"The terrifying old man is really terrifying!The pocket dimension is simply incomprehensible, no matter who enters, the final outcome is estimated to be miserable!".

"Can this old guy's corrosive effect really corrode everything in this world?"

"Who knows, judging from the archives anyway, this guy's corrosive effect is so strong that it explodes. 」

"If I encounter this in reality, I will definitely choose to kill myself first!"

"I admire it thoroughly now! This author is really a god of gods! Every work is super classic!".

"Hands and feet agree with !!."




The text version of "106" continues to be displayed.

After [Addendum].

It's a Recontainment Protocol.

And after watching the [Recontainment Protocol], countless viewers only felt cold sweat!

Their callousness to the Foundation,

With a deeper level of cognitive ......

At the same time,

also has a deeper understanding of the cruelty of the terrifying old man......



[106 Text Version].

[Re-Containment Protocols: In the event of containment disruption caused by Containment-106, a human subject between the ages of 10 and 25 is to be prepared for containment.

The human subject is to be placed in a repurposed containment cell. When the cell is ready, the subject of the bait will be harmed, preferably by injuring a major long bone, such as the thigh bone, or by a major tendon, such as the Achilles tendon, ......

The injured subject is to be placed in a prepared cell, and the sounds emitted by said subject are to be transmitted through the PA system......

Containment-106 will normally hear the subject's voice, and after 5-10 minutes, will be attracted to the subject's voice. If Containment-106 does not respond to the initial announcement, the subject is to be given more trauma every 20 minutes until Containment-106 responds.

Several human subjects may be used during severe containment breaches.

Containment-106 will normally go into a dormant state after preying on a human subject. In addition, the object will be "data deleted". 】


In the Recontainment Protocol.

There is also an illustration of the document.

The image is annotated:

["DATA EXPUNGED" agent, in the state of Containment-106 after release, the agent was missing for 2 hours and survived for 1 hour after release.] 】

in the picture.

is a close-up of the agent's face.

The agent's eyeballs were gone, leaving only two hollows.

The skin on the face is full of cracks, and the face is withered, a real wither!

Even the lower half of his face was distorted

There was darkness in his open mouth.

Suffice it to say, anyone who suddenly sees this face will probably be frightened!

And it will be creepy, and the scalp will be numb!

Because that's hardly a human face!

Just by looking at his face, you can guess what kind of torture this agent suffered in the pocket space!

It was a torture that humans could not have imagined

It was hellish pain!

["106" text version], this is the end.




It's very quiet!

After watching the [106] text version, the audience in the live broadcast room was unexpectedly quiet!

Although there is still a barrage,

But compared to before,

It can also be called "quiet"!

That feeling.

It's like,

The majority of the audience,

I was shocked by the [106] text version!

Especially the illustration of the document at the end.

It's simply subverting everyone's imagination of the word "miserable"!

It really explains,

What is miserable?

What is torture!

What is hell called!

All those who saw that illustration,

I felt a suffocating despair!

That's the victims of the dimension being pulled into their pockets, that's their cry of despair!

That's the ultimate despair and horror!



The audience reacted

And the barrage in the live broadcast room,

It's also more:

"I'm really scared to death!!!


"It's horrible!! I can't imagine !!what happened to this agent in his pocket space."

"Made, this horrible old man is the most perverted, fuck!"

"I was just drinking water, Made, and I squirted it out when I saw that illustration!"

"It's so miserable!

"Even though it's across the screen, I seem to have felt the agent's desperation, it's too strong!"

"When I first saw the Foundation's recontainment protocol, I thought the Foundation was cruel and used living people as bait to contain the terrifying old man, but now, I already feel that the Foundation is right to do so, because if we don't restore containment as soon as possible, the ghost knows how many people the old man will torture to death in the end!"

"Yes, the Foundation uses living people, or even deliberately harms living people, to seduce the terrifying old man, which is indeed a bit cruel, but compared to the torture of the terrifying old man to the victim, the Foundation can be said to be too merciful!"

"Cold! The Foundation is indeed cold, but I think such a Foundation is quite attractive!"

"I now understand why the containment procedures of the horrible old man are so strict and complicated, because this guy is so perverted!

"Brothers, I find that I'm starting to fall in love with the Foundation now!"

"Me: A living person as bait, cruel! (after reading the illustrations): Please increase the dose, hurry up and lock up that old man!!!


"Cold, yet with a unique charm, that's the !! the Foundation."

"Author No. 9, the eternal !!."




Not only the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked by the file of 106.

Those judges in the studio hall,

I was also shocked:

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

"Using a living person as bait to lure that horrible old man is indeed cruel, but compared to the threat of that horrible old man, this cruelty can be said to be insignificant. 」

"Well, I now think that the winner of this first race is the No. 9 in nine out of ten!"

"Yes, there are already 4 works on display so far, and each one is shocking, this No. 9 contestant, it's amazing!"

"This 106 is also completely in line with the proposition, especially the sense of despair, which is too strong......


"Creative! I'm optimistic about No. 9!"




The fourth work of contestant No. 9,

【106】After the display is completed,

It has also received a lot of praise!

There is no doubt about it

Current contestant number 9,

The heat has completely surpassed that of the other contestants!

is the most favored person!


Someone is optimistic

Naturally, there will be people who are not optimistic, or do not want to be optimistic about ......

For example,

Chief Judge Li Jun.

This highly qualified judge,

At this moment, his face is ugly.

It's as black as coal!

He didn't even want to talk, and he was afraid that someone would come and talk to him.

Because he felt that his face hurt to death.

The 4 works of contestant No. 9 are displayed one by one, like a slap in the face, and they are slapped in the face in turn!

Make him almost embarrassed!

Fortunately, the competition process continues.

Under the auspices of the two moderators,


The fifth work of contestant No. 9,

The show ...... began

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