I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

021 Kill You In The Field You Are Best At (Please Give Me Flowers And Evaluation Votes))


The scene was boiling.

Especially those locals.

As we all know, all sports are divided into away games and home games.


Because sports can arouse the audience's greatest desire to win or lose.

So, generally on whose home field.

Whose approval rating will be almost one-sided.

It is common for the other side to be booed and sprayed.

When Ye Chen saw Bobby Green's provocation, of course, he couldn't rush up and beat him up.

So, he returned the gesture, "Tonight, your head will be like a fragile balloon, and I will pop it with one punch.

Moreover, there is no need to enter the ground with you, because you will fall asleep much faster than you will fall. "

Ye Chen had no intention of fighting Bobby Green on the ground.

Every game now is a valuable experience for him.

Therefore, he strives to solve the other party in the areas where the other party is good at.


As soon as Ye Chen opened his mouth, boos broke out in the room.

Bobby Green, on the other hand, was ecstatic.

Before, he just said harsh words, and even if he was really beaten, he was really a little afraid of the opponent's Jiu Jitsu.

Unexpectedly, his provoking method worked so easily.

If he stands, he is absolutely confident that he can defeat Ye Chen.

He is still confident in this, otherwise he would be claiming to be a veteran.

He said: "This is what you said, then we will solve it on the stand. Tonight, I will present a violent and exciting game to the fans in my hometown..."

As he spoke, he waved his hands in the air to signal the audience to get excited.

"All the media and spectators at the scene will be witnesses, who enters the ground and who is the grandson."

He seemed to be afraid that Ye Chen would regret it, so he emphasized it again.


The reporter began to interview Ye Chen.

Reporter: Ye Chen, some fans on the Internet have already called you the Terminator. What do you think of this title?

Ye Chen shook his head and smiled, "It doesn't matter, as long as the audience and boxing fans feel comfortable calling it."

Reporter: You know that the agreement between you and Green before the game does not count. So will you really just stand on the court? This may cost you a victory, don't you care?

Ye Chen nodded, "Of course, compared to Green, I want the audience to know that I can beat my opponents in any field they are good at. Therefore, I will choose to win cleanly and beautifully in the fields he is good at."

This speech, even in an away game, made some viewers couldn't help but cheer for Ye Chen.

Looking at Ye Chen's piercing eyes, they felt that Ye Chen's confidence made it difficult to meet his eyes.

Dana was all smiles on the side.

I just want a boxer who can do whatever he wants, as long as it doesn't go out of line.

Immediately, the two looked at each other in front of Dana.

Dana tried his best to stop the two of them, but Green still did a good job.

First, he patted Dada's arm hard.

When security guards restrained him from behind, he immediately raised his foot and kicked Ye Chen.

Based on the distance between him and the player, he knew that he couldn't hit Ye Chen from that position.

Moreover, taking the shot in advance is like telling everyone, "I'm going to go crazy, stop me."

Ye Chen raised the corner of his mouth at this, but didn't even move, looking at the other party quietly.

The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak since today's press conference.

Official live broadcast room for foreign press conferences.

[Haha, Ye Chen fell into the trap. Green is a very smart veteran who couldn't get up after being brought to the ground by Maha last time. This time, he avoided the ground directly. 】

【Wang Defa! ! ! Why did Ye Chen choose not to enter the ground? This is not a wise choice. 】

[Purely standing, Green’s can challenge the top ten in the lightweight category. 】

[So stupid, still inexperienced. 】

[The Vegas Terminator will be ruthlessly terminated. Don’t forget, Green has extraordinary resistance. 】

[This is not necessarily true. Haven’t you seen Ye Chen’s first game? He also stands very well and has a huge advantage in wingspan. 】

Not only foreign audiences complained about him.

The domestic audience also complained, but this time the opponent was too crazy, and he was from a beautiful country, so he was still silent.

Therefore, the domestic audience basically all supported Ye Chen this time.

There was a clamor on the Internet for Ye Chen to beat him to death.

In a five-star hotel suite.

Catwoman held the tablet in her hand and looked at the screen with disgust, "You are such a fool, how could you agree to stand up?"

"This Green's quality is too low. He actually raised his middle finger to provoke..."

"Ah... No, why did I talk to Ye Chen?"

As she spoke, she realized something was wrong.

During the weigh-in press conference, these secondary contestants will not have the opportunity to sit there and slowly be interviewed.

Therefore, Ye Chen went directly back to the hotel room after walking out of the press conference.

Now, he needs to take a breather.

Because I didn't have a good rest last night.

With just a few hours left to play, he had to get into top shape.

And within the simulation space.

He and Green have sparred hundreds of games.


Judging from the simulation results, he really couldn't see how Green could win.

However, now he is thinking that if he wins the opponent, he can try his best to do as much work as possible.


Ye Chen participated in the digital competition for the first time.

Whether it is the size of the venue or the number of spectators, it is far from comparable to a free fight night.

"Ye Chen, are you ready?"

Ye Chen nodded.

The staff helped him wrap his hands with gloves and tape.

While whispering: "You can throw him if necessary and subdue him on the ground. I will buy you."

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