I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

080 Play With The Python, Strangle It With Force, Is It In Danger? (Please Subscribe)

At this moment, Ye Chen's body was stained with a lot of blood.

Catwoman almost lowered her head and closed her eyes to wipe him, not daring to take another look.

At this point, I couldn't help but ask, "Are you injured?"

Ye Chen moved his body and felt something.

"Fortunately, probably not."

Catwoman glanced at Oliveira's corner and said, "He looks very tired. He should be easy to fight in the next round, right?"

Ye Chen joked: "Are you in a hurry?"

Since he is quite excited, if he has the physical strength, joking can effectively relieve his excitement and tension.

Let him relax as much as possible.

the other side.

At this time, Oliveira calmed down a little.

The injuries on his face looked weak, but they were not serious.

The most serious thing is that my nose is a little crooked.

This is very common in the fighting arena.

Head coach, "ov, remember, you just lost the championship game, you must not lose this one, you are the champion, you should get your belt back."

In the next round, stick to your tactics, stick to your tactics, stick to your tactics.

Got it? Don't get into his rhythm, don't follow Ye Chen. "

It all showed up in the first round. Oliveira fought well at the beginning and executed the tactics.

However, I kept slapping, maybe because of my superiors, or maybe because of my previous habits.

The tactics are almost completely different now than before.

On the contrary, Oliveira was unable to execute the current tactics well, nor could he play the previous tactics well.

It feels a bit constrained and awkward.

However, once he entered the ground, Oliveira was still as sharp.

Defended Ye Chen's offensive and even caused Ye Chen a lot of trouble.

At this time, Spider squatted in front of Oliveira and looked at Oliveira with his head lowered.

"You are very powerful, but after being hit, you will become impulsive and forget your tactics.

Next round, relax a little and remember our actual combat training?

Try using Ye Chen as your actual "800" training companion, take good protection, play as relaxed as possible, consume as little physical energy as possible, and recover during the game. "

Spider watched the first scene carefully and pointed directly at Oliveira's question

If he plays more smoothly, he will become stronger.

However, once his opponent causes him some trouble, Oliveira will become a little confused and his mentality will change.

first round.

Oliveira had a problem with her mentality. She was hit in the head by a high sweep by Ye Chen and then failed to get the advantage inside for the first time.

After all, before he lost to Maha, Oliveira was known as the strongest inner circle by fans.

Being high-swept while standing was okay, after all, he had been beaten down by his opponents in the previous games.

However, in the inner fight, only the one with Maha did not gain any advantage.

This game was the same, with the inner circle suffering losses again and again.

Hearing Spider's words, Oliveira looked up.

Spider, "Yeah, just like training, you're very good at training, aren't you?"

It's like taking a driver's license test and practicing driving smoothly.

I had diarrhea as soon as I entered the examination room.

Spiders have more on-the-ground experience.

Therefore, the head coach just insisted on letting Oliveira execute the tactics.

However, the spider is helping Oliveira regain his confidence and cheer him up.

The second round begins.

Once on the field.

Ye Chen discovered the difference.

Oliveira lowered the frame a little. I don't know whether it was because of lack of physical strength or a change of tactics.

However, it doesn't matter.

The first round consumed a lot of Oliveira's energy.

There was also the opponent's injured nose, which was a key factor in his victory.

Therefore, he still needs to play with high-intensity pressure in the second round.

The two hands touched tentatively in the air, looking for opportunities. Oliveira suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

Then he withdrew his hand and jumped in place a few times.

At the same time, he smoothed his hair.

Ye Chen felt that the other party was giving him hints to calm down and adjust his rhythm.

He took the opportunity to chop his leg with a low sweep.

Oliveira raised his knees in a standard Thai style to prevent a low sweep, and at the same time threw out a very fast front and back jab, hitting Ye Chen between the eyebrows.

This time it was quick.

Ye Chen has simulated it with Oliveira many times, but has never seen him use this trick.

According to the rhythm just now, Oliveira in the past would definitely take the opportunity to rush into the neck and hit the knee or uppercut.

Therefore, Ye Chen was prepared to compete with the opponent in the inner circle early in the morning.

Unexpectedly, he just fired a jab and then retreated again.

"Have you really started executing tactics again?"

Ye Chen muttered in his heart and followed him, making a low sweep and a wide range of movements.

Sure enough, Oliveira raised her knees to avoid it.


A crisp voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Chen succeeded in feinting, and slashed with a low sweep. However, when he was still some distance away from Oliveira's leg, he suddenly twisted, like a soft whip, and drew a line in the air like a "?" at a terrifying speed. In an arc, the instep struck Oliveira's arm heavily.

The whole audience exclaimed.

Everyone looked at Oliveira's left hand.

The sound just now was too loud, causing Oliveira's head to move through the frame.

There won't be any problem with the arm, right?

It is common to have your hands broken by being kicked and your arms broken by heavy gunners.

Take advantage of the opponent being knocked around.

Ye Chen stepped forward and punched with his front hand, trying to cut into the inside.

However, Oliveira leaned back sharply and stepped back to avoid the blow.

Then he threw out a jab with his front hand again.

However, this time Ye Chen was well prepared. He put one hand in front of his face and accurately blocked the jab.

Oliveira had another move, a front kick that hit Ye Chen in the stomach.

The purpose of this jab and kick was not to hurt him, but to interrupt his offensive rhythm.

In the ring.

It hurts to have the rhythm suddenly interrupted.

Especially for those players who can't react quickly enough on the spot.

If you are interrupted a few times and your attacks frequently fail to catch your opponent, it may make you frustrated.

Oliveira was not in a hurry after pulling away.

Then he spread his hands and waved to Ye Chen with a smile on his face.

It's like saying, "Don't play this trick with me, big brother, it's useless to me."

Provoke and interrupt the opponent's rhythm.

Ye Chen instantly thought of the opponent's corner spider.

This is his characteristic.

Being interrupted all the time will make the opponent restless. If provocation is added, many players will take the lead directly.

Once various flaws are discovered, the loopholes will be magnified.




Oliveira's actions not only provoked Ye Chen, but also made the audience excited again.

It was very satisfying to see a supernova like Ye Chen being challenged like this by a veteran in the ring.

Commenting on Bisping, "Oliveira's sudden change of tactics reminded me of a person."

That's right.


Back then, countless people in the heavyweight class lived in the shadow of Spider. Bisping also won a heavyweight belt after Spider retired.

Therefore, he seemed a little excited at this time.

Logan said: "This is a good way to deal with Ye Chen. Ye Chen has beaten too many players who are good at positional warfare. I wonder how he will deal with Oliveira trained by Spider?"

DC also frowned, "Oliveira in this state is indeed very difficult to fight. Let's see if Ye Chen will adjust his tactics. If he doesn't adjust, it will be very difficult."

Ye Chen continued to press forward, but he also became more cautious and began to use various kicking techniques to test and strike.

He wanted to see how long Oliveira could control him.

Moreover, he wants to launch a hug.

Yes, that's right, he has been hiding the hug and throw for a long time. If Oliveira keeps controlling the distance and dodging, the only way for him to get close is to hug and throw.

You can't take a punch with your face, just rush in and throw it hard.

However, it is very dangerous to hug and throw a Jiu-Jitsu master like Oliveira, so he must find a better opportunity.

One thing is for sure.

That is, Oliveira's level of distance control, provocation, and defensive counterattack are still far behind that of the Spider.

After all, the tactics suddenly changed in a few months.

He just relies on his powerful jujitsu and is not too afraid of being thrown.


Ye Chen turned around and kicked back.

Oliveira was almost kicked over.

Before the opponent could stand firm, Ye Chen took advantage of the gap and dived directly into him.

At this moment, the explosive power he had been training to show no effect, and his diving speed was too fast to be seen clearly.

Moreover, in order to prevent the opponent from taking advantage of him, he dived very low.

The moment he rushed forward, his left hand clasped the back of Oliveira's thigh, and his right hand wrapped around the opponent's left calf that was about to dodge.

With the powerful impact, he directly lifted the opponent's supporting leg.

There was no need for him to hold him down, and Oliveira was directly carried around in a circle in the ring.

He was led directly to kneel down on the ring.

Ye Chen relied on a violent dive to throw down Oliveira.

Moreover, he was right behind Oliveira who was lying down.

He prepared to take the back without hesitation.

The whole place was boiling, and countless people screamed.

It was too fast this time.

They didn't even see what happened.

I saw Ye Chen suddenly rush over, and Oliveira seemed to be thrown flying. It was so terrifying.

DC was so excited that he slapped the table and stood up, "The terrifying dive and throw, and what's even more terrifying is the timing he chose to dive. No wonder he has been doing some kicks that we seem to have insufficient damage but more than enough to show off his skills."

It turns out that he was all prepared for this moment..."


Logan next to him exclaimed, leaned back, eyes widened, and shouted, "I'm holding the back. He directly threw Oliveira into a position where he was holding the back."

The scene was filled with whistles, cheers, screams and applause.

Because this was one of the few times they saw Ye Chen dive and throw him.

No one could have imagined that the opponent's hug and throw would be so violent.

Regardless of wrestling skills.

But, from a visual point of view, far more than the change of punches, there is also the shock of the Eagles' step-by-step wrestling.

After all, it looked like Oliveira was about to be thrown out of the cage at that moment.

It's so scary.

Domestic commentators are so excited.

Commentator No. 1 said, "Wow... Ye Chen is really fierce. After he discovered that Oliveira had changed his tactics, he also changed his previous tactics and chose to go directly to the ground.

Take the back, start taking the back... If you can successfully take the back, it is an absolutely advantageous position. Even if Oliveira cannot be subdued, you can still consume him for one more round. "

As a die-hard fan of Ye Chen, commentator No. 2 stopped commenting for a long time. He stared at the screen and said: "Yes, go up quickly and hook your legs. Hook Brother Chen's legs. Don't give Oliveira a chance. Okay, lock. Lock him up."

[Holy shit, this power is so powerful, I didn’t see it clearly until

It was picked up by Largo and started flying. 】

[It’s really against the sky, Brother Chen is really fierce, his output is explosive. 】

[I have long said that Ye Chen should fight in the welterweight or middleweight division. He relies on his physique to bully others in the lightweight division. 】

[Yes, I heard that Largo grew up in a slum. He was sick since he was a child. He was disabled and in a wheelchair. He didn't have enough to eat, so his physique was too poor and his strength was always too low. 】

[Shennima is disabled and uses a wheelchair. Why don’t you say that he is in a vegetative state when he comes to play the game? 】

[Shut up if you don’t know the story above. He is indeed disabled and has been in a wheelchair. He is his inspiration and he has practiced well. However, he still suffers in the ring because his physical condition has not been good since he was a child. 】

[Awesome, do you really believe it after seeing too many marketing accounts? Oliveira had a little problem, but it was cured when she was a child. Moreover, he said during the interview that he had never been

Hungry, you say he doesn’t have enough to eat? Who should I believe?】

[If your physique is not good enough and your physique suffers, you are referring to: Oliveira, the UFC overweight record holder? 】

[Brother Chen grew up in the mountains. What are the conditions in the northwest rural areas? You wouldn’t think that Brother Chen grew up eating fish and meat and drinking milk, right? 】

In the arena.

Ye Chengang climbed onto Oliveira's back, and the opponent controlled one of his legs with one hand, preventing him from buckling.

Ye Chen grabbed Oliveira's support hand and destroyed the support point. If he can't get the position immediately against such a jiu-jitsu master, he will level him.

Without his power point, his jiu-jitsu skills are useless.


The support hand was removed.

Oliveira because she bore Ye Chen's weight.

His elbow hit the ring hard.

Ye Chen took the opportunity to hook Oliveira's kneeling leg with the leg that was already wrapped around him.

He exerted force on his legs and lifted Oliveira's kneeling leg back, destroying the support point.

At the same time pull Oliveira's supporting hand.

Two points work together.

With a "bang", Oliveira was knocked down directly, but did not lie flat.

The top of his head rested on the ring.

Still stubbornly resisting.

Because, he thought of the scene near the end of the last round, which almost caused his mentality to collapse.

Therefore, Ye Chen must be stopped this time.

The moment the opponent's head hit the ground.

Ye Chen used his right hand to hit Oliveira's ribs on the right side to distract him.

After beating him a few times, Oliveira responded.

Ye Chen's left hand, which had been holding Oliveira's left hand, suddenly raised and quickly passed across the side of his neck.

Anyone who has watched MMA knows what Ye Chen is planning to do.

Therefore, many people stood up directly and stared at the big screen excitedly.

The audience knows it.

Not to mention Oliveira.

When Ye Chen put his hand through his neck, he immediately chose to fall to the right in desperation.

This rollover directly pinned Ye Chen's arm underneath, slowing down Ye Chen's ability to further grasp the position.

Take advantage of this time.

Oliveira immediately grabbed Ye Chen's right hand with his right hand.

Ye Chen also took advantage of the gap of 2.2 and wanted to put his other leg up, controlling the opponent's waist and hips with both legs, so that the opponent could no longer roll or use force.

Unfortunately, the opponent was very sensitive. As soon as his leg moved, Oliveira's unhooked left leg immediately lifted up, blocking Ying Ying's leg.

Helpless, Ye Chen could only do some hammering.

Distracting attention and plotting something later.

At this moment, Oliveira suddenly pulled his right arm.

Then he exerted force on his waist, hips and legs at the same time, forced himself to twist and turn over, and escaped alive.

Then, he kicked off the ring with his legs, and with lightning speed, he directly knocked over Ye Chen's head.

Because he was lying on the ring due to rolling.

Almost head to head with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was just about to push the opponent's head away, and then stood up.

Unexpectedly, one of Oliveira's arms suddenly passed through his shoulder and went directly to the other armpit.

Then buckle it with the other arm.

Python choke.

It was too late for Ye Chen to grab his hand now, so he could only move his body quickly to prevent the other party from controlling his legs.

In many locking techniques, as long as the body control is insufficient and the opponent's body can still move, there will be room for escape.

Oliveira really thought so too.

The moment the leg that wanted to hook Ye Chen's leg fell into the air, his arm began to go crazy.

Because he was lying down, Ye Chen couldn't even practice shrinking his neck to defend.

Therefore, Oliveira's arm was easily wrapped around his neck.

Moreover, he instantly increased his strength and pressed Ye Chen's head with his upper body.

Use body weight and arm strength to strangle.

This resulted in the referees, spectators, and cameras not being able to see what state Ye Chen was in at this time.

At this time, the referee saw that Ye Chen had no extra moves.

He came up directly and asked, "Ye Chen, you need to take action, otherwise I will stop the game."

the referee asked.

There was dead silence.

When everyone thought Ye Chen was going to die......

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