines will soon bid for the C1000 foundry, and COMAC has also joined. I have visited their factory, and it is quite good."


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