I Ask You To Collect Rags, But You Recycle Second-Hand Mushroom Eggs?

Chapter 104: The Three Armies Of Sea, Land And Air Are Blooming! 【Please Subscribe! 】

Chapter 104: The three armies of sea, land and air are blooming! [Please subscribe!]

Government building.

The atmosphere was very heavy.

The leader, Yamada Jinchuan, watched the video on the screen quietly without saying a word.

On the screen, there is a scene near the sea area of ​​​​Jiubaji.

The heavy-armored warriors were rampant.

The warships that went to intercept the heavily armored cruiser were all left behind by him.

And some warships launched an attack on the heavy armored drive!

All suffered his fierce counterattack!

Without exception, all of them suffered a heavy blow!

Suffered a heavy blow!

After this comparison of the strength of the two sides, it is as if they are in the sky and on the ground.

All the senior executives of Tiaobaji fell into silence when they saw this.

They have watched the previous live TV broadcast and have a good understanding of the strength of the heavy armored driver!

But what they didn't expect was that the rabbit that kept clicking would not only destroy their entire Eighth-Eight Fleet!

Even now, they are not willing to give up, and they have hit their own sea area!

Take them by surprise!

I was panicked for a moment.

"Rabbit is really anxious this time!"

"Order all naval warships to keep a distance from him, as long as they do not attack our homeland! Just turn a blind eye and close a blind eye!

After a long time, Yamada River finally spoke.

After listening to his words, everyone's faces became more and more gloomy!

Of course, it's more helpless.

Admiral Kono, the supreme commander of Haizi beside him, suddenly said:

"Boss, we can't just let it go like this!"

"If we tolerate their provocation, we will never be able to hold our heads high in the domain!"

Others also followed suit and said:

"Yes, chief, General Kono is right, we must not let it go!"

Yamada Jinchuan looked at them.

Then he snorted coldly.

"Control? How do you want us to control it? The Eighty-Eight Fleet that you are so proud of can't even catch up with others!"

"How can we fight this?"

Yamada Jinchuan's words immediately blocked all of their mouths!

However, it is impossible to catch up with it and cannot defeat it at all!

The reason why we can't catch up is not because the battleships can't catch up, but because of the missiles!

The speed of the heavy armored drive was so fast that it even escaped the attack range of their missiles!

Moreover, even if it reaches their attack range.

The close-defense network created by the rapid fire of the heavy-armored close-in defense cannons can intercept all their missiles!

In addition, the heavy-armored supertronic electromagnetic gun is also a very powerful weapon!

Even without using missiles, the electromagnetic gun alone is enough to severely damage their warships!

Someone did the math!

The super electromagnetic gun mounted on the heavily armored drive can reach a maximum range of 400 kilometers!

It’s half more than Yingjiang’s expected 200 kilometers!

Fortunately, Rabbit didn't want to get serious with them!

Otherwise, these battleships are not enough for the heavy armored drive!

Even, they believe it!

If all the warships are really dispatched to intercept!

The next day, their naval power will be completely wiped out!

The rabbit is no longer what it used to be, stop clicking!

Seeing that the battleship is useless!

General Kono said immediately:

"Use fighter planes!"

"Boss, if our warships can't catch up with them, can't our fighter planes catch up with them?"

"We have nearly five hundred fighter planes?"

"One missile can fire two to three thousand rounds! This is more missiles than the number of missiles on their warships!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone seemed to be awakened and felt that this calendar was easy to use.

Yamada Jinchuan frowned, seeming to be thinking about the feasibility of this method.

See him hesitate!

Admiral Kono, who wanted to avenge his fleet, continued to add:

"Boss, I can guarantee that there is only one such warship in China!"

"And with their current funds and technology, they can't even think of building a second similar warship within a year or two!"

"So, if we can destroy it! Our Eighty-Eight Fleet will continue to dominate the sub-region!"

"The most important thing is that they will also pay a heavy price for violating our waters!"

"I believe that our people must be holding back a resentment in their hearts right now, and we must let them get out of it!"

Everyone nodded at these words.

They had similar thoughts to General Kono.

"But, Admiral Kono, are you so sure that they only have one such warship?"

"And, are you sure that the repeated bombings of our fighter planes can really blow him up?"

Yamada Jinchuan looked at General Kono.

Then he said: "I think Vice Admiral Yamamoto was thinking the same thing as you! That's why he ignored Rabbit's warning and launched an attack, but in the end our fleet was ruined!" 1

Admiral Kono argued with reason: "Boss, if we hadn't ruined this fleet, we probably wouldn't have been able to witness the true strength of the super battleship!"

Yamada Jinchuan snorted coldly: "What can I do if I see their strength? Don't you think the price is a bit high?"

"Moreover, now that the rabbit faces our attack, it will fight back hard!"

"The iron plate of the battleship is strong enough, but it still suffered heavy damage! Maybe the other party didn't have the heart to destroy them!"

"But if a fighter plane is attacked, do you think they can withstand such a powerful attack?"

General Kono was a little anxious: "So what you mean, chief..."

Yamada Jinchuan's tone suddenly became firm.

Then his lips moved slightly and he softly uttered two words.

"Avoid the battle!"

I heard the word avoid war.

Everyone was stunned.

Finally he shook his head and said nothing more.

They cannot disobey the leader's orders!

But it can be seen that some people are unwilling to give in like this!

But reason told them that this seemed to be the best way to retain their strength.

"Send fighter planes to defend! Once the rabbit attacks our homeland, attack!"

Yamada Jinchuan said finally.

This is their bottom line!

In other words, Yamada Jinchuan has already acquiesced to the fact that the rabbit broke into their waters!

General Kono was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

Although they were the ones to blame, "General Kono still couldn't swallow this breath.

Just like that, they followed the camera shots and watched the heavily armored drive speeding all the way through their waters!

They circled around their territory.


Let the enemy's warships slip around their territory!

This is equivalent to having your pants taken off!

Moreover, what makes them depressed is that.

The news of the intrusion of the Rabbit Battleship has been leaked out somehow!

The coast is crowded with people!

They all watched Rabbit Battleship!

Some people are even sincerely envious of the heavily armored brain!

Of course, there are more curses and insults!

"Damn rabbit, get out of our waters, we don't welcome you!"

"It's such a bully. Aren't you better than us? Why are you so strong?"

"It's just a big country bullying our small country. There is no pattern at all!"

In addition to these people, there are still some people who feel very embarrassed.

"Oh, we were the ones who provoked it first, so what they did was just tit for tat!"

"I'm so ashamed of these people. Didn't we just rely on the strength of the 88th Fleet to run rampant in their waters? Now they say they bullied us. It was obviously us who bullied them first!"

"In terms of structure, the rabbits seem to have more structure! They took revenge on us, but they just walked around our territory!"

"Forget it, stop talking! These guys don't care about this. They just feel unhappy. They are shouting very fiercely. If we let them go to the battlefield, they will be the first to be frightened.

Later, after a while, Liu Yi and the others were satisfied!

Chen Weiguo searched for a long time: "Why is there no suitable island for us to bombard?"

"Damn it, they bombed our little fish island, I want to bomb them too!"

"But the surrounding islands are too small and cannot withstand the bombardment of our heavily armored drives!"

At this time, Staff Officer Wang grinned and said: "Okay, how big is their own homeland? We just made a circle along their sea area, that's enough!"

Seeing that it was getting late, Liu Yi shouted for a week: Yuan Hang!"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers were satisfied and began to return!

What happened today is quite a relief!

It will also become the most precious memory in their hearts!

Many years later, these soldiers may tell their children what happened this year.

They definitely sounded proud!

"I remember the time when grandpa and I drove our heavy-armored cruiser and destroyed the self-righteous Eighth-Eight Fleet!"

"Not only that, we also circled around their homeland! They didn't even pass a fart!"

Looking at the way back, everyone had a faint smile on their faces.

The cold wind on the sea doesn’t seem so harsh anymore!

Eagle Sauce Country.

White House.

The leader of Yingjiang looked at the pictures taken from the naval battle on Xiaoyu Island and fell into deep thought.

One photo in particular.

What’s taken in the photo is a heavy armored driver!

Although it was shot from a distance, the size of the heavy armored driver is not that big!

But compared with the other battleships next to Rabbit, they are so huge!

After a long time, the leader of Yingjiang put down the photo.

Look at the people in the conference room.

"It seems that we were still too naive. We originally thought that the Rabbit Air Force and Army were powerful, so forget it!"

"I didn't expect that their weakest navy would actually have such a behemoth!"

"Thanks to our keeping an eye on it, we let the chickens try their skills. Otherwise, their fate today will be our fate!"

Obviously, the chicken has become their scapegoat.

At this time, a senior naval officer looked at the leader of Yingjiang. In his hand was a piece of paper with dense data written on it.

"Boss, these are all the advantages of the Rabbit (Zhao Hao) Big Mac that I have counted so far. Do you want to take a look!!

The leader of Yingjiang glanced at it and then waved his hand:

"No need to read, just introduce it to all of us directly!"

The navy executive nodded.

Then he looked at the content on the paper and talked for a while.

However, I have to say that as a senior naval officer, his observations are quite meticulous!

The speed, length, electromagnetic gun system, number of vertical launch units, and even the attack speed of the close-in defense gun were all calculated!

Compared with the real data, it is not much different.

Especially the electromagnetic gun system.

This is obviously the system that their navy is currently studying.

And right now it’s just a concept!

As a result, Rabbit not only built him, he even built a super electromagnetic gun!

It was much stronger than they expected!

The leader of Yingjiang was very angry.

"What happened to Rabbit? The science and technology of the navy, army and air force are in full bloom! Have they been secretly conducting research all these years?"

"Or is it that we are working on Star Wars with the Furry Bear Alliance because we don't like him, so he secretly starts it on his own? Star Wars?"

Everyone was silent.

Now they can't figure out the bottom of the rabbit!

This makes them all a little scared!

Worried that Rabbit is coming up with more amazing weapons.

While they were talking about these things.

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman knocked on the door and came in.

He looked hurriedly and said as soon as he entered the door:

"Boss, we found something strange about Ulan?"

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