I Ask You To Collect Rags, But You Recycle Second-Hand Mushroom Eggs?

Chapter 62: Equip With Higher-Tech Products! 【Please Subscribe! 】

Chapter 62: Equipped with higher-tech products! [Please subscribe!]

The content on the photo is simple.

One is an overhead view photo of the air force base!

This is a bird’s eye view of the government building in the capital of Kimchi Country!

If ordinary people saw these two photos, they would think it was nothing.

But as the Air Force Chief of the Eagle Sauce and Pickle Nation.

They immediately recognized that it was taken by the fighter plane's own camera!

At the same time, I realized what these two pictures represent!

Representing a fighter plane, it flew over their heads.

At the same time, it also flew over the head of the capital of Kimchi Country.

The most terrifying thing is that they didn't even notice it.

The enemy's sickle is placed on the neck, and they don't even know it!

Tyson's back was sweating a little.

I can't calm down for a long time!

"Fifth generation machine!"

"China! It has developed a fifth-generation aircraft!"

"Their fighter research capabilities... surpass ours!"

After a long time, Tyson reluctantly uttered these words.

He was confused before!

Why can they let a fighter plane fool them!

Disappeared before their eyes.

Buck and the others even thought the radar had been jammed!

In fact, it is none of these!

The real reason is that this fighter will become invisible.

A stealth fighter!

Isn’t it just a fifth-generation machine?

Thinking of this, Tyson felt even worse!

Once, they thought that their air force could steadily overpower China!

Now their confidence has been completely exhausted by these two photos!

Not only them, Park Sung-suk is even more scared!

"Damn it! We "650" help Yingjiang bully the rabbit, they won't retaliate against us then!"

Park Sung-suk has this worry.

He looked at Tyson: "Sir, what do you think we should do next?"

Tyson took a deep breath: "This is no longer my decision!"

"I'm going to tell the people in the White House this news!"

Eagle Country, White House.

In the conference room.

A group of high-ranking Air Force officials sat together.

in front of them.

A middle-aged man in engineering clothes was pointing at the design drawing of a fighter plane on the blackboard and talking.

The generals applauded from time to time, with excited smiles on their faces!

The reason why we are so excited is because the last step of their fifth-generation aircraft is about to be completed!

Although it is still a few years away from actual service.

But once completed, it means that they have basically mastered the construction technology of fifth-generation aircraft!

Engineer Leon explained excitedly:

"We are already experimenting with stealth coatings! We are currently testing the materials repeatedly, I believe it will take up to half a year!"

“We can pick out the right livery!”

"By that time, we will be the first to build fifth-generation aircraft than any other country in the world!"

Hearing this, enthusiastic applause broke out in the conference room again.

Including President Yingjiang sitting in the main seat of the conference room.

"Haha! Mao Xiong must have started researching fifth-generation aircraft now!"

"Unfortunately, they are still much slower than us!"

"They are still like this, let alone China, which has not even built a third-generation machine!"

Speaking of this, a general laughed jokingly: "In terms of fighter aircraft research, we are at least thirty years ahead of them!"

In the conference room, the generals burst into laughter.

"Thirty years is still an understatement! If you ask me, forty years is no exaggeration!"

"Their current aircraft are still second-generation aircraft! It's pitiful to think about it!"

"No, I heard they introduced another batch of Mao-27 from Mao Xiong!"

"So what if we bring in a batch of aircraft? Without mastering the real manufacturing technology, just relying on import is equivalent to holding the lifeblood in the hands of others! If there is a real war, no one will sell them aircraft, who can they count on?"

"However, don't underestimate China. They have introduced the Mao-27, and they will probably develop a third-generation aircraft soon!"

"It's not that I look down on them. If they want to develop a third-generation aircraft, it will take them at least three years. By then, all our fifth-generation aircraft will be flying!"

Dr. Lyon also said at this time: "Based on my understanding of China, they may not be able to develop it in three years!"

"Their people are too stupid to play with high technology! This is too difficult for them!"

After saying this, everyone laughed again.

However, at this moment, the phone in the conference room suddenly rang.

President Yingjiang heard the voice from the other side and realized that it was Tyson.

The other generals seemed to have guessed what was going on.

"Tyson must have teased Hua Guo a lot and wanted to show off to us!"

"What a pity! If only I were in Kimchi Country, I would love to use our advanced fighter planes to play with those rags in China!"

"It's really hard on them. They have to fly such a shabby fighter plane. I'm afraid they will suddenly fly away and disintegrate in the sky! Hahaha!"

President Yingjiang also thought that Tyson was here to tell him good news, but the next second, he was stunned!

His eyes were widened, as if he heard something unbelievable!

After he reacted, he stood up with a groan!

Then he slapped the table hard and asked loudly:

"Tyson, what did you say?"

"China has developed a fifth-generation aircraft?"

The other generals were stunned when they heard this!

The conference room suddenly became extremely quiet.

They looked at each other, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Are you kidding! China has built a fifth-generation aircraft? This is absolutely impossible!"

"Who would believe a country that has not even built a third-generation aircraft? If you say it has built a fifth-generation aircraft!"

"What the hell is this Tyson guy doing! Does he think this joke is funny?"

Several generals said angrily that they felt that Tyson was completely teasing them!

President Yingjiang feels the same way.

"Mr. President, I faxed you two photos. If you don't believe me, you can take a look!"

Soon, two photos were sent over!

Seeing the inner image on the photo, President Yingjiang was still a little puzzled.

Don't know what this is.

But the air force general on the side recognized it at a glance.

"This is an overhead view of an air force base in Kimchi Country!"

“The other one is an overhead view of the capital of Kimchi Country!”

"But such pictures are easy to take! Any fighter plane can do it!"

President Yingjiang also thinks so: "So Tyson, what does this mean? What does it have to do with fifth-generation aircraft?"

Tyson took a deep breath: "But it can be photographed from any plane!"

"But what I want to tell you is that these two pictures were just sent to me by the Chinese military!"

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned!

They soon realized something was wrong.

How come China has these two top-down pictures!

Especially the photos of the air force base!

In other words, they sent a fighter plane to take the photo?

There is also a time stamp on the picture.

Looking at the date, it was taken not long ago!

Later, Tyson told them how China's fifth-generation aircraft avoided radar and played tricks on them.

Finally they finally believed it completely!

China really has fifth-generation aircraft.

This time, everyone was silent.

Dr. Lyon's eyes were even more blank, and he sat down directly on the ground.

He kept mumbling:

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! China has to buy even third-generation aircraft from others. They don't even have third-generation aircraft. How can they build fifth-generation aircraft! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Moreover, we haven't even built a fifth-generation aircraft! Why did they build one!"

Just now I was laughing at China, saying that I was thirty or forty years ahead of them!

As a result, people have already built fifth-generation machines.

What's even more funny is that he also laughed at Hua Guo for being stupid and not suitable for high technology!

Now it seems that they themselves are the ones who are stupid!

The faces of all the generals were so painfully beaten!

After hesitating, no one was willing to speak.

In the end, it was the president of Yingjiang who was the first to say:

"No! We must find out what happened to this fifth-generation machine!"

"There must be something fishy here. I don't believe that China, which is so good, can really build a fifth-generation aircraft!"

Leon also became energetic at this time: "Yes, if they can build a fifth-generation aircraft, they don't have to introduce Mao-27 anymore!"

But after saying these words, he was discouraged again.

"But if they didn't build it, then who could give them the fifth-generation machine?"

"You know, this is a fifth-generation aircraft!"

After everyone heard this, they immediately felt that this was the truth.

The entire conference room suddenly fell into dead silence.

The last naval admiral suddenly said: "Mr. President, should we continue to harass their southern waters?"

This is a very serious question..0

President Yingjiang pondered for a moment and said: "Continue!"

"Their air force is indeed powerful, but their navy is still a mess!"

"And a fifth-generation aircraft can't change the situation at all! I want to see how capable they are!"

His eyes gradually became sinister.

Huaguo, Yanjing.

Buck and the others were urgently transferred back.

The enemy plane harassing the eastern sea area has disappeared!

Yang Lei also drove the fifth-generation aircraft back to Yanjing Air Force Base.

He was greeted by a group of generals from China.

They cried with joy.

Not easy!

They have suffered a lot of bullying from Eagle Sauce over the years!

I feel really proud today!

Thinking about what happened today, it is quite exciting!

Originally it was Eagle Sauce that harassed their eastern waters!

This is still just lingering on the border!

And they broke into Kimchi Country directly.

Even flew above the government building.

Deterrence directly fills up.

Although it seems that Kimchi Country is very innocent!

After all, it was Yingjiang who caused the trouble.

But in fact, they deserve it!

Who told them to let their boss use their base as a springboard for fighter planes!

Naturally, the fifth-generation aircraft drove in quietly all the way, and this operation immediately confused Yingjiang and Kimchi!

They never expected that China's scientific and technological strength was already so powerful!

The fifth-generation aircraft has been built!

In fact, Wu Yuanxun wanted to hide it!

After all, once the secret of the fifth-generation aircraft is exposed, the whole world will be in an uproar!

He believes that after tomorrow, the whole world will know about this!

And the reason why I no longer keep a low profile!

It's because the strong need to be low-key!

The weak need to show their swords!

To be honest, China is the weak one now!

You need to use strong

The strength can shock some people!

And the effect is excellent!

After Yingjiang believed in the fifth-generation aircraft they owned, they immediately moved away the aircraft that was harassing them!

The speed is so fast!

According to Yang Lei, when he returned, the fighter planes all circled around him when they saw him!

Afraid of meeting him!

The Air Force commanders of the Western Theater Command and the Southern Theater Command also arrived here today.

Originally, they were discussing joint military exercises with Wu Yuanshu.

As a result, as soon as I arrived here, I heard such a pleasant thing.

Commander Lu of the Western Theater Command suggested:

"Colonel Yang is really a mirrorless hero!"

"You dare to fly a fighter plane to the Kimchi Country. It's really brave!"

"Today, let us vent our anger. Commander Wu must award Colonel Yang an Air Combat Hero Medal no matter what!"

Wu Yuanxun nodded: "That's natural!"

But Yang Lei was very modest: "Let's forget Chapter 2.5 of Commander Xun!"

"The biggest hero today is not me, but Weilong!!"

"The person we are most grateful to should be Lu Ming!"

Wu Yuanxun said solemnly: "You are right! Thanks to Lu Ming! Don't worry, I will not forget their kindness!

"If I have the opportunity in the future, I will thank him in person!"

After listening to their words, Commander Lu suddenly became interested in the Dragon and the Lu Ming they mentioned.

He turned to look at the Veyron parked at the airport!

He didn't pay attention before, but now he was a little confused.

"Commander Wu, this Dragon is not our fighter plane! I thought Colonel Yang was flying a Mao-27 to enter the Kimchi Country!"

"But it doesn't look like Maozi's! Where did you get it?"

Commander Du of the Southern Theater Command was also puzzled.

"From what I see, it doesn't look like a third-generation machine [Dongshi looks more like a fourth-generation machine!"

"Good fellow, Commander Wu, you can keep the treasure for yourself, right? Tell me, where did such a good fighter plane come from?"

After listening to their words, Wu Yuanshu suddenly smiled:

"What are you thinking? This is not a fourth-generation machine!

The more Commander Du looked at it, the more he liked it: "You are so humble! This is definitely a fourth-generation aircraft!"

Wu Yuanxun couldn't hold himself any longer!

Xu Dazhi on the side explained: "Commander Du, our commander has no intention of being humble. This is indeed not a fourth-generation aircraft!"

"This is a fifth-generation machine!"

Hearing this, Commander Du and Commander Lu were dumbfounded!

Seeing that they didn't look like they were joking, now it was their turn to lose control.

"Well, Wu Yuanxun, I'm still using second-generation aircraft. It's a good thing for you, you're equipped with all fifth-generation aircraft!"

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