Chapter 210 Medium Quantum Collider

"Yes, this is the small black hole I created. The real way to achieve it is through the quantum collision of the quantum hedging machine..."

Because Lu Ming is still standing on the stage, he must explain the shock of the audience from the most professional perspective.


I heard Lu Ming speak clearly and clearly.

The leader of the working group for the Sabel Prize in Physics could not help but applaud again.

Then the team members under him followed suit and clapped together.

It seems that except for the leader of the working group who can understand the theory of quantum hedging, others have not yet understood it.

It seems unreasonable to say that quantum hedging was not developed by Lu Ming alone.

Of course, Yingjiang said that this technology was developed by them, and everyone thought it was even more ridiculous.

Everyone here is not a fool. Just through the reaction of the leader of the physics working group and his team members, everyone knows that this is definitely not something that the trash under Yingjiang can do.

"Yingjiang, you said that I plagiarized your research results, so I just want to ask, do you have this quantum hedging machine?"

"Can you, Yingjiang, create a small black hole?"

Lu Ming directly stopped Yingjiang with two questions in a row.

At this time, the other party was stunned, not knowing how to answer Lu Ming's words.

His question was just right.

It's true that Ying Jiang doesn't know how to answer.

Yingjiang didn't even need to turn his head, he knew that with his waste, it was absolutely impossible for scientific researchers to develop a small black hole.

If he really had that ability, this time Yingjiang wouldn't have used quantum balance theory to participate in the nomination application for the Sabel Physics Prize.

"No, I've been doing this for a long time, and now the villain is the first to complain..."

"What's this called? It's obviously called thief or catch thief..."

Representatives from various countries present discussed the matter word by word.

These very sharp and harsh sounds made Yingjiang feel very embarrassed.

Ying Jiang knew that he had already reached this point.

If he doesn't continue on, he will only be reviled by the world.

But now he still holds a very strong evidence in his hand, so he feels that he still has some convincing power.

"We have not yet developed the quantum hedging machine, but we are already in the process of researching it!"

Ying Jiang stood up from his seat again and came to Lu Ming's side.

"I have to admit that your development speed of quantum hedging machine is indeed very fast, but this does not explain that you plagiarized our scientific research results..."

When Yingjiang finished saying this, he took out his open source evidence again and put it in front of everyone for them to watch.

Lu Ming frowned.

In a sense.

What the other party said is true and there is nothing wrong with it at all.

But Lu Ming just didn't want the Rabbit Country representatives to show their open source records.

(caae) If it is just such a simple proof, Lu Ming feels that the effect of slapping Yingjiang in the face is not good at all.

This is not what he wants.

"Since you just researched this project a month ago, let me show you something else..."

After Lu Ming said this, he quickly took out his mobile phone.

After contacting the staff, someone quickly took out the video and played it.

What is shown in the video now is the prototype of a medium-sized collider.

Outside the medium-sized collision machine, Lu Ming also placed some magnets and electromagnetic tools.

Under the operation of the staff, the medium-sized collision machine has begun to work.

A scene similar to what just happened happened again in front of everyone.

But this time, what everyone saw was obviously more shocking than before.

Seeing everything in front of them, everyone was shocked again.

"What is this? Is it a medium-sized black hole?"

As the power of the collider continues to increase.

The surrounding black holes have also developed from a little prototype at the beginning to the endless darkness now.

You must know that there are many white wooden boards next to the collider.

As a result, when the power of the collider became larger and larger, the black hole produced became larger and larger, and everyone could no longer see the white wooden board behind it.

Obviously, all this is a function that only black holes can possess.

Black holes can swallow everything in the world, and even light that shines into it will not bounce back.

The members of the physics working group applauded again.

Lu Ming didn't just create a small black hole using a quantum hedging machine.

Even larger black holes were created on this basis.

As long as Lu Ming keeps increasing the power, it does not seem impossible to artificially create a huge black hole.

You must know that Lu Ming has been operating this whole thing.

If Lu Ming developed so many achievements in just two months, then this would be too abnormal.

"We believe that Lu Ming cannot challenge your scientific research results. If you still insist on saying so, we are willing to admit that quantum hedging was created by Lu Ming!"

The leader of the physics research group finally spoke. .

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