I Ask You To Collect Rags, But You Recycle Second-Hand Mushroom Eggs?

Chapter 47: Make Him A Small Goal First! ! [Kneel Down And Beg For Flowers! 】

Chapter 47: Make him a small goal first! ! [Kneel down and beg for flowers! 】

When I heard that there were 40 to 50 million US dollars.

All the officials in Wulan were stunned.

Moreover, this is just a conservative estimate!

Maybe it will be higher!

This is much higher than the so-called aid from Eagle Sauce!

Lu Ming is indeed his good friend!

They heard Lu Ming's words again.

It seems like getting more money requires them to do something.

Kalaf thought of this and immediately asked:

"Lu Ming, what do you want us to do?"

"We in Ulan are so short of money right now. As long as we can make money, we can do anything!"

"Of course, except for things involving Eagle Sauce!"

Lu Ming shook his head calmly: "It has nothing to do with them!"

After pondering for a moment, Lu Ming decided to show his cards directly.

"That's right, I have a batch of goods shipped from China!"

"I hope I can use your country's help to sell him!"

After hearing this, they all understood immediately!

The popularity of Chinese small commodities in their country is obvious to all!

There are even some Chinese businessmen who come here specifically to do business.

Before I even got off the train, all the goods were exchanged by Ulan people on the train!

The reason for the exchange is that the currency of ordinary Ulan people has seriously depreciated.

Chinese businessmen or bankrupts can only accept barter in exchange for the goods in their hands.

These are obvious to all in the eyes of Ulan officials!

And they encourage this trade!

The first is to stimulate domestic economic vitality!

The second is to earn some tax revenue!

Of course, because the market is extremely irregular, in fact, they can't collect much tax!

At best, it can reduce the burden of survival on the people!

I heard that Lu Ming wanted to handle domestic goods through their hands!

The first thing that struck Khalaf's mind was actually the quantity of goods.

"Lu Ming, I remember that your country does not support this kind of speculative behavior!"

"Do you have a lot of goods?"

"If it's not much, I will arrange for someone to help you sell it in our country!"

"I don't need to make any money from you!"

It's a good thing Calaf doesn't want to make his own money!

But Lu Ming knows that they must earn this money!

Because Ulan’s help will be indispensable in the future!

You can't let the other person waste their time every time!

The relationship he wants to achieve with Ulan is a community of interests!

Thinking of this, Lu Ming raised two fingers.

"I have $200 million in merchandise!"

Calaf and the others were shocked when they heard this number.

Two hundred million dollars? ? ?

so much? !

Converted into Chinese currency, it is equivalent to two billion.

Lu Ming also thinks it’s quite a lot!

And these goods need to be collected within a week!

Lu Ming could even imagine that domestic factories must be working overtime to produce goods!

It is estimated that the production line is emitting smoke!

Kalaf swallowed immediately after hearing this!

He regretted it a little!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have said such nonsense!

Handling so many goods, if there is no charge, is simply a waste of domestic manpower and material resources!

In fact, it’s not his fault!

He didn't expect there to be so many goods!

At this time, another voice sounded.

"Mr. Lu Ming, is everything you said true? Does China allow you to sell so many goods?"

It was Ulan's financial officer. He asked incredulously:

"Does that mean you have already relaxed the rules? No more restrictions on trade exports?"

He is actually planning to conduct an economic trade with China!

In this way, a large amount of cash can be obtained from China and alleviate the domestic embarrassment!

However, he was disappointed.

Lu Ming's three simple words completely dispelled his illusions!

"not at all!"

The official also wanted to ask if there was no such thing, how did you get this batch of goods?

But before he said it, he seemed to have thought of the answer!

It is very likely that Lu Ming has reached some kind of cooperation with Chinese officials!

That’s why I’m willing to give him this privilege!

Other officials are aware of this, too.

I have a little more respect for the young man in front of me.

Being able to cooperate with Chinese officials is obviously extraordinary.

Then, Lu Ming looked at Khalaf and continued:

"Mr. Leader, thank you for your kindness just now! However, I think your country is short of money now! So I plan to give you some profits!"

"And I have too many goods! There is no way I can sell them all by my own means!"

"Now that I have found you, I naturally come here with sincerity!"


After saying this, Lu Ming paused.

Facing everyone's gaze, he continued:

"So, this batch of goods worth 200 million U.S. dollars in our country will be sold to you for 500 million U.S. dollars! What do you mean?"

Hearing this, the Ulan officials were stunned!

Khalaf was even more excited and said:

"Lu Ming, is everything you said true?"

You can't blame him for being too excited, but the value of these goods after sale is too high!

A product worth 200 million yuan can easily be sold for 500 million yuan, earning back the cost.

If it is sold to neighboring countries, it is not a problem to sell it for 600 million!

You know, these neighboring countries are all former members of the Woolly Bear Alliance, and their light and heavy industries are also out of balance!

We also need products from China!

Sell ​​it to them and make an extra $100 million. It’s not difficult at all!

This is twice as much as Lu Ming’s previous conservative estimate of US$50 million!

For Ulan, this 100 million US dollars can be said to be a huge sum of money!

Lu Ming nodded: "Everything I said is true!"

"After all, we are all good partners, can I still lie to you?"

When the other officials heard this, they were immediately moved.

"Lu Ming has done us a big favor again! At least he can make us an extra 100 million US dollars! The 50 million he said before was actually modest!"

"Lu Ming is such a good person! He is a thousand times, ten thousand times better than Ying Jiang and the others!"

"You really think of us in every good thing! If the furry bear were here, I would probably die of envy!"

Seeing this, Lu Ming was sure that the deal was concluded!

I made an extra $300 million, which is a lot to be honest!

The most important thing is that by converting the goods into cash, you can earn an additional 300 million!

Very fragrant.

Next, continue to make weapons!

Keep selling!

Set a small goal first!

Earn him ten billion dollars!

However, I think so, but the next second.

Kalaf suddenly thought of something, and his expression suddenly became serious!

"Lu Ming, I'm afraid we don't have that much cash to give you!"


I've been having a hard time these past two days, so there have been a few updates, but the fever has subsided and I'll resume updating soon!

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