I ask you to shoot a car commercial, and you shoot Optimus Prime_

Chapter 99: The Decepticons Mobilize! Fall And Descent!!


As soon as the video plays,

A mighty bass trembled, and the silence was far away,

A huge and vast cosmic background appears,

A huge Decepticon member appeared in the dark background of the universe,

The huge white and silver radar slowly opened towards both sides,

Revealing a steel head behind,

The huge head, against the background of the black and silent universe, presents a dark color and a steely ghost.


Two huge eyes filled with infrared rays slowly opened,

It is one of the members of the Decepticons, Soundwave,

"Decepticon mobilization, decisive battle time!"

"That's right!"

"Decisive time!"

Sound Wave's lips were like giant ant's teeth, slowly moving, issuing the Decepticon mobilization command towards space and the earth.


The camera switches to the end of the sound wave,

The huge steel wings behind him, reflected in the blue light of the earth, seem to be the huge wings of a fallen angel.

The appearance of this scene,


firmly attracting the eyes of several students in the same row to the mobile phone screen,

"Fuck! He's so handsome!"

"What's the name of this Tiezi? I really want to know his name~! Handsome!"


The screen turned,

I saw,

Countless meteorite-like objects,

Pulling a long blue thread from the distant space, lasing towards the earth,

Immediately afterwards,

A short plot - the male protagonist's parents are eating high-end food under the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai...

The picture returns to space,

At this time~

The meteor has passed through the atmosphere,


It creates friction with the air in the atmosphere, and huge wings of fire appear behind it.

Obviously, these extraterrestrial visitors are coming to Earth soon.


Dong dong dong~

Background music changes,

It turned into intense percussion music,


The adrenalin secretion of several students watching was accelerated, and their eyes were fixed on the picture without blinking.

on the screen,

A huge aircraft carrier appeared, it was aircraft carrier No. 002.

The aircraft carrier carries dozens of fighter planes, with graceful curves, a mighty fuselage, and various missiles hanging on its belly.

It is the aircraft carrier-based aircraft J15! !

There is a navigator next to him, wearing a special military helmet, constantly making gestures with his hands, instructing the J15 to start slowly and prepare to take off.

And on the aircraft carrier bridge,

A female navy soldier quickly issued an order to the channel,



The air raid siren sounded instantly.


Several huge fireballs fell from the sky,

It was like a meteorite falling from the sky, hitting the aircraft carrier battle group directly.

No one has time to react.


The largest fireball hit the aircraft carrier in the middle first, directly smashing through the deck of the aircraft carrier.

The fighter jets parked on the aircraft carrier have not yet taken off, nor have they been blown away by the aftermath of the shock.

Bang bang

Several more fireballs followed,

To penetrate the aircraft carrier deck,


The entire fighter plane on the deck was blown away.


It exploded from the center of the aircraft carrier, igniting a raging fire.

at the same time,


There was a harsh sound of steel rubbing against each other in the video.

The entire aircraft carrier, which was almost in ruins, slowly began to topple and sink.

Flames soar into the sky,

The fighter plane slipped and fell into the sea,

The huge side of the ship collided with the sea water, causing huge waves to rise into the sky.

It seems like a doomsday disaster is coming,

The screen then changed,

Switch to the Oriental Pearl Tower and look up at the sky.

I saw,

A huge fireball,

With a bang,

Hit the Oriental Pearl Tower directly,


The Oriental Pearl Tower was smashed into two pieces from the waist level.

Falling to the ground suddenly,

The surrounding crowd dispersed in panic, holding their heads.


A long note of music,

The picture was brought to the sea again,

View from a frigate in the aircraft carrier battle group.

The aircraft carrier plunged into the sea with one end up and the other end down.

As the camera follows,

The picture comes to a close-up,


The harsh sound of steel friction came again,

The front deck was riddled with holes, and the raging flames burned the steel of the deck red, and there was thick black smoke.


Loud and shrill screams filled the air below the deck,

The fighter planes on top slid down as the aircraft carrier sank vertically, smashed onto the deck, and burst into blazing flames.


The background music is thick again,

As a giant steel hand climbed onto the side of the ship,

The camera panned to the original bottom of the aircraft carrier, which is now standing.

Huge propellers, one on the left and one on the right,

It has stopped rotating, and its metallic color is dazzling in the sun,

I saw,

On another huge oar, stood a huge steel giant,

A steel giant with a face like a shrimp head and a black iron appearance, with eyes as red as sound waves shining in his eyes.

His whole body was steaming, and tobacco smoke was curling up.

Holding the bottom of the boat with one hand and holding a black spear in the other,

His whole body is filled with a cold, cruel and contemptuous temperament,

In his deep voice,

He said quietly: "Revenge is mine!"

The scene ends abruptly here,

Several students who were watching with their heads raised raised their buttocks slightly. It took them a long time to realize,


Sit back in your seat,

It's like riding a roller coaster, thrilling! !

"That's so cool! Panson!"

"The No. 002 aircraft carrier, and the J15 fighter jets, so majestic! An aircraft carrier battle group was directly annihilated? The director really dared to film it!"

"Have you noticed that this Transformer Laoden looks a bit like our Teacher Wang!"

"Who do you think he looks like? Teacher Wang? Who is he?"

A voice asked from behind.

"That's right! Just like Wang Defa, that old man! You don't even know who this person is? Isn't it written on the clip? Fallen King Kong! Wang Defa's Fallen King Kong version! Haha~~"

The student chuckled and looked back at the questioner behind him.


A middle-aged man with a slightly stooped face and a long face, wearing glasses and a fierce look, almost like the stern look of a fallen King Kong, stared straight at him,

"Teacher Wang? Me~"

"Old rule, stand outside the door!"

Wang Defa said angrily. Before leaving, he glanced at the name of the video.

Transformers 2?

I didn’t make it to watch Transformers 1 as soon as possible, but I had to watch Transformers 2 as soon as possible!

Mikami Elegance Watching Movies Without Getting Lost: [Listing 7 must-see movies for everyone in the cinema during the Spring Festival:

Article 20,

Flying Life 2,

Mr. Red Carpet,

Hot and hot,

Let's shake the sun together

The bald and powerful man fights the Big Big Wolf,

Transformers 2]

"What the hell is the bald man fighting against Big Big Wolf? Director, are you serious?"

"Flying life, I want to fly life! Brother Teng, I have already mastered the starting point of a civilian front-wheel drive car, I have mastered the critical point of the clutch, mastered the strength of my left foot, and I have experienced that kind of grip!! But, you can Can you teach me how to solve the problem of having my driver’s license suspended for ten years?”

"Look, it's so hot. It's said that Jia Ling lost 80 pounds because of it. Oh my god!"

"Lao Mouzi's movies are more reliable!"

"Mr. Red Carpet, it is said that Brother Hua experienced it himself back then! Now it is free. Before, I really didn't dare to take photos!"

"Transformers! I want to see the Fallen King Kong come to the world! Now, there is still a clip circulating, saying that in Episode 2, Optimus Prime was knifed? Damn it, this Su Yang really made me laugh! New Year's Day One, when will you come?"

"It's all bad movies!"

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