On the 15th, at 00:29 in the morning of Beijing time.

Zhong Cheng landed on the runway of the base in a C810. After the few people met up, they exchanged information directly on the open ground.

The above big move could not bypass Xinyuan, and Xinyuan's cooperation was also needed. In the end, Zhong Cheng rushed to communicate with Lin Ju directly.

The brief content made Lin Ju tremble with fear, but he was impressed by the decision-making ability to seize this sudden crisis and turn it into an opportunity, and finally expressed his willingness to cooperate fully.

He also knew that the six An-1250s were ready and temporarily organized by the first air transport team, and they would be dispatched in full force within a few hours.

Until now, the roar of jet engines can still be heard from time to time in the midnight sky, and the number is often several.

Even several J-9 fighters that had been shipped out of Xinyuan but not yet delivered were urgently painted with digital codes and driven away, and even the pre-delivery tests were not completed.

He took a deep breath of the cool midnight air, exhaled and asked Zhong Cheng:

"What is the Pentagon's reaction now? Is there any trouble?"

Zhong Cheng smiled and shook his head contemptuously.

"If you want to get rid of trouble quickly, there will be no such good things."

Shen Zuozhou was a little worried: "Will it affect next year? Too much internal friction is not a good thing."

Zhong Cheng: "In my opinion, this is a better time to work together better. It's better to figure out the strength and status of both sides! Especially if you can't see yourself clearly, you need someone to help you."

Lin Ju also echoed:

"For partners who have ulterior motives at this time, you must hit hard, otherwise it's not easy to negotiate calmly."

Several people under the moonlight laughed at the same time, looking up to admire the perfect full moon in the sky, without any flaws, very complete.


Beijing, staff community.

Academician She, who has retired, has no regrets and enjoys his retirement life very peacefully. It's just that it's always difficult for people to fall asleep when they are old, and the quality of sleep is not very good.

Fortunately, Xinyuan has been providing him with "Anshenduo". Take one two or three hours before going to bed, so that he can read a little energetically and enjoy a high-quality sleep, but he can't use it every day.

Unfortunately, he only used one yesterday, and he took a short break in the afternoon, so he couldn't sleep at night and was always a little uneasy.

Looking at his mobile phone, it was already past 1 a.m., and Academician She planned to pour some water. There should be some warm water in the thermos.

Pressing the switch in the dark, Academician She poured water slowly, but heard a sound from the bedroom next to him.

No need to think, it must be his grandson staying up late to play games again, but he didn't want to persuade him to go to bed early.

Academician She's grandson just started working this year and found a field job in an oil company. The working hours are not very fixed. Usually, he works for a period of time and then rests for a period of time. Yesterday was a holiday, so it was normal to stay up late to play games.


"Attack point D!"

She Fei wore headphones and was completely immersed in the game world of WT. What could be a more relaxing and relaxing casual game than WT?

She Fei, who was already crazy, had a hideous look on his face. He was fighting a hearty battle in the Asian server, and he would occasionally say a word of praise like "Pegasus".

"Ah Wei, come on, what the hell is your left hand doing?"

The teammate who was yelled at by him did not respond for a long time, and was still operating clumsily. After a long time, a deliberately low voice sounded in the headset:

"My mother seems to be still awake. The keyboard sound was too loud just now. If I get caught, it must be your fault."

Unlike She Fei, Ah Wei is just an ordinary high school student. If he is caught playing video games late at night, he will definitely be beaten, especially in the early hours of Tuesday.

"Brother Fei, quit after this game, you still have early classes tomorrow."

"Ahhh, this ***...what? Okay, I will quit if I win this game...Fuck you!"

In an apartment in Songxiong, Ah Wei half-squatted on a chair, wearing headphones and covering himself with a sheet. After all, the sound of the headphones is too loud and may be heard. If it is heard, it will be miserable.

She Fei is a good friend he has known for a year. Although he is much older than her, they get along well. They often play games together and know each other's specific situations.

Ah Wei kept observing the gap in the door and tried his best to cooperate with She Fei.

Halfway through the game, She Fei realized that the situation was irreversible. After a while of playing Zaun, he also felt a little tired. He slowed down and chatted with Ah Wei.

"Xiaowei, I'm on a business trip next week and I'm very close to your place. I'll come to visit you then. I heard you're really good at basketball."

"Just kidding, I'm super brave... I skipped classes and asked for leave when you came. Pineapples are very cheap recently, so I'll treat you to an all-you-can-eat meal for free."

"Skipping classes is not good, why don't you treat me to hand-pulled pancakes?"

"Brother Fei, how many times have I told you that this is not a special snack here, you should go to Jingu... Hey hey hey, Brother Fei has a jet, it's killing me!"

She Fei, who was grabbing potato chips with his head down, was stunned for a moment before answering:

"Plane? We are in a low-level room, where is the jet?"

"Ah, it seems that there really isn't one, but I really heard the sound of a jet engine just now, did I hear it wrong?"

"You are hallucinating, Xiaowei, hurry up and finish this game so we can get off the plane."

"Okay... Hey, I feel the tabletop vibrating, it's not going to be an earthquake."

She Fei on the other end was startled. If it was really an earthquake, it would be very dangerous. Just as he was about to speak, he heard A Wei's voice:

"Damn, it seems like there is a real earthquake. The windows are banging!"

"A Wei, run!"

A Wei didn't care about disturbing his mother. He got up and opened the curtains, and then saw an unforgettable scene:

Just less than ten meters away from his apartment, a huge black shadow with a long tail flame smashed straight down diagonally, and at the same time, a ball of flame suddenly broke out in the darkness and jumped into the sky.

With the help of the flame, A Wei saw the gray skin and broken hatch of the black giant.

The giant weighed more than ten tons. It caused a huge shock when it fell on the street next to the apartment. At the same time, it also exploded twice. The suddenly expanding flames shattered the closed glass of nearby buildings. For a time, the whole place was filled with broken glass, explosions, falling heavy objects, and screams at midnight.

In the dark night sky, a larger black shadow dragged two long flames and passed by like a nightingale, leaving behind the unique explosion sound of a jet engine.

"Ah Wei, Ah Wei! How are you!"

Even She Fei on the other end noticed something was wrong with the huge noise, and kept calling Ah Wei, but it took a long time before he heard the other party's voice:

"Ah, Ah Fei, there is no earthquake."

"That's good... What happened, why do I seem to hear the sound of a jet?"

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