I Ask You To Collect Rags, But You Recycle Second-Hand Mushroom Eggs?

Chapter 59: Once You Get To My House, It’S Mine! 【Please Subscribe! 】

Chapter 59: When you get to my house, it’s mine! [Please subscribe!]

Yanjing Air Force Base.

It was approaching midnight.

In the research room, the lights are still bright.

Three old men in blue research uniforms were looking back and forth around a Mao-27.

From time to time, I will record something in the notebook I carry.

Sometimes they frown because of problems, and sometimes they suddenly realize and smile like children.

These three old men are the top fighter designers in China.

One of them was Sun Guofu, who had interacted with Lu Ming before.

"How about Guofu, how soon do you think we can develop a third-generation aircraft?"

The old man named Li Weixu patted Mao 27 on the side and asked with a smile.

Another old man named Wang also looked at Sun Guofu curiously, wanting to hear his opinion.

Sun Guofu took off his glasses, rubbed his sore eyes and said:

"If we want to build our own third-generation aircraft, it will take at least two years! We have too many things to solve!"

Mr. Wang nodded: "Indeed!"

"Only when I saw the Mao-27 did I realize that we still have a long way to go before we are a third-generation aircraft!"

"However, the third-generation aircraft is already very good!"

"After we develop it, we can continue to fight for a long time!"

Li Weixu also said: "It's okay, it's said to be two years, but as long as we work harder, maybe we can do it in one and a half years!"

The other two old men smiled and nodded.

"That's right! Our dream does not stop at third-generation aircraft!"

"Our goal is fourth-generation aircraft, or even fifth-generation aircraft!"

Mr. Sun said confidently.

After hearing what he said, Li Weixu smiled immediately:

"I really envy you, Guofu, for being so young and yet so passionate!"

"To this day, I still miss the fifth-generation aircraft!"

Having said this, he couldn't help but sigh:

"I'm afraid we won't be able to do it by that time!"

"If I can see our fifth-generation aircraft in my lifetime, I will really have no regrets in this life!"

Mr. Li looked at Mao 27 in front of him, his eyes shining with hope.

No one knew what he was thinking at this time, but they could feel the desire in his eyes.

Mr. Sun saw that he kept staring at Mao-27, so he said:

"Don't worry, we will master the manufacturing technology of the third-generation aircraft in the future!"

"You won't be bullied by foreigners!"

"This day will come soon!"

The other two old men looked at him and nodded.

After a few brief words, they continued to study.

About ten minutes later.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked in from the door.

They are very familiar with this middle-aged man!

It was Air Force General Xu Dazhi.

"Mr. Sun, Mr. Li, Mr. Wang! I knew you were still researching here!"

"It's so late, you should go back and rest! Don't exhaust your body!"

Sun Guofu glanced at him and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, we'll be back after studying for an hour!"

"What's wrong, General Xu? Do you have anything to do with us?"

Xu Dazhi nodded.

"Lu Ming said they would send a fighter plane!"

"According to what he said, it's very advanced! I'm thinking of you right now, and I want to take you over to have a look when the time comes!"

Li Weixu and Wang Congjun, two old men, have never heard of Lu Ming's name!

But he was very interested in the advanced fighter jets he mentioned!

"General Xu, how advanced can the advanced fighter aircraft you talk about be! Is it the latest fourth-generation aircraft?" Sun Guofu suddenly asked.

As soon as these words came out, Li Weixu and Wang Congjun's eyes widened immediately!

Fourth generation machine?

Is it so advanced?

As long as this fourth-generation aircraft is not a Michrome 29, any one of them is worthy of their study.

However, Xu Dazhi didn't know the specific model of this fighter plane.

He answered truthfully.

Sun Guofu continued to ask:

"Then when will this fighter plane arrive?"

It's obvious that he can't wait!

"We just sent Yang Lei over today! We need to confirm a lot of things!"

"The most important thing is the voyage!" Xu Dazhi explained.

Sun Guofu nodded: "That's right! Ermao is very far away from us! Ordinary planes can't fly over at all!"

Xu Dazhi continued:

"Mr. Sun is right, we have to confirm the voyage first. If it's not enough, we can only transport it by train or ship!"

"In this case, we can't expect him to arrive quickly! It will take at least a week!"

Li Weixu smiled helplessly:

"Oh, I thought it would arrive in two days!"

"It just so happens that we have to prepare for the rehearsal in the past two days, and I want to show off the power of our air force then!"

Sun Guofu shook his head: "Don't think so much. No matter how advanced a fighter plane is, it won't be able to display much history!"

"Of course it would be another matter if it is a fifth-generation machine!"

Xu Dazhi suddenly laughed: "Mr. Sun, are you kidding me? I really can't even think about fifth-generation machines now!"

"And Yingjiang hasn't even made this thing yet!"

Mr. Sun nodded: "How could there be a fifth-generation machine? I was just talking casually."

Xu Dazhi nodded, he didn't want to say anything.

Suddenly, a rapid siren suddenly sounded.

Several people were suddenly shocked.

Xu Dazhi ran to the window and looked out.

"Air defense alert? Enemy attack?"

"Damn, it's so good, how can there be an enemy attack?"

Xu Dazhi reacted very quickly. He first asked the three designers not to run around!

Then he rushed directly to the battle command room.

Wu Yuanxun and Zhao Yueshan have arrived at this time!

The two looked at the radar, frowning, as if something terrible had happened!

"Commander! Why did the air defense siren go off?"

"Who the hell dared to attack us after eating the bear's heart?"

Xu Dazhi walked in aggressively.

Neither Wu Yuanxun nor Zhao Yueshan spoke, but pointed at the radar and told him to look at it for himself!

Xu Dazhi glanced at them suspiciously.

Then he turned his head and looked over, and was stunned.


He became even more confused.

Because nothing shows up on the radar.

"Can't be detected by radar...or is it simply not there?"

"Commander, this isn't just an exercise!"

"Don't the rehearsals start tomorrow?"

"No one informed me that we would conduct exercises at night!"

Xu Dazhi thought it was an exercise!

But Wu Yuanxun shook his head: "This is not a drill!"

"A fighter plane was discovered by our patrol team!"

"More than a dozen J-8s have already passed to intercept!"

"However, the eyes can see it, but the radar cannot display it!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Dazhi was immediately startled.

"Damn it, it can't be that Yingjiang's fifth-generation aircraft has been developed!"

If the radar doesn't show it, isn't this a proper stealth fighter?

Currently, only fifth-generation machines have this technology!

Zhao Yueshan also said: "We also suspect that this is Yingjiang's fifth-generation aircraft!"

"Damn it! Just developed it and used it on us! Damn it!"

Xu Dazhi was also angry.

"Then why are you being polite to him? He's already in our airspace! Just shoot him down!"

If you are too polite now, you will really become a soft persimmon!

But the words just left his mouth.

Then I heard a voice coming from the microphone:

"Report to the headquarters, the opponent's speed is too fast! The third squadron failed to intercept!"

The squadron has dozens of fighter planes, but not even one can be intercepted!

We can’t say that they are too weak, I can only say that their opponents are too strong!

The fifth-generation aircraft has a radar detection function. Once the whereabouts of an enemy aircraft are discovered within two hundred kilometers, it can respond quickly!

But now the detection distance of China's fighter planes is very limited.

Especially at night, if the opponent runs a little further, he won't be able to catch up!

Zhao Yueshan looked at Wu Yuanxun: "Commander! What should we do now?"

"How about we use anti-aircraft guns to knock him down!"

Wu Yuanxun shook his head: "Radar can't detect it! It's also difficult for anti-aircraft guns to lock on!"

"A waste of ammunition!"

Xu Dazhi wanted to say, we can't just let him go!

As a result, the words haven't been spoken yet.

I heard a roar!

The searchlights hit it!

They looked up and looked outside, and immediately saw a fighter plane they had never seen before circling in the sky.

Don’t wait for their reaction!

The fighter plane dived towards the airport.

Seeing this scene, the three bosses were immediately stunned.

"Is this...preparing for landing?"

Zhao Yueshan guessed.

Xu Dazhi slapped his thigh and reacted: "Fuck! Hurry up!"

"This is a fifth-generation aircraft!"

“When you get to our airport, it’s ours!”

"Quick, stop him!"

Xu Dazhi moved very quickly and rushed towards the airport before he finished speaking.

Wu Yuanxun and Zhao Yueshan followed closely.

They were excited too!

"No matter what Yingjiang is doing! If he doesn't study this fifth-generation machine thoroughly, don't let us return it!"

"This is what happens when you violate us!"

Fifth-generation aircraft are getting lower and lower from the airport!

Finally, after a burst of acceleration, the wheels landed on the airport.

Under the high-speed friction, sparks suddenly appeared.

Soon, the fifth-generation machine stopped!

At the same time, an army also surrounded the entire fighter plane!

At the front of the line.

The three big bosses of the Air Force stood with their hands behind their hands and looked seriously at the plane in front of them.

Because it was indispensable to communicate with "foreigners" on the plane, they also found a correspondent who could translate.

everything's ready!

Just waiting for the foreign devils inside to come out!

"Damn it, I want to see who it is that thinks their country is so awesome that they can invade us at will?"

After he got off the plane, we captured him directly, and then we sent people to bring the fifth-generation aircraft to the research institute!"

"With such a large formation like ours, the foreign pilots won't be frightened to tears!"

"But again, this foreign devil's driving skills are not bad. I don't know who is better than our teacher Yang!"

Everyone started talking quietly.

But just then.

As the fighter's hatch opens.

In the darkness, Zhang's familiar face suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was shocked.

Xu Dazhi was even dumbfounded!

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw correctly, and then shouted:

"Fuck! Yang Lei! Why is it you?"

That’s right!

This person is Yang Lei.

He was also a little puzzled: "General Xu, you..."

"You have so many people here, it's a welcome

Is it mine?"

Wu Yuanxun frowned and asked, "What do you think?"

Yang Lei was a little embarrassed: "I made a mistake, please organize me to criticize me!"

Wu Yuanxun: "What's wrong!"

Yang Lei said helplessly: "I forgot to contact the headquarters in advance!"

"I didn't remember this until I got on the fighter plane and arrived in China! But I can't go back again!!

"We have to bite the bullet and come down!"

What Yang Lei said is true.

This is also the first time for him to fly from a foreign country to his own country!

It is inevitable that there will be omissions in some places!

Wu Yuanxun saw that he had a good attitude in admitting his mistakes and said firmly:

"I hope you have successfully completed your mission and will make up for your mistakes, so you will not be punished!"

“But write a two thousand word examination!”

Yang Lei grinned: "Received!"

Later, Wu Yuanxun ordered everyone present to keep the secret secret!

What happened tonight cannot be leaked out for the time being!

Wait until the soldiers have left.

Only three leaders of the Air Force and Yang Lei were left on the field.

They have no airs at all.

They all flocked to the fifth-generation machine.

Observe carefully.

"My God, this fighter plane looks very advanced! Which country made it?"

"It should be Yingjiang! Aren't they always clamoring to build a fifth-generation aircraft?"

"But how could such a secret fighter appear in Lu Ming's hands? He even gave us support!"

"Don't worry about it. When the rehearsal starts tomorrow, I will support him no matter what!"

Xu Dazhi and the other three said excitedly.

Wu Yuanxun looked at Yang Lei at this time: "You really came back from Ermao. This fighter plane can fly very well!"

Yang Lei nodded: "Lu Ming said it can fly 6,500 kilometers. This is not comparable to Michrome 29 with short legs!"

6500 kilometers!

Since I was suddenly shocked!

The distance is incredible.

Next, Wu Yuanxun asked another very important question:

"Your itinerary has not been exposed!"

Yang Lei smiled: "Don't worry, Commander, the stealth capability of this fifth-generation aircraft is really strong!"

"Flying for two hours, I was surprised not to be discovered at all!"

"It was only after I slowed down as I approached Yanjing that our people saw me!"

Xu Dazhi and the three of them looked at each other, and a chill suddenly appeared behind their backs.

In fact, the pilot of the J-8 behind him had already failed to track!

If Yang Lei hadn't landed on his own initiative, there would have been nothing they could do!

This shows how strong the stealth capabilities of fifth-generation aircraft are!

Once it is really applied to the battlefield, the threat will be huge!

In front of stealth fighters, the so-called anti-aircraft firepower is nothing!

There is no need to send out a huge fleet of aircraft for bombing. Only one stealth fighter can penetrate the defense and hit the target accurately!

Its deterrent significance is self-evident.

Thinking of this, Wu Yuanxun and the others suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

"We must study this fighter thoroughly!!

"Even if we can't build a fifth-generation aircraft, we still have to find a way to deal with it!"

"By the way, hurry up and call Mr. Sun and the others over!".

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