On August 1, the third day after Lin Ju’s wedding, the Type 055 first ship began its sea trials and was ready to be handed over to the Navy.

On the afternoon of the same day, some representatives launched a proposal calling for a clear definition of the "shuttle" category of spacecraft, and proposed establishing domestic review standards for nuclear-powered aircraft.

The next day, the "Recommendation on Expanding the Application Scope of Aerospace Planes and Strengthening Space Launch Power" was submitted, requiring the continued increase in the number of aerospace aircraft in service.

Among them, it is required to purchase no less than 25 aerospace aircraft of the Tengyun series and its modifications within three years, and no less than 8 nuclear-powered aerospace aircraft/shuttles in service. Half of all aircraft models will be handed over to the Air Force, with a total budget of 200 billion. Yuan.

After the proposal was submitted and sparked heated discussions, rumors immediately spread that the central government intended to launch another reform of the military, shift the future construction center to space, build an integrated air and space attack and defense system, and formally announce the establishment of the Space Force for the first time. .

In the following week, when people were discussing the huge aerospace plane program and the content of the Space Force, Aramco suddenly broke out big news:

On August 10, the Hexagon submitted a bill to Congress, requesting that the Space Force (an independent service, but more similar to the Space Force) established in February (the original world line was June) be reorganized with the Air Force, and part of the Air Force be merged into the Space Force. In the Air Force.

The bill also claimed that the Space Force is the focus of the future, requiring it to be used as a future construction center, and also submitted a plan to purchase 10 "Super Starship" spacecraft.

The "super starship" is a nuclear-powered version of the starship that has just begun to be designed. Hexagon is now proposing to place an order for 10 ships for future deep space exploration to form a scientific research fleet.

At the same time, the SSTO aerospace aircraft under development was also mentioned, and a huge order of 55 aircraft was issued at one time.

The two major powers expressed their great enthusiasm for the space force one after another, which made the whole world confused.

In mid-August, a representative of China stated after a UN General Assembly meeting that the existence of the "Space Force" violated the principle of space demilitarization and hoped that relevant parties would not continue to increase the popularity of space military presence.

After this statement, Lucia and Dai Ying followed closely and expressed their agreement, but the "relevant parties" did not respond.

At about the same time, Endeavor made its first unmanned voyage to the moon and the Earth. The round trip took only 75 hours, twice as long as before.

In late August, the opinion sheet on expanding aerospace aircraft production was passed. Almost at the same time, the Aramco Space Force reform proposal was also approved, and Congress began to discuss the specific quantities of "Super Starship" and SSTO purchases.

The entire month of August was spent in a tacit understanding between the two sides of the Pacific. During this period, United Mining quietly carried out 9 launch missions to the moon, sending the remaining 3 modules of the Yushu base. Since then, 6 of the Yushu bases have been launched. All modules are in place, with a total weight of more than 150 tons, making it the largest inhabited base on the moon.

The expansion of the "Wutu" space station has been completed, with an operating mass of more than 300 tons. The remaining launch missions are to send equipment and supplies to prepare for the third blasting plan in September.

The third explosion plan will use 15 million tons of hydrogen bombs, all of which are old domestic second-generation warhead models, so the deployment and explosion process are very simple, and the time is set for September 9.

On September 1, NACA launched the second "Origin" lander to the Gateway Space Station and announced a manned lunar landing plan in mid-to-late September:

The next mission will be carried out by Artemis 7 and Artemis 8 together, and all six members will conduct a lunar landing.

Among them, Artemis 7 will be launched from the Kennedy Space Center, and Artemis 8 will be launched from the Starship launch pad in Boca Chica, with a launch interval of less than 12 hours.

The reason why so many people were sent was due to two technological breakthroughs:

NACA came up with the first passive slim exoskeleton spacesuit similar to "Pioneer I", which replaced the previous "Potato";

Bigelow announced that it has manufactured a practical permanent inflatable module and has also produced versions for use on the space station and on the lunar surface.

This type of inflatable cabin is fixed in shape after it is inflated, and the gas supporting the cabin will react with other reactants and solidify into a foam-like substance, forming a permanent support around the bulkhead.

It is not too large when compressed and can just fit the Origin lander. The first lunar surface inflatable cabin can provide 12 square meters of space and is the first practical cabin section of the Columbus camp.

On September 4, the conference approved the exhaust environmental standards for nuclear-powered space shuttles. On the same day, the NPAE "Everest" combined engine obtained an atmospheric flight license.

"We have been waiting for this little card for almost two months!"

Serev received the approval document shipped by air and was quite satisfied with the "A" on it.

In the formulation of exhaust standards for nuclear-powered atmospheric aircraft, five levels from A to E were formulated based on the content and half-life of radioactive residues in the exhaust. Only level C can fly freely in the atmosphere and apply for routes according to ordinary aircraft standards. .

The adoption of this standard proposal within one month is already remarkable, because unlike other proposals, it is not easy for the public to accept a nuclear reactor flying overhead, let alone a group of reactors.

Celebrities from all walks of life were invited to formulate this standard, and its requirements can definitely be described as stringent. It was only through the efforts of the public opinion machine that the majority of representatives were barely persuaded to pass.

The Enterprise's transition flight in July was actually a "black flight". After that, it was tested at the Second Experimental Base in the northwest. It only conducted flight tests below 6,000 meters and did not break through the atmosphere.

Since they were mainly cooperating with the military, both Serev and Androv took turns to supervise the scene. During this period, they had already thought of many improvement plans, but they still looked forward to a flight through the atmosphere.

When the Beijing standard proposal had just been passed, he couldn't wait to start preparations for takeoff - in fact, according to the design standards of the Enterprise, if the computer self-test passed and the fuel was sufficient, it could take off, and only one detailed inspection was required after 10 cross-atmospheric takeoffs and landings. .

The ground crew opened the door of the bunker-style hangar. Serev had already walked to the door before the flight crew. When he approached, the AI ​​completed the identity authentication and automatically opened the door.

Under the stunned gazes of the flight crew and ground staff, Serev took off his baggy jacket and trousers, directly revealing the brown-green jumpsuit underneath. Only then did the others realize that the boots he was wearing were also one piece, and they instantly understood what he was going to do.

"Chief Master, you can't thank Chief Master!"

Meng Senlin, a former astronaut and current Space Force shuttle pilot, immediately rushed forward. However, Serev had already thrown away his clothes and jumped into the Enterprise. By the time Meng Senlin entered, he had already fixed his helmet around his neck. The AI ​​was conducting system self-test under his command, and the colorful indicator lights turned on and off regularly.

Serev fixed the headset and the voice came out through the speaker:

"I know this shuttle better than you do. Even the boss of Xinyuan will get on the shuttle to test it. This is my responsibility.

Enterprise, confirm Commander Meng Senlin’s driving authority! "

The Enterprise's computer responded immediately, controlling the seat in front of the console to slide and rotate on the floor in a very user-friendly manner, accurately stopping next to Meng Senlin, and even thoughtfully lighting up the warning light in the helmet storage area to remind the other person not to forget it.

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