I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

044 Terrifying Data, Setting A New Record (Please Send Flowers And Review Votes)

Ye Chen has been training and warming up in the preparation room. At the same time, he is also paying attention to the news on the Internet.

As he expected.

This fight night is unprecedented.

The number of people watching the live broadcast reached more than 40 million.

Domestically, it has also exceeded 10 million.

According to UFC official statistics, the global online audience for this game exceeded 100 million when the game started.

Moreover, due to the presence of female celebrities, the venue was also overcrowded.

Due to safety concerns, Dana specially arranged special seats for Haise Wei.

After all, no one knows if there will be any fanatic fans at the scene causing something to happen.

At this moment, Catwoman was sitting in the "VIP" seat, surrounded by UFC security guards, making it inaccessible to ordinary people.

Today, she finally didn't have to disguise herself.

However, it is not a dress-up event, but something more everyday.

At this moment, she looked at the time and asked, "How long until the main event?"

The staff next to me said: "If it's fast, it'll be within fifteen minutes, if it's slow, it'll be up to half an hour."

Catwoman nodded and said to herself, "I wonder if he can recognize me?"

At this moment, she couldn't tell whether she was expecting to recognize him or not.

Soon, it’s time to enter the penultimate co-main event.

These two players are both popular and capable, and the atmosphere at the scene gradually became heated.

And the next one is the main event.

The staff is currently helping Ye Chen put on wristbands.

It's still the same staff member who bought him last time.

Ye Chen couldn't help but ask, "Did you buy it this time?"

The other party smiled and nodded, a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I bought Mike this time."

Ye Chen was surprised.

You know, this is the first time he has been on the dog since the competition. In other words, the audience and the betting company are basically optimistic about him.

It is worth mentioning that Lao Qian came to UFC and played several games. Except for the one with Lao Night Devil, they were all underdogs. In other words, it is recognized that his technique is rough and has many loopholes.

However, his style of play is more direct and more passionate for the audience.

This guy specializes in buying dogs, right?

The staff seemed to see Ye Chen's doubts, "If you buy a dog and win an upset, you can win a lot. This is how I make money."

Ye Chen smiled and was about to go on stage, "You are going to lose money this time, it's not too late to cancel now."

Ye Chen took the lead.

There's nothing wrong with that.

As in title challengers and champions.

The champion goes on last, as is customary.

Ye Chen's voice was very high, and he didn't look like a player playing on the road at all.

Although this is not Chandler's home court, it is still a beautiful country after all.

His voice was not surprisingly louder than Ye Chen's.

When the lights dimmed, this was the kind of light-out treatment only a champion can receive.

There was a huge crowd, and many people were shouting the abbreviation of Beautiful Country.

Chandler entered the venue draped in a national flag, his body full of muscle and strength, running in like a small humanoid tank.

Tonight, he looked explosive.

The moment he stepped onto the ring, he did a backflip and howled.

Then, he waved to where Catwoman was sitting.

That's right, he really thought that the other party was here for the game he promoted and for the scene he came to.

Ye Chen also saw Catwoman from a distance.

It's a bit unclear.

However, there is nothing to say about her exquisite silhouette and natural beauty.

Catwoman in the audience saw Ye Chen and looked over, waving.

However, from her perspective, Chandler and Ye Chen were on the same page.

So... Ye Chen and Chandler couldn't tell who they were waving to.

Chandler waved back.

Ye Chen just nodded lightly.

He also felt that the other party was probably here for Chandler.

"The player on the red side is Ye Chen from Daxia. He has now won four games and finished all four games. The latest data shows that Ye Chen received 0.36 effective hits per minute, breaking Makhachev's previous record. .

Let us welcome, Terminator Ye Chen..."

At this moment, the host, the Eight Buddhas, was right in front of Ye Chen, shouting until his face turned red and his neck thickened.

But, I have to say, it is also true passion.

Every time when watching a live game, Ye Chen would feel incomplete when the host announces the scene.

He bumped fists with the Eight Buddhas.

The whole audience was shocked.

The effective hits taken every minute not only shows that Ye Chen is good at defense.

It also shows that Ye Chen crushes his opponent every time, and the opponent cannot hit him at all.

You know, Makhachev is known for his good defense. The match with Oliveira allowed fighting fans around the world to once again see the terror of the Eagles.

A top expert like Oliveira didn't even give Maha a few effective hits, which shows how terrifying it is.

Before Makhachev, this data was maintained by the Wolf King. Before playing Burns, his combined number of effective hits in several games was: two.

I won’t tell you how terrifying this data is.

This is why wolves can go supernova quickly.

As a result, in the battle with Burns, he was effectively hit more than a hundred times.

Immediately, the Eight Buddhas turned to Chandler.

"Mike Chandler, MMA record 23-8, former B lightweight world champion, he is an undoubted ring fighter, shocked countless times..."

Chandler's introduction is longer.

Undoubtedly, he is worthy.


"You two should know my rules. All dirty moves are prohibited during the competition. If you want to fist bump now, you can fist bump. If not, please retreat to the corner and prepare."

There was no fist bump between the two.

Ye Chen leaned heavily on the cage net, relaxed his muscles, and watched Chandler closely.


Give an order.

Ye Chen and Chandler rushed to the inner circle of the ring at the same time.

Chandler is very explosive and his bounce is amazing. As soon as he comes up, he steps up and punches his abdomen.

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