The soil was so dense that it was difficult to dig.

Pulling the detector beside him, Chen Feng began to dig.

This time, he had to dig the soil one shovel at a time. Before he had a convenient soil-digging tool, the previous method was not suitable.

Chen Feng shoveled hard, but the shovel was blocked after only one-third of the way in. The familiar touch was definitely the roots.

He used the shovel to dig out the soil and saw some dense roots underneath.

"Oh my god, buddy, you are quite developed."

Chen Feng was stunned when he saw so many roots. There were not so many shrubs before.

Then he used a shovel to cut off the roots one by one. Some of them were quite tough. Chen Feng could only pull out the whole root without cutting it off and just threw it aside.

As long as it didn't delay his hunting, it would be fine.

After a while, all the roots were dealt with by Chen Feng, and he started digging with the shovel.

With one shovel, the whole head was directly submerged in the ground, which was right.

He tilted the root of the shovel and dug out a shovel of soil. He held the shovel of soil over the detector and passed it for a while.

The detector didn't sound, so Chen Feng dumped it casually and shoveled hard again.

After about a dozen shovels, when Chen Feng held a shovel of soil over the detector again, the detector made a sound.


Chen Feng shook it gently and saw that all that fell was sand, and there was no sign of the goods, so he stretched out two roots and started to dig.

After pinching it back and forth, he suddenly pinched a flake-like object, and it didn't seem to be a stone.

He pinched the object with two fingers and lifted it out of the pile of soil in the shovel.

At the same time, his eyes kept staring at the shovel, wondering what the thing was.

When the thing broke away from the floating sand and revealed its true face, Chen Feng instantly raised his eyebrows with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.


A voice with surprise, even a little bit of disbelief, sounded.

Chen Feng blinked, looking at the thing in his hand, the whole person was a little stunned.

The reason why Chen Feng was like this was that this piece of stuff exuded a dark yellow color, and it was another piece of gold!

And this piece of gold was the largest piece today, Chen Feng estimated that it was worth more than a thousand.

"Oh my god, are you serious?" Chen Feng looked at the piece of gold back and forth, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Putting the piece of gold into the bottle, Chen Feng stepped out with the detector, stood up and swept the dust off his knees, and couldn't help laughing.


Although he hasn't found goods worth thousands of dollars yet, this series of gold has already stunned Chen Feng.

Who knows the feeling of getting gold as soon as you click it, family members.

Chen Feng's mind suddenly appeared the classic scene of Shen Teng becoming the richest man in Xihong City.


With a smile that couldn't be removed at all, Chen Feng walked forward.

I have to say that this shrub is really a fixed treasure spot, and there are surprises every time I come.

The sun gradually rose in temperature, and Chen Feng's forehead was slightly sweaty. He picked up the still cold water in his bag, unscrewed the lid and drank a big gulp.

In two hours, he won't be able to drink such cool water, only warm water.

Taking out a cigarette from his pocket, Chen Feng held a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. He was a little afraid to think about it. If he had gold all day, how much money would he have at night?

Wouldn't he break the record again?

A small goal every day, a five-digit number, just thinking about it makes me happy.

After walking around for about twenty minutes, Chen Feng's system sent a prompt again on a piece of sand.

Chen Feng scanned it with his eyes, and began to explore with expectation while carrying the detector back and forth.

He wanted to know if this item could continue the record, and then emit gold light.

Sand is the best place to find goods, because there are not so many stones, and how deep the shovel can go depends entirely on how big your shovel is.

Chen Feng pushed the shovel hard, dug up a shovel of soil, and lifted it up. The shovel was straight up, and it could be said that it couldn't be fuller.

He trembled and passed the detector, but the detector didn't ring. Chen Feng tilted the shovel and poured the soil on the ground.

After more than ten shovels, the detector rang.

To be honest, Chen Feng has gotten used to it. The goods here are buried very deep, and there is almost no goods that can be dug out with just one or two shovels.

It can only be said that his decision to upgrade the detection depth first was right.

After confirming that the goods were in the shovel, Chen Feng did not shake this time. Instead, he tilted the shovel and drew a circle on the ground, spreading the soil inside.

On the ground.

He wanted to know if it would be faster to find goods this way.

Perhaps because the soil was a little thick, Chen Feng did not see any trace of the goods. He used the back of the shovel to spread the soil on the ground a little wider.

He still did not see the goods, and could not help but frowning slightly, turning it back and forth with the tip of the shovel.

This time he saw the goods, and Chen Feng's mouth rose again.

It was another gold grain, estimated to be worth three or four hundred yuan.

"Oh my god, I won't leave tomorrow, I will just search here, haha."

Chen Feng picked up the gold grain, speaking with excitement.

How can you leave such a treasure land? It's all gold, not even a grain of silver.

He took out the small gold bottle, which was now almost half full of gold. Chen Feng felt comfortable just looking at the half bottle of gold, and he was not hungry even if he didn't eat.

He threw the gold grain into the bottle, closed the lid tightly and put it in his pocket to make sure it would not be thrown out.

Now Chen Feng can throw it away, but it can't be thrown away. This is Chen Feng's entire life and property.

Putting the shovel back, Chen Feng looked around with the detector, and walked towards a direction with more bushes.

Bushes are still good, they are really good.

After passing through several bushes, the system didn't sound, and Chen Feng didn't care and continued to walk forward.

He didn't notice that a branch of a bush scraped his backpack. When he walked forward, the branch scraped the backpack tightly. Chen Feng didn't see it and kept walking forward.

As he walked, the branch pulled him back, and Chen Feng leaned back and almost fell.

"Oh my god, who pulled me!"

Chen Feng was shocked, his steps were messy, and he stabilized his body and looked back quickly.

When he saw that he was caught by the branch, Chen Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was really scary to be caught suddenly just now.

I thought someone was following me.

"What's the matter? You won't let me go. Do you have any goods?" Chen Feng turned around and said to the bush.

He stretched out his hand to break the branch. After waiting for a few seconds, the system did not ring, proving that there was no goods in this place.

Chen Feng shook his head and walked forward.

What a waste of feelings. I thought it was God who wouldn't let me go.

Soon it was noon. Chen Feng glanced at the time.

During this period, he found three more gold grains, all between three hundred and six hundred.

If it was normal, Chen Feng would take a break and eat, but today he really didn't want to stop.

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