I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

047 Shocking Ko, Killing The God Of One Round In The First Round (Please Give Me Flowers And Evaluat

The look and feel of the scene and the visual impact are all in full swing.

The scene was buzzing with excitement, reaching the highest point of the entire fight night tonight.

All the audience stood up and stared at the two men fighting fiercely on the big screen.

in the screen.

Ye Chen seemed to be on the verge of falling down at any time.

The three on-site commentators couldn't help but scream.

However, Ye Chen is very sober.

After about a dozen punches, he clearly felt that Chandler's speed had dropped a lot.

He could even hear the other party's heavy breathing in such an intense scene.

The opportunity has come.

Ye Chen took advantage of the opponent's slowdown, twisted his hips and shoulders, and hit Chandler's temple with a right elbow.


The tip of the elbow scratched, and the skin of Chandler's eyebrows was squeezed and burst open, and blood almost spurted out.

His physical strength was about to be exhausted, but he was hit hard by this blow again. His whole body was shaking and staggering backwards, with blood all over his face.

Chandler staggered and shook his head unconsciously.

Try to keep yourself awake.

The bright red blood affected his vision.

Seeing Ye Chen approaching again, Chandler casually wiped the blood around his eyes.

At this time, the referee followed up.

Observe Chandler's injury up close. If the injury is too serious, the game will be stopped.

The scene suddenly reversed in just one second.

The whole place was dead silent for a moment.

No one expected this to happen suddenly.

Ye Chen was actually able to hit this desperate counterattack in this situation.

"Holy Mary, Chandler, hold on, I've stabbed you ten thousand times."

"Is this Ye Chen on drugs? Why can't he take the shot?"

"Why did he take so many punches and act like he was fine?"

"It's okay to be beaten. It feels like Mike, who hit me, is going to die from exhaustion."

"It's over. Mike's physical fitness can't keep up again. I hope he can survive the first round."

"It's okay, no one has ever won the old money in the first round."

"Look, he recovered..."

I saw that Chandler woke up after being stunned for two or three seconds on the court. Facing the pressing Ye Chen, he hurriedly hugged Ye Chen and used his signature jumping steps to distance himself from Ye Chen.

Seeing this scene, the audience chanted Chandler's name again.

Rogen exclaimed: "Old Qian's willpower is really amazing. He still managed to survive under such circumstances. I thought he was KO'd."

DC, “Old Money has done what he should do, now, he just needs to hold on, hold on until the end of the round, regroup and continue fighting.

There are still one minute and twenty seconds left, can Lao Qian last until... Wow, beautiful hooked legs... ah..."

DC felt his scalp numb, and he almost jumped out of his seat. The headphone cord knocked the laptop on the table to the ground.

Logan opened his mouth and exclaimed, looking at the other dumbfounded commentator next to him in disbelief.

People just got excited about old money.

However, the mood took a turn for the worse again.

The whole audience exclaimed.

I saw that after Lao Qian regained his consciousness, he jumped up and punched Ye Chen, trying to force him back.

Because, Ye Chen's advancement speed was too fast, and he was unable to do anything.

Now he needs time to adjust his breathing and regain some strength.

The moment he jumped up, Ye Chen once again seized the opportunity and made a low sweep.

This time the leg hook was even more successful, because Lao Qian's reflexes were much lower than when he was at full physical strength. He was tripped and his center was unstable, causing him to fall forward to the ground.

However, the moment Lao Qian fell to the ground.

Still in mid-air, Ye Chen stepped forward and threw an uppercut.


The punch hit Chandler's head accurately.


Even the referee didn't react after Ye Chen punched him.

It wasn't until the referee saw Ye Chen raising his hands in the air and shouting to celebrate victory that he stepped forward to intercept him as usual.

Chandler was still conscious, and when he fell forward, he was ready to use his arms to support him.

As a result, he lost consciousness instantly after one punch.

His whole body hit the ring.

Fortunately, he had stretched out his hand before, so when he fell, he had his arms as a buffer and the fall was not too heavy.


Only a few people in the audience cheered.

Most of them were people who bet on Ye Chen.

There was another person, Catwoman, who came out of the cage net and ended the battle in less than ten seconds.

Her mood also fluctuated greatly.

When Ye Chen raised his arms and shouted.

She couldn't help shouting.

Rogan, "Crazy, crazy, crazy...it's so scary, let's watch the replay in slow motion."

Logan was so excited that he could hardly speak clearly.

Soon, the wonderful slow-motion footage replayed.

First, there was the scene of Chandler blocking Ye Chen near the cage.

Only when the scene is slowed down can everyone see it clearly.

Ye Chen's dodge was abnormal. In that high-pressure situation, he didn't panic at all. While maintaining the dodge, he even kept his eyes open, observing Chandler from the frame.

Chandler threw a total of fourteen punches, nine of which were dodged by Ye Chen.

Another five blows landed on Ye Chen's arms.

Therefore, if you look carefully at this time, you will easily find that there are several red spots on his arms.

However, these injuries are trivial for combat athletes, as long as there are no broken bones or openings.

In addition to this, there were three uppercuts.

These three uppercuts were extremely dangerous, and he dodged them twice.

The third time, Ye Chen didn't escape. Unfortunately, Lao Qian had lost too much energy at that time and his movements were deformed. He hit Ye Chen in the chest with an uppercut.

Didn't hit the chin.

This group of slow-motion pictures made everyone at the scene marvel.

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