I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

013 A Big Kick At The Beginning, A Knee To Prevent A Dive?

The popularity of UFC in foreign countries is far from comparable to that in China.

The huge venue was empty of seats and bustling with people.

This is just fight night.

In this game, Ye Chen was placed in the third to last game of the sub-game.

It's far inferior to the treatment I got last time in the penultimate game in China.

This is why he keeps saying that popularity is very important. As long as you have enough traffic, everything will be easy.

And although he looked promising, it wasn't enough to convince Dana to give him the green light.

After all, there are many who have potential, but only a few who really succeed.

If he wants to be completely recognized by Dana, he still needs a few games to prove his worth.

No way, this is the operating rules of the business world.

Ye Chen was warming up in the preparation room while staring at the live broadcast on the TV in the preparation room.

After these few days of simulated battles.

He has determined his tactics and it is best to resolve the battle standing.

If he gets on the ground, he also has a jiu-jitsu arsenal waiting for him.

As for preventing falls or mutual falls, he didn't think about it after simulating it for two days.

Although he had some wrestling skills before, it was still incomparable to what others had practiced since he was a child.

Even if it is fall-proof, it is still stretched.

Fortunately, the opponent is not strong in ground combat, otherwise his fight would be very dangerous.

Fortunately, he is now in a period of rapid growth in all aspects.

He believes that one day, he will grow into a top hexagonal fighter and sweep all opponents.

The first leg of the penultimate side game came to an end.

The opponent was knocked down and punched directly on the ground for a TKO. His face was covered in blood and looked very bloody.

This scene also boosted the atmosphere of the scene.

The audience's adrenaline surged and they cheered loudly.

After the two contestants left the stage, the host began to call Ye Chen to appear.

When Ye Chen appeared on the stage, the UFC also played clips of Ye Chen's KO of Li Zhengyong, inserting them on the big screen in the arena and in the live broadcast room.

This is routine operation.

It's a pity that Ye Chen only played one game, and there was no way to cut it. The scene could only be played repeatedly in slow motion.

at this time.

The domestic live broadcast room is abuzz.

The commentator said, “Our DaXia player Ye Chen is on the field. If you have seen the revenge battle two months ago, this name should be familiar to everyone.

As a substitute, he took perfect revenge and scored an astonishing 18-second KO...

Moreover, it was also because of this beautiful KO that he directly bypassed the Elite Road trials and signed directly with the UFC.

It can be said that this is his real UFC debut. "

Zonghuang, "I was also the commentator in that match, and the memory is so profound. However, this time he encountered a completely different wrestler. I hope he can hold on and win this match."

I just don’t know what he thinks, is he so short of money? They didn’t even invite the team, which is really weird. "

Zonghuang is not targeting Ye Chen, but the team is too abstract to understand.

Since it is a free competition, there are more than one million viewers in the live broadcast room.

Of course, part of it is Ye Chen's credit.

After all, Ye Chen's performance had great influence in China. This was his first overseas competition, and netizens reposted it everywhere, attracting many passers-by.

【what happened? I watched yesterday's video at noon today and he was as skinny as a stick, but now his muscles look pretty strong. 】

[How do you manage to gain so much weight in one day? Isn’t this weight loss method too outrageous? 】

[God is trying to lose weight, that’s called dehydration, brother, don’t talk if you don’t understand, it’s a joke. 】

[I was laughing at you earlier, why are all the novices coming to watch the fight? 】

[Don’t scold brothers, the domestic circle is small to begin with, aren’t most fighting fans also from Xiaobai? Even if people don’t understand? 】

[Ye Chen seems to be in good condition, but I still bought my opponent and won. 】

[I also bought the opponent. Fighting fans should all know how scary the bearded wrestler is. 】

[I bought Brother Chen for 100 and I hope he wins. 】

[Is there no brainer upstairs? Tell me how Shui Chen can win? Do you think you will be invincible if you win a lottery? The odds given by betting companies are the best proof, and they are generally not favored. 】

[I also support Ye Chen, what are the odds? Do you remember what the odds were last time? I hope Ye Chen wins and slaps in the face those pretenders who think they are fighting veterans. 】

The odds this time are not as exaggerated as last time.

But Ye Chen is also a big dog.

In fact, he thought of this when Spinach didn't give the odds.

After all, there are traces of his opponent's strength, but he has too few references.

Jima-450, Ye Chen+350

At this time, Jima has also approached the Octagon.

The referee began to introduce the two players, and his rich voice made people's blood boil.

"Back to the cage."

After the referee briefly explained the rules, he motioned the two men to return to the cage.

Jima's back was facing the cage net, and the corner team behind him was shouting something.

There was nothing behind Ye Chen. He moved his neck, ankles, and shoulders.


They had fist bumped before, and now that the fight was about to begin, neither of them planned to bump fists again.

Therefore, Ye Chen jumped up with a big kick.

He didn't expect to hit, he just used this blow to disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

Jima reacted well, dodging the big flying kick and moving quickly to the side, trying to get back to the center of the cage.

Ye Chen used his pace to keep up, but kept a certain distance.

Today, his center of gravity was lowered and he kept a distance to prevent falling.

Suddenly, the opponent lunges forward and jabs with his front hand.

"I need to throw him down."

This was Ye Chen's first reaction.

After these few days of simulation, he has figured out some of the opponent's basic tricks.

Still, he did a shake.

At the same time, he moved his feet and took advantage of the situation to hit his knees.


A crisp sound all over.

PS: Thank you 1768*** brothers for your monthly tickets, flowers...

I don’t know if you can tolerate a growing protagonist. In my setting, the protagonist currently has shortcomings, but he also has tricks to restrain his opponents.

I know Fei Lu likes to push horizontally. If you guys mind, I will push horizontally later.

By the way, I'm asking for flowers and comments (Xiao Heizi exposed his chicken feet after all)

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