I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

074 Stunned At The Buzzer, Shocking The World (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Connor didn't care anymore and ran away when he saw Ye Chen.

Even looked back and smiled.

It has to be said that he is also a talent. After being beaten violently, he thought it would be better to treat this as an entertainment match.

The mentality change is really smooth.

After all, when this fight was originally scheduled, Dana told him that even if he lost, it wouldn't be too ugly.

Because everyone now thinks that Ye Chen has championship potential.

It's no problem for a veteran to lose to such a rising star.

Before, he was just a little embarrassed after being beaten on the face.

Now figured it out.

Just walking around in circles with Ye Chen, waving to the audience and yelling from time to time.

"It's almost time."

Ye Chen suddenly swept away the slow posture before and pursued him like a ferocious beast.


The whole audience exclaimed, thinking something had happened.

If you look closely, it's Chasing Connor.

Could it be that Connor kept laughing and provoking Ye Chen?

Logan exclaimed, "I'm shocked. What is Ye Chen doing? Is he irritated by Connor's behavior?"

DC said: "He may want to finish off Connor at this last moment, after all, he had a record of finishing all before."

When DC said this, everyone was shocked.

Seeing that there are only about twenty seconds left, is this possible?

Even if Connor runs around, he can still pass more than twenty seconds, right?

Everyone stood up nervously.

Almost no one in the audience spoke, and everyone looked up and stared at the big screen.


After all, Connor is a top player.

I can still hold it for twenty seconds.

At this moment, Catwoman standing by the cage looked at Ye Chen who burst out suddenly, her big eyes shining with light.

Ye Chen is indeed more handsome in the ring.

When walking slowly before, Ye Chen would show a bright smile from time to time.

When passing by her, he would even glance at her next to the cage.

At this moment, Ye Chen exploded with hormonal aura.

Connor also realized what Ye Chen was going to do, and immediately stopped laughing and ran faster.

However, Ye Chen kept pressing him to run all over the cage in this game, so he didn't recover much physical fitness at all.

In the first four rounds, my legs were swept so many times, so I ran faster than before.


Ye Chen jumped suddenly, kicked the cage net, and flew sideways in the air.

The chasers generally occupy the inner circle, which is relatively small.

Connor was running in a large circle around the cage net. When he saw Ye Chen flying towards him with a kick, he realized that he couldn't run away. He instinctively leaned over and held his head, trying to avoid it and then continued to run away.


His physical strength and reaction ability were not as good as those of Connor at the beginning, so he was still a step behind.

This time it was swept directly on his arm and his fist.

Although it didn't KO right away.

However, the huge impact still swept Connor onto the ring.



"Oh no.

"I, buy, karma, have to..."

Yes, everyone was scared.

Unexpectedly, after the flying kick, someone once again performed this cool move in the cage.

To be honest, is this trick difficult?

It's not difficult, all professional players can do it, even those who have practiced in the past.

However, the difficulty is that it is too cool, difficult to grasp the accuracy, and it is easy for the opponent to seize the opportunity to counterattack, and it also consumes physical strength...

It can almost be said that it does no good at all.

Therefore, in this top level competition, few people use any cool moves.

It’s not that it won’t happen, it’s because being cool often comes with being impractical.

If you want to complete a cool action, you must have luck, timing, and cooperation.

Everyone was frightened because Ye Chen's powerful and heavy kick far exceeded the flying kick of the year.

As they watched, Ye Chen wanted to kick Connor to death.

Fortunately, when Connor fell, he still wanted to get up.

At least it means he's not dead.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Ye Chen did not intend to let Connor go.

After he landed on the ground, he rushed forward and successfully carried it back.

Connor still wanted to struggle.

Unfortunately, his physical strength was severely reduced, and this kick made him dizzy, and he had no ability to resist.

Ye Chen's double leg buckle on Connor's abdomen was successful.

"Connor, Connor, be careful of naked choke, he is going to naked choke you."

The coaching staff is looking for nothing more now.

Just ask Connor not to be hanged.

Leave standing.

Connor obviously thought so too. He grabbed one of Ye Chen's hands with both hands, then curled up his neck and pressed his chin against his chest, refusing to raise his head.

"Fifteen seconds left."

"Will it succeed?"

"Hold on Connor, fifteen seconds."

"Hurry up Ye Chen, there are only fifteen seconds left."

Immediately, the whole audience was shouting for oil.

However, part of it is cheering for Ye Chen.

Part of it is cheering Connor on.

Ye Chen was tightly grasped with one hand, and the other hand was unable to break open Connor's neck in a short time and get the position.

At this moment, he regretted a little.

I'm a little too proud of myself.

It would have been nice to have stormed earlier.

Even if you don't do it earlier, if you have a darker heart, you can forcefully throw punches, combine punches and wait for KO.

However, there is no time now.

Ye Chen immediately gave up the naked choke position, released his buckled legs, and dragged Connor directly to the ground.

One of his controlled arms was already on Connor's chest.

The moment the other party was dragged down by him, he subconsciously loosened his arm.

He grabbed the opponent's chin.

Then, pass the other arm through the buckle on the other side of the neck.

"Connor, be careful of the triangle choke, let his legs control your body."

"His weight is on your body and the protagonist is formed."

However, it's too late.

After Ye Chen got the triangle choke position, he couldn't actually say that the triangle choke position was because it was not fully formed yet, and Connor's chin was locked at the moment.

Similar to a neck break.

However, it is best to make the opponent sit or kneel when doing neck folding.

In this way, the arms are twisted in front and the body is pressed hard on the opponent's head from behind, so the success rate will be higher.

His success rate is not high now.

But, I have no choice but to give it a last try.

Ye Chen, a colleague of the buckle, moved quickly on the ground and successfully put one leg behind Connor.

This not only allows you to put your own weight on your opponent, but also allows you to exert more force.

It can also limit the opponent's space on the ground.

As long as there is space to move, many lock skills can be escaped.

"Hold on Connor, there are only eight seconds left."

"Seven seconds."

Ye Chen's power exploded, and he had no reservations at this moment.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and concentrate.

The huge scene seemed to have fallen into dead silence.

Only the sound of the second hand swinging sounded in everyone's mind.

Six seconds.

Five seconds.

Three seconds.

One second.

Time seemed to have stopped.

At the last second, Ye Chen suddenly stood up.

Put your hands in the air.

Look at the arena again.

Connor was motionless, and the time was frozen at four minutes and fifty-nine seconds.

Hebo stepped forward, turned Connor over and looked at him, and immediately made a gesture to stop the game.

This gesture heralds the end.

Connor was knocked unconscious at the last second.

Ye Chen raised his hands in the air and walked around the field without shouting.


The New York Stadium was buzzing at this moment.

Many viewers watching the live broadcast also screamed and shouted.

Ye Chen quickly rushed to his corner, rushed directly to the cage net, and sat on it.

This moment can be said to be one of the biggest victories in MMA history.

Because, that night, Ye Chen's traffic surged and his net worth increased countless times.

Compared with getting the championship belt, except for one less honor, everything else is a loss.

Under the corner, Catwoman raised her hands high and couldn't help but scream and jump around.

In the last thirty seconds, she remained motionless, without even blinking, silently praying for Ye Chen in her heart.

Ye Chen leaned over, put his hands under his armpits, and directly lifted the jumping Catwoman up.

He also forcibly closed the cage net and asked her to sit next to him.

Catwoman was stunned at first, and then continued to cheer for Ye Chen. She was so excited that she almost fell down, and hugged Ye Chen instinctively.

In the audience, Johnson, Jason, Rambo, the governor and others couldn't help but cheer for Ye Chen.

This game is so exciting.

Excitement, passion, entertainment, tension, anticipation...all the atmospheres are created.

Dana excitedly hugged the riot police officer beside him.

The other party didn't mind at this moment.

Because they usually practice some fighting, whether they are people who often watch UFC or not, they can be considered insiders in the fighting circle after all.


The two commentators were once again impressed by Ye Chen's performance.

At this moment, their blood boiled.

I wish I could step into the Octagon and compete with top players.

Commentator No. 1 shouted into the microphone: "Win, win, it ends at the last second. Ye Chen has never told lies. When it comes to the end of five rounds, it will never be more than a second [nor less than a second]."

This is our biggest victory in Daxia Fighting so far.

Ye Chen is undoubtedly the number one fighter in our Daxia. "

Commentator No. 2 said, "Brothers, Brother Chen has won. As his biggest fan, I feel like I can't control myself anymore, ah..."

More than 40 million people carnivaled in the live broadcast room.

Although there are people who support Connor here.

However, compared with the mainstream support for Ye Chen, it is simply not worth mentioning.

[Awesome, it has to be my brother Chen, it’s so cool. 】

[He directly killed a group of artillery immortals. Was he so weird in the live broadcast room before? Why did he disappear? Come out and take a few steps. 】

[A group of gunners, talk to them about fighting, and they will talk to you about who has more fans and who makes more money... I think fighting is not about strength and who can talk, right? Then why don't you watch a talk show. 】

[Awesome, my blood boiled when I saw it, I couldn’t help but hit my dad twice... I won’t say anything anymore, my face hurts too much]

[Holy shit, shit... I just took a look, Brother Chen's fans on the Internet exploded, there are more than 10 million. 】

[Really? I heard that my brother Lago doesn’t even have 10 million, is it impossible for Ye Chen? After all, he has only won a few games? 】

[Don’t worry about how many games you win. They beat the UFC’s number one superstar, that’s enough. 】

[It’s time for a championship fight next, right? It’s unjustifiable not to fight. 】

[Shit, Mahar has already picked up Darius, and the title match will be in more than two months. 】

[This last second of being stunned, Brother Chen’s ability to grasp the situation is too buggy. This can probably be regarded as a classic scene, right?]

[It is necessary that Paopao was stunned at the last second. It is estimated that it will be the best submission of the year, or even the best submission in history. 】

………………Please give me flowers…0

[Who is that person sitting on the Internet? Is Brother Chen’s girlfriend? 】

[Maybe, he looks like a foreigner, what’s going on? Ours

Isn’t the little fairy bad (dog head)]

[Probably not. I saw that the two of them had greeted each other cordially with international gestures. 】


The audience cheered endlessly, and everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Chen.

Catwoman seemed to be carried away by the atmosphere.

Or maybe he was really happy for Ye Chen.

He seemed very excited at this time and shouted together with the boxing fans.

Ye Chen suddenly stuck his head over, "Hera.

Catwoman froze, her shouts stopped abruptly, and her waving hands froze in mid-air.

Looking at Ye Chen in surprise.

Catwoman, "What did you say?"


Catwoman seemed frightened.

Falling back, his arms naturally wanted to grab something.

As a result, Ye Chen was almost brought down in one fell swoop.

Ye Chen quickly turned over into the ring and quickly supported Catwoman from behind.

"Are you so scared? Turn around first..."

Ye Chen supported her and motioned for her to turn around.

Catwoman was shocked, but she still did as she was told, and asked by the way, "What do you mean by Hera?"

He hid it so well, how did Ye Chen find out?

How did he know that I was Hera that night?

No wonder he keeps teasing me lately…………

Countless questions were running through my mind.

A pair of big eyes looked at Ye Chen below in disbelief.

Ye Chen directly lifted Catwoman down from above, their eyes facing each other, only a few steps apart.

Ye Chen said: "The first time I saw you that night, I recognized your eyes..."



Catwoman was so shocked that she even forgot that she was suspended.

"In other words, you have been lying to me since then?"

"No, I'm not acting with you. You're doing a pretty good job."

"In other words, you know who I am?"

"Nonsense, aren't you my fan or netizen?"


"It seems that he doesn't know that I am Annie, but just thinks that I am his online friend."

Then, she punched Ye Chen, "If you didn't tell me earlier if you recognized me, I thought you didn't recognize me... Why are you recognizing my eyes?"

"Your eyes are so special. The first time you asked me for my address, I felt like I had seen these eyes before.

So, the impression is quite deep. Moreover, every game I play has photos of my legs and pajamas flashing around in front of me, and I can’t even recognize them.

Catwoman pinched Ye Chen's chest and signaled to let her go.

Catwoman stood on the ring, and suddenly thought that now that Chen knew she was a netizen.

That means knowing that the person kissing her is her.

"You seduced me on purpose that night."

Hearing this, Ye Chen was speechless.

"Leg photos, pajama photos, all kinds of photos... Moreover, you gave so many hints that night, it was obviously you who seduced me.

"Who would seduce you?"

Soon, the referee announced the result.

Connor didn't even accept an interview with DC and left the show a little lonely.

In the battle of return, he was actually knocked unconscious.

This made him a little intolerable.

DC came to Ye Chen and Catwoman and said: "Our winner, stop flirting, you should celebrate your victory with the audience.'

The two had a good relationship after being interviewed by DC alone during the day.

DC even gave him a gift.

Ye Chen won, and he was also happy for Ye Chen, so he made a joke.

Also, he and Connor have never dealt with each other and have quarreled many times.

Catwoman pushed Ye Chen in the back, "Hurry up and accept the interview."

DC, "This is your biggest victory so far, and it can even be said to be one of the biggest victories in history. What do you want to say to the boxing fans at this moment?"

Ye Chen, “Thank you to everyone for their support, UFC, and Conor for giving me this opportunity.

We are not enemies, just opponents in the ring. I dedicate this victory to all of you. "

Thunderous applause.

The whole crowd cheered.

DC, “You know what I’m going to ask, right?”

DC directly handed the microphone to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, "I know that the schedule of Islam and Darius has been determined, and I am now on a seven-game winning streak... If eight consecutive wins is the key to the right to challenge for the championship, I will take it

to eight consecutive wins.

If you are still the champion at that time, don't run away, we will eventually have a battle.

Because Darius is the first challenger.

And it’s eight consecutive wins.

That’s why Ye Chen said this.

He knew that it was useless to call Makhachev now, as the opponent's schedule had been determined.

We can only wait until he finishes beating Darius.

If he wins another game, when the time comes, Maha will have to take it even if he doesn’t want to.

And according to his frequency of playing.

Maha took a few months off after beating Darius. He might have won eight consecutive games and could directly ask Makhachev for the next match.

However, what Ye Chen doesn't know yet is.

After his popularity soared, Oliveira, Diamond, Covington, Chima, Wu Simanhua... and even Paddy immediately called him out on the Internet.

Now, he can choose whatever power he wants. .

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