I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

093 It’S So Profitable, Ye Chen Plays A Corner Role For The First Time (Please Subscribe)

Ye Chen naturally doesn't know this information.

He doesn't need to know either.

Now with his fame and championship status, he can completely ignore some players who have failed.

DC said again: "You are so unpredictable..."

If he wins the lightweight championship, he will definitely defend the title two or three times to hone his skills and gain on-the-spot experience before thinking about moving up in weight.

Because, with such a big reputation now, it will take a few years to make money if you don’t take advantage of the situation.

If someone fucked him last time, the heat would definitely be damaged, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Okay, without taking up your time, I still want to ask one last question."

Ye Chen was about to leave, but was pulled back by DC.

He looked at DC with a confused look on his face. Didn't he ask all the questions he needed to ask?

Just listen to DC say: "I believe that everyone now wants to know why Annie is your assistant? What is the relationship between you two?"

DC is also a practitioner and understands the hype.

As for gossip, he really has no interest in it.

Just ask this question for the many curious viewers and liven up the atmosphere.

Sure enough, this problem came up.

Dana laughed brightly at first, and said in his heart: "You have to be the one to cause trouble, Black Ball.

The atmosphere of the audience was also very enthusiastic.

This was the first time Ye Chen heard the loudest voice other than booing him tonight.

The online audience is even more crazy.

All are supporting the question asked by DC.

Ye Chen scratched his head and glanced at Catwoman on the side. This was so sudden that he was caught off guard.

Said: "What about us...well, actually..."

Before he finished speaking, Catwoman came over.

He jumped directly onto Ye Chen, clasped his legs around Ye Chen's crotch, wrapped his hands around Ye Chen's neck, and kissed her deeply.

At this moment, no words are needed.

Is there any need to say more about the relationship?

The whistles, exclamations, and shouts at the scene were all mixed together, and they were comparable to those during previous games.

Official live broadcast room.


[Waterfake, why did she find a Daxia man? Are all the men in our beautiful country dead? 】

[See if I can kill her in the future. 】

[This combination is weird...]

[Wang Defa, does that mean they started a long time ago? I remember that in the second or third game of the Ye Chen game, she appeared next to the Ye Chen cage net. 】

[Ye Chen was not very famous at that time. 】

[Maybe it’s because he’s in good health and more capable. 】

The domestic live broadcast room is a different style of painting.

[Fuck you, goddess, Brother Chen, how dare you, aren’t you afraid that I will hang you? 】

[Ye Chen: Welcome to hang, but you have to eat my kimura, tornado, guillotine first...]

[I’m envious, Brother Chen, do you need an agent? I can do it, no salary required. 】

[I have told you a long time ago that the girl in the corner looks familiar. You can tell she is a beautiful woman just by looking at her eyes. Some people still don’t believe it, but now they believe it. Brother Chen is really sharp. “The competition and the beauty are both the same. ”

[Niu Bi, bless my brother Chen, my fighting superstar is still worthy of goddess Anne. 】

[Absolutely no problem. Brother Chen now pays for one show, appearance fee, bonus, plus some advertising sponsorships, etc., and the guaranteed salary is more than 5 million yuan. Although it may not be as high as Annie's salary for a movie, it is not far behind. How much. 】

[Five million dollars is less, not to mention Connor's scene, but Oliveira's scene. According to the analysis of foreign professionals, Chen Ge's income may be no less than eight million dollars.

Those who can join the tens of millions salary club are all superstars, Brother Chen is not bad at all. 】

[Everyone, please don’t worry. Brother Chen won this game. He will drive the supercar gifted by the prince later and take the goddess for a ride. Which one do you think is a good match for others? 】

Ye Chen's home.

Everyone was shocked.

"Hiding it deep, Lao Ye, no wonder I said my niece should be given to Xiaochen. You said wait first. It turns out that Xiaochen has already found a foreigner."

"This woman looks just like the person on TV. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in Tianli Hachimura."

"It's just like the people on TV. Didn't you hear that the person commentating on the game just now was an actress? Her name seems to be Anne..."

"Xiaochen is really capable. He plays competitions in foreign countries and finds foreign girlfriends."

"Old Ye, look at Xiaochen marrying you a foreign wife, how can you talk to her?"


At this moment, the richest man is Ye Chen's parents.

Ye Jianguo glanced at Ye Chen's mother.

Usually, Ye Chen only talks about these things to his mother.

However, Ye Chen's mother shook her head and said she didn't know either.

She even took out her phone and prepared to call Ye Chen to inquire. In her eyes, it didn't matter whether she was a foreigner or a Daxia native.

As long as it's someone who can get married.

Because the crowds of bachelors in rural areas make people extremely depressed.

However, when she thought about it, she saw that Ye Chen was still in the ring. No one answered her phone calls, so she could only put down her phone.

At this time.

Prince Ha Peony is coming up.

Two children wearing identical robes followed him.

They all held a beautiful box in their hands.

In the first box are two car keys, with the Lamborghini logo clearly visible.

In the second box is a shining golden ring. If you look carefully, you can easily find that it is exactly the same as the championship belt he is wearing, but it is just a smaller version.

Obviously, the Wei Zhi is a special customized model for Abebi.

Ye Chen has seen someone take it before.

This ring is custom-made for those who have won the Abe Zabi competition.

The only one in the world.

The car key is the bet that Prince Ha Mudan mentioned before.

He chose to give these to Ye Chen at this time.

They are also promoting their beliefs and their city in front of the whole world.

It's mutually beneficial.

Moreover, this thing is just a drop in the bucket for him.

In the next few days, Ye Chen took Catwoman and drove a Lamborghini to play near Abe Zabi.

He originally wanted to go home after winning the championship.

Unexpectedly, Catwoman said she wanted to go too.

There was nothing we could do about it. Just after the game that day, my mother called him if she had anything to do and asked him to take Catwoman home to see her.

That's a warning.

However, Catwoman didn't have much work next, so he thought it would be good to take Catwoman home.

However, before that, Catwoman has to go back to Beautiful Country to deal with some matters.

He could understand this, and after nearly two years of waiting, it would only be a few days before he could return home.

In addition, Dana wants to discuss some business cooperation locally.

Therefore, they have time to play around in Abe Zabi.

It is worth mentioning that.

Ye Chen and Catwoman also accepted an advertising endorsement for a diamond ring here.

I don't know if he rubbed Catwoman's heat or Catwoman rubbed him.

The income from this advertising endorsement is much higher than his fee for one appearance.

This allowed Ye Chen to experience the huge benefits of being famous for the first time.

Yao remembers that when he had just gained some fame, the devil's claws, Shiwan Dao Le, captured him.

Sure enough, people say that athletes' income is not on the court.

But off the court.

Connor once topped the list of annual athlete earnings with $180 million.

Among them, appearance fees, dividends, etc. may not even be one-tenth.

The rest is all brought about by his business and other activities.

Day six.

Everyone returned to the beautiful country.

Ye Chen and Catwoman haven't had a deep experience in Abe Zabi these six days.

When we came back, the two of us had a room.

The Internet and various gossip magazines are almost full of news about the two of them.

Several of the largest entertainment gossip magazines in the beautiful country put the two of them on the front pages and made a lot of money.

However, after Ye Chen passed the championship battle, Catwoman got help.

The number of INS fans directly exceeded 20 million, and now it has reached more than 27 million, and is about to catch up with Khabib, who has more than 30 million.

After arriving in the beautiful country, Ye Chen was almost too busy.

All kinds of sports equipment, supplies, functional drinks, sports brand clothing, etc. are all at your door.

As for Abe Zabi's game, appearance fees, dividends, winning bonuses, bonuses... after a series of calculations, his income this time exceeded 10 million.

Less than 11 million Dao Le.

If you include some of the endorsements he has negotiated in the past few days, it will directly exceed 20 million.

This was part of his push. Otherwise, he would have paid thirty million dollars back to Neng Village.

This is Catwoman's advice to him, asking him not to consume his popularity too much. It is best not to endorse some products that have not been tested by the market.

Ye Chen has little experience in this area, on the contrary, Catwoman has rich experience.

She has been the darling of those luxury goods in the past two years.

Know more about this aspect.

However, Catwoman was still shocked by his income.

Of course, she also knew that Ye Chen earned all this money for more than just the ten minutes on the court.

But insist on constant training of all kinds.

He is worthy.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Chen did not have dinner with Catwoman's family once.

no way.

Catwoman's father is a fighting fan and was one of the first people to know about the relationship between his daughter and Ye Chen.

I can’t even imagine it.

Fortunately, the dinner was quite harmonious.

Especially Catwoman's father, Ye Chen has a great impression, probably because he is a fighting fan.

He even asked Ye Chen to go out for a drink in private.

Let Ye Chen help predict the outcome of the next game card, so he can place bets.

All kinds of busy work, UFC is also all kinds of promotion.

Ye Chen even appeared on the show with Catwoman for an exclusive interview.

However, Ye Chen never forgot his own job.

He has asked several times about his upgrade.

He even asked Dana to let him be the substitute for the third battle between Wusman and Huazi.

As long as the two can't fight, he will directly come on as a substitute to compete for the secondary championship.

Dana has not responded yet.

Let him recover well.

That's right, in the battle with Maha, he lost a lot of hidden wounds.

Not to mention muscle strains and tendon injuries.

This time even the arm was broken.

Almost fifteen days or so.

Ye Chen almost never stops filming various commercials.

Catwoman is also dealing with some of her work problems.

Today, both of them are finally done.

Therefore, they slept until noon before the two of them got up.

While ordering takeout, Catwoman sighed: "Actually, it's not a bad thing that you got hurt."

Ye Chen, who was playing a game, replied casually, "Why?"

"This way at least you don't have to train and can stay at home with me like today."

Catwoman lay on the sofa and put her long legs on Ye Chen's shoulders and swayed for a few times, "By the way, we are going to fly in a few days. Do I need to prepare anything? For example, a gift or something...

"No, you just need people to go."


Chen responded with a smile.

There's nothing to take away, after all, the life of Catwoman and his parents are hugely different.

The gift the other party bought is really not something most people can use.

"How could I not use it? After I order the takeout, I will check it out online. You can give me a reference then. You have to fly to Miami in the afternoon, otherwise it will be too late. Don't say you have no objection.


Speaking of this, Catwoman paused and smiled slyly.

He also took on a job these days.

That's right.

Gazi is also going to compete, so it's really difficult for him to make appointments.

He has the strength, but his ranking is too low, and he doesn't want to fight those behind him.

Others who hit him in front thought it was thankless to hit him.

Recently, he finally made an appointment with his opponent in the last game where he was blacklisted for a rematch.


There's nothing I can do about it, I really can't make an appointment.

He spends money every day training in a beautiful country, and he can't waste it if he can't get an appointment for a match.

Therefore, Gazi called him a few days ago and asked him to help out as a side character.

Gazi is too embarrassed to mention preparations for war.

Ye Chen was about to fight Maha at that time, how could he have free time to help him prepare for the battle.

Moreover, with Ye Chen's current net worth, he simply couldn't afford it.

Ye Chen did not refuse.

When he first came to the beautiful country, Ga Zi was very kind to him. He couldn't forget everything about the past just because he became famous.

He has been preparing for the war for several months, but he may not have the time now. If he doesn't stop being a sideline player, that would be unreasonable.

However, he had time to watch Rhodes' game videos before and gave Gazi a lot of preparation plans.

He felt that as long as Gazi prepares for the battle according to his instructions, it should not be difficult to win Rhodes without any dispute.

After dinner.

Not surprisingly, Ye Chen surrendered twice to Catwoman's temptation.

He could only agree and bought a lot of things with her online that were suitable for his parents.

Like clothes or something.

Miami at night.

Hotel arranged by UFC.

Doss from Gazi's team went out specially to pick him up.

"Is the weight loss going well?"

Ye Chen asked casually.

Weighing tomorrow, he guessed that Gazi is busy losing weight now.

Moreover, as far as he knew, Gazi also had difficulty losing weight.

Doss grinned and shook his head, "This time it didn't go well. In the past, in order to take on more games, he kept his weight around 85 kilograms, just to make it easier to lose weight.

I haven't played a game for a long time recently, and my weight is close to 90 kilograms. "

Ye Chen nodded.

He suffered from weight loss.

Doss suddenly seemed to remember something, "By the way, you have lost so much weight, you can help him."

Ye Chen shook his head quickly, "It still doesn't work. Now I'm giving random advice, which may affect weight loss."

Ye Chen doesn't dare to teach people how to lose weight casually, because he just relies on forced dehydration in a simulated space to lose weight, and there is no skill at all.

Every time he loses weight, his simulated self in the simulation space becomes dehydrated and faints several times.

Doss thought the same thing, "Here we go, this is it."

Doss opened the door and entered.

As soon as I opened the door, a wave of heat hit me.

It's like entering a sauna.

At this moment, Gazi looked pale, his hair was wet, and he was sweating profusely. He was sitting in the steaming box and was sweating and dehydrated.

When he saw Ye Chen, he even just raised his head and smiled, "You are here, sit down first.

I don't have the usual energy at all, and I don't have the energy to say much.

Ye Chen nodded.

Everyone else also greeted Ye Chen at this time.

There are not many people in Ye Chen's team. After all, training, food, clothing, housing and transportation cost a lot of money.

With his appearance fee, if he asked more than a dozen people to surround him, it would probably not be enough to pay all the appearance fees to others.

There were only 5 people in the room together with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at Gazi's head coach, his name was John.

Said: "How much difference is there now?"

John shook his head, "There are still six or seven pounds to lose. I hope he can hold on, otherwise he will be fined for being overweight and the competition will be canceled..."

Don't even dare to think about it.

Ordinary UFC players do not train to prepare for fights throughout the year. They only prepare for fights after they have made appointments and determined the schedule.

Because this saves the most money.

If this competition is canceled due to weight loss, the money spent preparing for the competition will be wasted.

Therefore, most people only stop losing weight until the doctor forces them to stop or they directly go to the hospital.

This is the portrayal of the UFC's bottom players.

Although Gazi is not considered to be on the bottom floor now, it cannot reach the useful floor.

【Losing weight is so hard. 】

[It’s scary, I feel like I’m wilting. Is this stretching my life? 】

[It’s okay, anyway, frequent dehydration and weight loss will definitely have an impact on the body. 】

[It seems to be really not easy. No wonder some people go directly to the hospital. 】

[Holy shit, Brother Chen is here? 】

[Here, it’s Brother Chen. What are you doing here? Helping you lose weight? 】

The member of the Gazi team named Li Wei is broadcasting live on his mobile phone at the moment, because many domestic fans want to see the weight loss process.

The camera happened to be focused on Ye Chen at this time.

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