Facing the emptiness of no one.

Alone, Marion endured pain.

He whispered:

"With a better idea. "



The real world.

Countless viewers watched Marion in the video intently.

Someone clenched his fist.

Someone looked stunned.

Others had red eyes.


Marion, the head of the Antimemetics Department, has brought endless emotion and emotion to everyone!

And after Marion said those two words,

The barrage in the live broadcast room first decreased, and then increased suddenly!

Like a blowout:

"Ideas are killed, with better ideas...... I'm going to cry! Marion, you're the best! You're God!

Don't pretend, there's a showdown, labor and management are really conquered by this girl!

"The idea is to kill to death, use a better idea", I cried!

The Antimemetics Department is invincible!

Even in the face of 3125, an antimemetic monster that permeates the entire real world, Marion did not flinch, but stepped forward!

Ah, finally knowing the nature of 3125, it is a collection of five-dimensional anomalous migratory memes, antimemes, and intermediates that are seeping into physical reality...... I don't know much about it, but I've already felt the bull of this thing......

That's right, it's over with just two words!

The terrifying existence of the five-dimensional space, this thing penetrates the real world, it can be said to be omnipresent!

It's hard to imagine what it's like to deal with this thing alone, hey, Marion is amazing!

Marion is miserable right now, but she is always holding on......




["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

"With a better idea. "

Marion stood in an empty place where no one was around.


She was in pain.

But her voice was surprisingly calm:

"If something can move from conceptual space into reality and take on a physical form, then the reverse is certainly possible. It is certain to find a physical entity, physically extract the idea it symbolizes, expand that idea, and finally broadcast it to the conceptual space......"

"That's a bigger idea, a better idea, a concept designed to fight Containment-3125. "

A reason 07 thinks.

One action.

A hero.

Marion knew that the machine she was going to build was a big tournament stadium level, and she had no experience with heavy memetic engineering, let alone materials and time.

But she knew—someone had taught her that, she couldn't remember who—that the Antimemetics Department agent was just as good on the first day as he was on a regular day.

The same is true for the sector as a whole.

"We won on the day the war began. When we first encountered Containment-3125, we built this bunker. "

"Bart faked his death, isolated himself here, working undisturbed, while the rest of the department remained as manpower as possible, buying time for this moment. "

"I knew I did it because it was what I had to do at that point. I'm the last part, and he's waiting for me. "

Marion muttered to herself.

And what she said undoubtedly caused a great shock to the audience:

it?!Bart isn't dead yet?!

Bart is mentioned in many places, and I thought he was dead, but he wasn't!

Great, Marion isn't fighting alone!

I'm so excited!hahaha!

Bart is obviously a very good guy to build those containment units, too!

You're not alone, Marion!


The audience was excited, thinking that Marion was going to have another comrade-in-arms.

But as the plot develops,

The hearts of the people sank again......



["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

The space here is huge.

As the lights come on.

As one can see,

It's built like an airplane.

Marion stepped forward.

She was almost blind.

The pain was like a giant hand, pinching her tightly!

"Bart, it's time!"

Marion shouted loudly.

She hobbled over a hectare of epoxy flooring, with only flat piles of dust along the way.

No response.

In addition to the echo of his own voice,

No one else responded to her.

The air was hot, stale and dry.

Marion glanced at it.

She saw,

It's empty here.

The castle-class meme amplification or broadcasting unit that Bart was supposed to build was indeed not here.

He himself is not here.

"Could it be that the whole machine is hidden by antimemetics?" muttered Marion.

But the next moment,

She shook her head slightly: "I used a Z-level mnestic potion, and it's still in effect...... There's really nothing here......"

Marion was silent.

Her heart inevitably sank.

And the audience in the live broadcast room was also very disappointed:

What's going on, doesn't it mean that Bart built the machine, how did it come to be like this......

Woo, I want to cry, you see, Marion is silent, she must be disappointed, even desperate!

It's not like there's nothing, there seems to be a small outpost in the center, but it's certainly not the machine described......

Hey, it's over, I thought there was hope again, but it turned out like this......

Yes, what a disappointment, what should Marion do now!

Marion don't give up, there will definitely be a chance!

3125 is so annoying!!

It's so desperate, the horse-stepping one, obviously there was hope just now, but it was gone again in the blink of an eye!




["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

Fortunately, there is not nothing in the whole space.

Marion noted.

In the middle of the space is a small outpost, scattered around with a stack of tools and toolboxes.

In the back was parked an unmarked military truck with deflated tires.

Behind the truck, a stocky, square machine, the size of a shipping container, is covered with uncovered wiring and exposed pipes, and a long cable connects to a heavy-duty control panel on the floor.

Without training, it is impossible for the personnel to know what the machine is for.

But Marion knew.

"Hydrogen bomb-scale antimemes. "

"Antimemetics Ministry's on-site nuclear weapons. Once activated, it will contaminate the entire site, and all people and objects within its antimemetic radiation. There will be no more sites, and there will be no Antimemetics Division. "

"Escaped infected people will not have any effect on the real world no matter what they do. "

"It's the wrong machine......"

Marion muttered in a low voice.

"It can't hurt Containment-3125, it can't do anything ......"

"It can only quell today's outbreak. Other symptoms will continue. Fifty years, ten years, or even five years from now, even more terrifying, maybe just a year, maybe tomorrow, it will make a comeback, bringing with it its MK-class apocalyptic scenario. "

"Human civilization will be erased as an abstract concept, and humanity will be replaced by something unimaginably evil......"

"Then there will be no one to fight it. "



Wow! I want to cry! I don't have hope!

Humanity is doomed!

I don't know what MK-class apocalypse means, but I know that the apocalypse is really going to end.

My heart hurts when I see it! It's so desperate!

Monsters, horrors, despair!

Obediently, that's a hydrogen bomb-level antimemetic weapon! Once it explodes, it will directly erase the existence of the entire site! Make the entire site disappear!

yes, but although this thing is very good, it's useless, it can't deal with 3125......

What the hell should Marion do, I feel like if it were me, I might kill myself in despair!


Victory? Win by what? Rely on that anomalous weapon? It's a fart!

Marion herself couldn't hold it anymore, and ended up with such a desperate result, hey......




["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

Huge space.

Marion braced herself with a ray gun.

The pressure of information was growing in her heart, to the point where she couldn't hold on.

The Z-class mnestic potion had been in her body long enough, and now she knew that the brain damage was irreversible.

There is no antidote to this thing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She was also able to stay awake for another hour and then spend the rest of her vegetative life for two to three hours.

"That's right...... Hehe......"

Marion endured the pain and laughed.

"I've lived so long that I've forgotten what this universe is. For a while, I actually thought, maybe...... It's a universe we can win a few times. "

"It's ridiculous. "[]

Marion felt a sharp pain in her brain like an ice axe hitting her brain.

She threw away the ray gun with a "click",

Lying down on your knees,

Waiting for some ending.

This ending is either death,

Either that's a better idea.


After Marion lay down,

The picture changes.

A man reappears in the eyes of the audience.

He's Kim.


He's not Kim.

It is Containment-3125.

The being came to the airtight and examined it for a moment, somewhat confused.

Next, it found the keycard slot.

Then, on Kim's body, it found the key card.

It opens the airtight door.

And then it walked in.

And after it, the gradient rises.

Obviously, there are others to come down.

But in today's situation,

Those people can no longer be called human beings.


Fake Kim enters the huge space.

It found the unconscious Marion.

Military trucks were also found.

But it ignores the latter.

Fake Kim throws away the keycard and picks up the anomalous weapon next to Marion.

It looked at Marion, then examined the firearm, and after a careful search of its memory, it found how to use it.

And after finding a way to use it,

It turned around and opened fire into the air lock, making a huge round hole in the white metal door until the entire inner door was gone.

And then there's the outer door,

In the end, the seal was directly penetrated.

And when it comes to this.

Fake Kim's face,

A vague smile also appeared.

Because of Containment-3125 and its familiar and reassuring signals, the basement has been filled.



There's no hope, it's total!

This Kim is no longer Kim, it's the 3125, and the reason why it destroys the airtight door is to allow its own concept to invade here.

Yes, at this moment, 3125 can be said to be almost everywhere, and Marion really has no hope of turning the tables......

Really, so sad, hey, really wishing Marion would win, but it turned out like this......

No way, 3125 is too incomprehensible, who has a way to deal with it?

I used to like Kim, but now I'm starting to hate Kim, even though I know he's not himself anymore, but a monster......

This is Containment-3125......

I'm so unwilling...... Not so long ago, there was hope, but now, everything is hopeless......

Ah, I don't want this ending!!

I can't bear to watch it anymore!

Brothers, I cried......




["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

Fake Kim breaches the seal, allowing 3125 to invade the massive space.

It smiled vaguely.

And shortly thereafter.

There are dozens of people, or rather, human-looking monsters, through the elevator,

Came to this huge space.

"I found her. Fake Kim said.

The other monsters came over.

As a matter of fact

They are no one else,

It's the employees of Antimemetics Division 807.

Or rather, their corpses.

"...... here"

Fake Kim pointed at Marion.

Then he threw away the ray gun, then drew his saber again, and held it between his fingers, casually and slowly.

It's like holding a pencil or a screwdriver.

And the infected corpses surrounded Marion,

With an inhuman look of disgust or resentment, he looked down at her.

"Why didn't she turn it on properly?" asked one of the corpses, "she couldn't see them unless she actively wanted to signal ......"

"Then start with her eyes......"

Another corpse spoke, "Then the rest of the body needs to be corrected......



Damn, I see, 3125 hasn't invaded Marion yet, because Marion used a Z-level mnestic potion, and now 3125 is going to do it, and it's going to infect Marion!

What kind of correction, this 3125 is so hateful that he is good at stepping on a horse, he obviously wants to infect Marion!

Marion escaped the catastrophe......

I'm numb now, hey......

This is to directly destroy the eyes, Marion was painful enough, but now she is being abused like this, it is so distressing!

Forget it, there is no hope, I just hope that when Marion dies in the end, there will not be too much pain.

If I didn't find it, it would be like this......

3125 just saw the truck, right? It doesn't seem to be ignoring the truck at all, which means that the hydrogen antimemes don't care at all......

Hey, it's just two words overall, despair!!




["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

Fake Kim with a saber,

Squatted in front of Marion.

It prepares to start with the eyes,

"Correct" Marion in its entirety.


Just as Fake Kim got to work and reached just a few centimeters from Marion's eyes, it suddenly stopped!

Because it heard Marion's whisper.

The sound was only audible to it......

"None of that happened, Kim. "

Marion said.

"Neither you nor I ever existed. "

"There is no Antimemetics Department here. "

Fake Kim heard this, and a vague trace of doubt flashed across his face.


In this huge space,

There was an unusually sharp click!

And the explanatory subtitles also appear in due course,

The puzzled audience immediately understood what was going on......

It turned out that the sharp clicking sound was the sound of the antimemetic bomb being recharged.

And no one in the room could hear it except Marion.

In the same way,

In addition to Marion,

No one in this room could detect the antimemetic bomb.

They can only see empty trucks.

And with the charge complete.

The huge bomb officially exploded......


The existence of everything came to an abrupt end.

The world is plunged into darkness.

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