I asked you to control beasts, but you’re making Grey Wolf craft mechs by hand?

Chapter 84 The conspiracy is revealed! Nightmare world!

Three days later, the sun rose in the east.

On the blue sea level, a 100-meter warship disappeared like the wind.

It's not an adjective...

The three people with the ability to use the light potion, the hand potion, and the wind potion work together.

Inside the Red Lion.

The air was extremely oppressive.

There was a faint heat of saltpeter, a haze that even the sea breeze could not dissipate.

Major General Sherman faced the Red Lion General who was erupting like a volcano, feeling very panicked.

I originally thought that I followed the general to chase the pirates just to get some gold and make some achievements.

The result is completely opposite...

Two days ago, they pursued all the way along the main route, and were exhausted many times by those with potion abilities.

After finally reaching the first pass, Behemoth Island, the Outlaw Pirates actually left long ago? !

General Red Lion summoned two ability users with a calm expression.

With their reputation as admirals, the two ability users cried with joy.

With the combined power of the three ability users, the Red Lion was flying almost close to the sea. It was not sailing too fast, but flying too low.

This tragic life begins...

When they arrived at the second pass, the Nightless City, news of a bounty hunter came from Garden Island, and they discovered the wanted Outlaw Pirates.

The group of people returned in a hurry, and the result was obvious: the pirate ship was fake!

Realizing the plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, the warship hurriedly returned to the city that never sleeps, inevitably blocking the crazy pirate ship.

Just when I saw the port of the Evernight City, the warships hadn't even entered the port, and the signal bug of the former Lieutenant General Sifas actually sounded.

General Akaishi got through, and was mocked by the captain of the Outlaw Pirates as "Akainu", saying that they were all on all fours and covered with fur, so there was not much difference.

Fortunately, the esper has located the biological radio waves of the signal bug, and the location is actually still on Garden Island! !

Everyone did not hesitate and returned in a hurry, vowing to tear off the heads of all the members of the Outlaw Pirates.

The result is obvious, nothing! Only a strange signaling device was found in its place!

Two quick trips to and from Garden Road·The City That Never Sleeps.

The three ability users were fainted twice on average, and six times in total!

The day before yesterday passed by in such a hurry.

Yesterday was the real show.

The City that Never Sleeps, Garden Island, Flame Mountain, Water Curtain Cave, Pansi Island... traces of the Mad Outlaw Pirates have been found in countless places. The informants spoke vividly, and there are even videos of signal bugs.

At this time, I actually realized that there was a problem! !

Adhering to the principle of "Kill the wrong ones, don't let them go", the warships went back and forth, over and over again.

Major General Sherman still remembers the state of the three ability users. They were breathless, dying, and dying soon.

last night.

At the last pass, the Capital of Water, the Lieutenant General stationed there discovered traces of the Outlaw Pirates.

Led the fleet to attack, but failed!

General Red Lion was furious and cursed the stationed Lieutenant General as an idiot. He had fallen into the enemy's trick. The Outlaw Pirates had probably left.

The lieutenant general was not angry and muttered: You are the same~~~

Since then, the entire fleet has been in a depressing frenzy of volcanic eruption! !

"go out!"

Sherman heard General Red Lion's order and raised his head to confirm.

After confirming that it was not a hallucination, he left as if running away. It was so scary!





Red Lion took several deep breaths to calm down his irritable mood.

Since he was awarded the title of Admiral... No, no, no! Ever since I was a child, I have never suffered from such cowardice!

The news that he was being teased by the Mad Pirates was spread by who knows who, and the majestic admiral turned his life into a joke? !

In particular, the title of "Akainu" actually surpassed his original name of "Red Lion", which was a great shame and humiliation!

"Akainu~Akainu~~Okay, okay!!!"

"I hope you can still say that when I stand in front of you!"

Chishi took out a golden signal bug from the drawer and dialed it.

at the same time.

Naval headquarters, not far from the affiliated islands.

In an inconspicuous house, a middle-aged man wearing a samurai uniform sat, short in stature and with piercing eyes.

His name is Tohei Satashi, a trialist of the Sakura Empire, and the No. 1 player in the rankings.

He answered the signal bug and said, "I know, I'll call you in five minutes!"

After that, hang up.

Tu Feili's deep gaze looked towards the center of the dim house, where there was a box emitting a faint light.

【Nightmare Life Box】

[Level: Eighth Level]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Effects: 1. Nightmare world; 2. Nightmare teleportation]

[Description: The power of nightmares is everywhere, are you ready to have nightmares? 】

This is an eighth-level prop, and its quality reaches the astonishing legendary level.

It originated from the national master decades ago, a ninth-level beast master, and is also a hidden national treasure of the Sakura Empire!

Just bringing the "Nightmare Phylactery" into the Age of Sail dungeon would consume a huge amount of precious resources for the empire.

Reach out deep into the soil and make some empty points.

The box was opened, and inside was a twisted, ominous scarlet mist, with more than a dozen conspicuous blue dots floating around.

The blue dots belong to the spiritual imprints of the fallen beast masters of the "Nightmare World"... In other words, these beast masters have been controlled and can be backstabbed at any time.

Through one of the blue dots, it is very easy to obtain the information General Red Lion needs!

The Outlaw Pirates...the Trialist Qin Mo...has arrived at the Eastern Oasis of the Desert Kingdom...


If only to deal with the testers.

There is no need to use the eighth-level legendary "Nightmare Life Box" at all, the nuclear bomb will give you a sense of déjà vu!

It has a more important role...

That is to turn the Age of Sail dungeon into an exclusive trial dungeon for Sakura Empire! !

Why do the elemental summoned beasts of the Lighthouse Federation far exceed those of other countries?

Why do the weapon-type summoned beasts of the Shenxia Empire far exceed those of other countries?

Uninformed fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-level beast masters might say that the natural environment, or that Shen Xia has eighteen kinds of martial arts, is not very reasonable.

It's all bullshit! !

Because these countries have exclusive trial copies!

The exclusive trial copy is also an important factor in measuring great powers!

Just like the Age of Sail dungeon...if it is turned into an exclusive dungeon for Sakura Empire, then the top combat power developed in the future will have an additional ship-shaped summoned beast.

Have an additional summoned beast.

Does this have anything to do with the natural environment?

Does this have something to do with the Eighteen Martial Arts?

It has something to do with Mao! !

The particularity of the exclusive trial copy determines the particularity of the country's top combat power! ! !

Standing up deep in soil.

His eyes were full of enthusiasm, madness, and desire, like exploding fireballs.

"I still need a large-scale naval battle..."

"A super giant naval battle that affects everyone in the world!!"

"I want this naval battle to become a lingering fear for everyone."

"I want these fears to become the source of endless life in the nightmare world."

"I want these nightmares to become the anchor point for the arrival of the Sakura Empire trial dungeon!"

Nightmare Phylactery has two effects, Nightmare World! Nightmare teleportation!

First create fear, then build a nightmare world, and finally use nightmare teleportation... you can turn the Age of Sail dungeon into an exclusive dungeon for Sakura Empire! !


As long as the nightmare phylactery is hidden, it will not be destroyed by the natives.

Then create fear regularly to keep the "nightmare world" running.

After accumulating to a certain amount, another batch of trialists can be sent.

"Where is the Nightmare Life Box hidden... There is no more suitable place than the Windless Zone!"


"The trialists of the Federation and the trialists of Shenxia are all a bunch of clowns."

"Your eyes are still on the mission, on upgrading the pirate ship."

"And I! I have already reached out to the entire Age of Sail copy!"

I! The four words "deep in soil and fertilizer" will surely be engraved in the history books of the rise of the empire and will be remembered for generations to come! Immortal!

The signal bug is dialed deep in the soil and fertilizer.

Tell General Red Lion the news about Qin Mo.

I feel contempt in my heart... Stupid aborigines, you are dancing with wolves, do you know that? !

"Haha~~~You can't even catch a little guy, how can you still be a general?"

"The title of Akainu is indeed more suitable. He is as stupid as a stupid husky!"

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