Although it is now past 22:00 Beijing time, and the entire Eastern Hemisphere has been shrouded in darkness, this crisis that suddenly broke out and was suppressed still caused fluctuations.

Especially in cities with nearby military airports, the sound of a large number of planes taking off can be heard all the time. Some pilots even directly turn on the afterburner, and the roar of jet engines can be heard in half the city.

Many people who were awakened could just lie down by the window and see advanced fighter jets rising like fireflies in the dark night, and then rushing towards the coastline without looking back.

A total of 34 minutes passed from the time the first alarm was raised to the joint announcement issued by the space agencies and officials of both sides, but its impact obviously will not end so hastily.

Again, peace based on the balance of nuclear deterrence is very fragile. It is a chain that is difficult to stop once it is started. Stopping it does not entirely depend on the thoughts of the controller.

As more and more fighter planes and warships gathered on both sides of the border, no one dared to retreat hastily. Instead, they became more alert to welcome sudden attacks, and the scope of mobilization continued to expand.

At first it was the Air Force and Navy, and now even the Army has begun to mobilize. On the way to the airport, Lin Ju saw a flatbed trailer dragging a main battle tank speeding past.

The C810 registered at the base took off quickly, then suddenly slowed down after accelerating to supersonic speed. The accompanying assistant hurriedly asked the captain and got a surprising answer.

"Mr. Lin, there are more than 40 aircraft in front of us. We must lower our altitude and slow down to avoid them."

Lin Ju and Shen Zuozhou were both shocked. Obviously this could only be a military plane, but hasn't the misunderstanding been resolved?

Shen Zuozhou: "Do you know what kind of plane it is?"

The assistant hesitated for a moment and then replied:

"The radar signature is like a large aircraft, but it's not a transport aircraft, it's a jet, it feels like an H6."

It is not surprising that Xinyuan's assistant was able to analyze these Shen Zuozhou. He is also a military enthusiast, and of course he knows what the transfer of more than 40 H6s means.

There are two full bomber regiments. I don’t know where they were transferred from, but they are so large...

Fighters can be used to perform air defense interception missions, but bombers are different. They are offensive weapons, and such a large-scale dispatch is definitely not just to show off their muscles.

Even if an H6 carries 4 to 6 cruise missiles, that is almost 200. What is it doing?

This heading must be towards the coast,... hiss.

Lin Ju was no fool, and the two of them gasped at the same time.

The pilot of the C810 dropped the speed to subsonic speed in one breath in order to appear harmless, which also allowed its passengers to see the real scene outside.

There was no city below them now, so the flash of lights in the night sky was very eye-catching.

The navigation lights of more than 40 H6 aircraft are turned on to maintain the formation. The constantly flashing navigation lights are breathing one after another, like a group of stars traveling in the night sky.

More than eighty jet engines were propelling at full speed in the sky. Even Lin Ju could feel the slight vibration of the C810's cabin. If it were on the ground, what he would hear would be terrifying thunder.

He opened the browser on his mobile phone and easily saw the expected news at the top of the hot search list:

"Beijing and Washington issued an emergency joint statement: they will jointly safeguard world peace."

The following items are:

"There were continuous roars in Qiantang. Netizens said: hundreds of fighter planes have taken off one after another."

"Lucia declares a state of emergency: resolutely defend her own safety."

"The artificial sun launched by NACA is suspected to be out of control, causing local TV broadcast signals to be temporarily paralyzed."

"The Space Force continuously used two S2100 solid rockets to launch unmanned spacecraft into space, saying it was part of a normal exercise plan."

"Air raid sirens have been heard in many places. Is your city there?"


Since it was impossible to tell whether it was an extraterrestrial crisis at the beginning, the domestic response could be said to be a bit overly sensitive, and the range of actions was very large, causing quite a stir.

However, domestic netizens’ understanding seems to be somewhat biased…

Lin Ju clicked on the military forum. The homepage showed the latest pinned post. It was published 20 minutes ago, but the number of replies had exceeded 5,000. The title only had a few words:

"Is the big one coming?"

"Is there one here too?"

After avoiding the H6 fleet, the C810 quickly landed at the base. However, just as they stepped off the ramp, Lin Ju and Shen Zuozhou heard the deafening roar again.

Lin Ju, who has lived in Chengdu for many years, immediately identified the source of the sound. It was not only a J20, but also a B-type interceptor equipped with Xinyuan XW-9.

It is also a newly formed formation. Judging from the navigation lights, there should be 8 aircraft, exactly two squadrons.

However, a faint roar could be heard in the distance, and it was obviously much more than that.

It is understandable that the coastal war readiness level is high and the response is quick, but now they are still taking off in a steady stream?

Ye Changsi, who hurried over, was slightly out of breath and ran over and said:

"Huh... the military just asked to temporarily rent two of our An-1250s. I agreed and even lent the crew. They needed it urgently and I have already given it to them.

Also, I just looked at the background and found that the flight route of the one sold to SF Express has also been changed. It should have been leased. Now all 6 aircraft are in their hands. "

The output of An-1250 can actually be described as "many". As an unprecedented super transport aircraft, it has produced a total of 6, half of which are in the hands of the Air Force.

Not to mention, although countless experts believe that this giant transport aircraft has great limitations, it is definitely not comparable to a few more ordinary transport aircraft when it comes to real transportation. The Air Force directly called out the truth and kept urging the progress of Y35.

Now they have all 6 aircraft in their hands, which is equivalent to transferring 2,000 tons of materials at a time. Considering its large space, it can almost directly transport half of the synthetic battalion by air.

Is this also part of defense? !

The direction of things far exceeded the expectations of Lin Ju and others. He simply didn't think about it and asked about the situation of Artemis first:

"What is NACA doing? What is the current situation of Artemis?"

Ye Changsi took them to the control room of the base and called up the photos taken by Qianjunbang No. 1 not long ago.

The image taken by the Thousand-Point Rod No. 1 is in black and white, and is on the dark side, so after high exposure and artificial processing, only the outline of Artemis can be barely seen:

It looks like an elliptical leaf. Of course, this is because of the angle. The volume is very large and the edges are a little blurred. Obviously, it was still rotating when the photo was taken and the distance was too far.

Ye Changsi: "According to our observation, it should have been fully deployed, but I don't know why it flipped out of control. Now it has moved to the South Pacific and no longer affects the mainstream communication area.

We just communicated with NACA, and they still couldn't restore contact. Now there are only two ways: wait, or shoot it down, otherwise the impact will be too bad."

Shen Zuozhou: "Shoot it down? This damn thing is more expensive than gold of the same weight. Is Ami willing to do it?"

"So NACA is desperately trying to save it, and even asked us for help, opening the control signal of Artemis, but we can't do anything. The huge reflective surface will block Artemis' own antenna with a slight turn. There is no gap at all, and it is impossible to send a complete command."

Ye Changsi's tone is quite regretful. In any case, Artemis is indeed a very cutting-edge attempt. Xinyuan really wants to see how much it can play a role. It would be a pity if it is destroyed like this.

If it is not particularly necessary, he does not want to shoot down Artemis.

In fact, Shen Zuozhou and Lin Ju had similar ideas. Losing Artemis not only hurt NACA, but also caused a certain degree of loss for them.

Lin Ju: "Does Lao Zhong have any orders?"

"I can't get in touch with him, but there is no news from the bureau now, so we won't act rashly for the time being."

Shen Zuozhou replied that Zhong Cheng was probably in the core of Beijing.

The situation became opaque again, and Lin Ju sighed slightly, not knowing what to say.


"Yes... We are dealing with it, and a general has already flown to the Far East... NACA promises to deal with it quickly... Yes, that's it..."

McMaster hung up the phone, his face so dark that people dared not look at him.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and a joint statement was issued, but the situation did not get better.

Thanks to the mess they had created recently, the situation outside was now somewhat out of control.

The East China Sea is currently in a mess. Near the airspace where EP3E was shot down, the Chinese have assembled hundreds of aircraft, and a main fleet of more than 16 warships is rushing there.

The Far East Air Force has launched almost all the air forces it can use, and has now dispatched more than 80 aircraft. The USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier formation is also rushing to the scene at full speed. According to the front-line soldier report obtained by the Pentagon, the atmosphere has become extremely tense.

There is more than one EP3E plane that has fallen, and there is also an unlucky J16. The four AIM120Cs of the two F15s have locked him. It is unknown whether the pilot has parachuted.

The reason why both sides are currently gathering is to search and salvage the pilot who fell into the water. After all, it is dark after 10 o'clock in the evening. It is understandable that more ships are sent if the salvage is difficult.

Understand a ghost!

The front line said that although there is no official filming now, both sides have fired flares from time to time to test each other's position, and the fighter planes are entangled in the air. This kind of face-to-face fake behavior is more stressful!

So the top leaders of both sides have resolved the misunderstanding, but they can only try their best to ensure that S3 will not be activated (not absolutely).

Lucia also noticed the sudden change in the situation in the Far East. According to the intelligence sent back from Europe, they are also mobilizing on a large scale. No one knows what they are going to do.

Under the stirring of the top three, the other parties were also forced to be involved in this frightening misunderstanding, and constantly created new conflicts and frictions. After all, there are always people who are willing to fish in troubled waters and expand the situation regardless of the consequences!

John, who originally planned to return to the presidential palace, canceled the plan again and continued to sit in the 747 to remotely command. The specific affairs were handled by McMaster.

And he didn't want the situation to deteriorate and then be hit by a hydrogen bomb, so he could only desperately let his men attack everywhere. The problem of NACA is now secondary.

He closed his eyes and asked his assistant tremblingly:

"What are our allies doing now?"

"There is a high-level visiting group here now. They asked us if we really planned to start a war? The royal family is ready to move to Canada."



"Other allies reacted differently, but they all hoped that we would remain restrained and asked what happened.

The Far East allies are quite active, but they did not act rashly. "

McMaster keenly noticed something from his assistant's words and asked:

"What is the attitude of the European allies? The hairy people, Hans's!"

"Um..." The assistant replied awkwardly:

"They, they said that no matter what happens, they tend to remain neutral, and most other allies have similar opinions."

"Including Italy?"

"Including, they also emphasized that they are members of the Huayin Organization, so..."


McMaster angrily hammered the table and instantly understood what the situation was now. They were betrayed!

Shameful betrayal!

At the most critical moment, the allies chose to stand by and wait for the price!

As for the Far East? There is nothing to say there, after all, there is the Pacific Fleet...

McMaster suddenly thought of something, frowned and thought for a while, then his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but swear again.

"Damn, contact the president quickly, there is a conspiracy! "…

Near the desert base, a regular training ground.

At 23:46 late at night, the sharp roar of the jet engine was heard at the end of the runway. The An-1250 approached with its terrifying wingspan and landed steadily on the runway under the pilot's superb operation. The hurricane made the soldiers waiting to board the plane on both sides even a little unstable.

This was the last An-1250. The other five had arrived earlier and were running to the open space outside to line up and receive fuel supplies and temporary maintenance. At the same time, the nose door was opened, and the soldiers followed the tanks in a long line.

The last one was Xinyuan's B4143. Before being called up, it had just completed an order to help transport a distillation tower for a chemical plant. It just added a little fuel and flew here.

Ground staff guide It was guided directly to the taxiway runway takeoff point. At the same time as the fuel was added, a number of tankers rushed over quickly, ready to fill up the fuel.

The team waiting to board the plane also began to line up in front of the nose of the plane, counting the number of people.

The captain who was in charge of this flight mission walked off the plane and communicated with the officers. Seeing the brightly lit airport and the endless heads of people, he was very excited and his body was shaking.

The officer near him took the initiative to hand over a cigarette. The captain took it tremblingly and almost dropped it several times. After a long time, he successfully lit it with the help of the other party, and then took a deep breath.

After exhaling the smoke, he finally calmed down.

"This is an emergency mission. We can't find so many pilots who can fly the An-1250 for the time being, but if you want to quit, we will never stop you."

"Of course not!"

The captain was a little excited again, and even blew out the cigarette.

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of anything. I originally flew the night shift. Now the crew is in very good condition and can definitely do what you want. "

The officer nodded, and was about to say something when he was interrupted by a hoarse roar next to him.

The instructor stood in front of the open cabin door, instructing the soldiers who were about to board the plane:

"Don't ask where to go, don't ask why, don't... Understand!"


The loud voice even overwhelmed the noise of the jet engine, making people excited.

The captain's eyes became brighter and brighter, making the officer feel that there was no need to explain anything. He paused and said:

"Your radio has been connected to a dedicated channel. The route will be issued after takeoff. I don't know where to go."

"I know, I know... Haha, I don't know either."

The captain grinned, showing his bright teeth.

The officer said no more, hesitated for a few times, pulled out his pistol and handed it over:

"I heard that you Xinyuan often go to the shooting range, do you?"

"Of course! Is it 92?"

"Yes, I will lend it to you temporarily, but I hope you can return it to me later."

"Yes, I will hand it over to you. "

Just as the two were talking, a loud thunderclap suddenly exploded in the sky, followed by a sharp roar.

Everyone looked up and saw a white meteor streaking across the sky.

It was a snow swan, which had broken through several times the speed of sound and was dazzling in the dark night.

And there was more than one, soon the second, third, and finally a total of six snow swans took off one after another, turning into meteors and disappearing into the endless dark sky.

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