The two walked towards the van together, and Chen Feng kept an eye on Zheng Ping from time to time, fearing that he would faint again.

However, Zheng Ping drank a lot of water and rested for a while, and his condition was much better. Although he was still listless, he would not faint easily.

After walking for about forty minutes, the two saw the van and walked over a little faster.

At this time, even Huang Fei was not in the car, and there was no one. Zheng Ping returned to the car and sat directly on the ground.

Although the van was made of iron, it would be a bit stuffy inside under the sun, but the windows were always open, and the floor of the car was still cold, much better than outside.

With his butt touching the cold ground, Zheng Ping felt much better. Chen Feng filled his big cup with water and asked him to drink more. He also filled his bottle with water and took a big sip.

"Fengzi, how did you get today?" Zheng Ping looked back at Chen Feng, who was also sitting on the ground, holding the big cup.

"Not bad, the harvest here is really good, much better than the one at home." Chen Feng smiled.

Zheng Ping also smiled, nodded, and then spoke.

"I'm much better, Fengzi, you don't have to watch me here, go panning for gold, everyone comes here to make some money, and the travel expenses are quite expensive."

Chen Feng shook his head when he heard it. He had already harvested a lot today, so he didn't want to pan, and Zheng Ping was just in a better state, so it was better to have someone by his side.

"No, I'm back now, let's stop here today."

Chen Feng also knew that if he went out to pan for gold again, it would not be a problem to get another thousand or eight hundred.

But he still chose to stay here with Zheng Ping.

Not only because they were from the same hometown, but also because he knew that making friends requires heart.

Zheng Ping was not a heartless person. He believed that after what happened today, if he suddenly fainted in the wild, he would be able to carry himself back even if he had to carry him on his back.

Even machines can have problems, not to mention a living person. Who can guarantee that he will not have any sudden situations in his life and will not have to ask for help?

Although Zheng Ping wanted Chen Feng to continue working, he felt a little sorry to see him wasting time because of him.

But seeing Chen Feng insist, he didn't say anything else, and his heart was full of emotion.

Chen Feng saved his life, and he would remember it forever.

The two chatted casually. Zheng Ping earned more than 400 today. It was because of this that Zheng Ping felt uncomfortable and didn't want to rest.

When Chen Feng heard Zheng Ping say that he actually had symptoms a long time ago, but he just kept insisting, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"You bumped into me. What if you didn't bump into me? Don't risk your life like this in the future." Chen Feng sighed.

"Yes, I've always heard that gold diggers are very dangerous, but I never felt it myself."

"I've been digging in the abandoned mines at home for so long that I've lost my fear of it. I think it's nothing. It's not as serious as they say."

"But today I really bumped into it and realized that this business is really not a joke. Sometimes life and death are just a thin line apart." Zheng Ping took a sip of water and took a deep breath.

Chen Feng sat on the ground, leaning against the seat, and was also full of emotion.

This is the gold digger. He is still alive today, but he may die in a foreign land due to some unexpected situation tomorrow.

He may even die and no one will collect his body.

For example, if Zheng Ping really fell in the wild today, how can he be found in such a big place?

It's not like in the village or the city. In the city, even if you have a heart attack on the street, it's okay. There are people on the street. Even if you don't dare to save him, someone will make a phone call.

As long as the ambulance arrives, I can't say that everything will be fine, but at least I can get treatment.

In this deserted place, even a little danger will be infinitely magnified and may take your life at any time.

The reason why everyone is willing to take such a big risk and come out to pan for gold is not for life.

Unlike Chen Feng, Chen Feng is still young, and one person can feed the whole family.

But Zheng Ping can't do that. Zheng Ping needs to support four elderly people and a lot of debts. Although his wife can help, the burden is still on him.

It is for this reason that Zheng Ping doesn't even dare to have children.

If there is one more mouth to feed, he really doesn't know if he can support the whole family even if he breaks his back.

Whenever he talks to his wife about having children, he always ends up with various expenses.

Chen Feng just heard that Zheng Ping was actually uncomfortable

, but still persisted, there was a little bit of regret and anger.

You know you are uncomfortable but still persist, aren't you kidding yourself?

To put it bluntly, if you really die, isn't it your own fault?

But Chen Feng thought about the burden on Zheng Ping's shoulders and couldn't help but sigh.

Who doesn't know that lying at home with a fan is comfortable? Who would like to go to a deserted place to face the scorching sun and work hard to pan for gold?

In a thousand words, isn't it all forced by life?

If Zheng Ping's situation is like the village chief now, driving a car worth hundreds of thousands and living in a small two-story self-built house, he wouldn't even pan for gold if you asked him to.

Who doesn't know how to enjoy themselves?

I can only say that it's a good thing that they found this place, the income is considerable, and at least there is hope for life.

As long as they work for a few years, everything will be fine.

As expected, Huang Fei was the first to come back. It can only be said that he was able to spend so much time today, which was beyond everyone's expectations. This was not his style at all.

If this guy came back at noon, he would have to say that Huang Fei had made great progress, not to mention that it was already afternoon.

When Huang Fei came back, he saw two people sitting in the aisle of the van. Zheng Ping was drinking water with a cup, and Chen Feng was holding a bread and ham sausage.

The excitement before was over, and Chen Feng was also hungry, so he ate something to fill his stomach.

When Huang Fei saw the two of them, Huang Fei was stunned and stunned.

To be honest, he was not surprised by anyone sitting in the car, but when Chen Feng and Zheng Ping were sitting, he really felt that the sun had risen from the west.

Zheng Ping, needless to say, was famous for his hard work and ability. Few people in the village could compare with him.

Although Chen Feng was not very good before, he has changed since he joined the gold mining business. Although sometimes you can hear Chen Feng complaining, saying that it is so hot today, why don’t we go out.

But when the real thing comes, he is almost always the last few to come back, which is also very conscientious, never cheating, just like himself.

Huang Fei was really surprised to see the two of them in the van today.

"Hey, what's wrong with you two? The sun is rising from the west?"

"Didn't you two not go back until the sun sets before? What's wrong today? Have you changed your nature?"

Huang Fei put his hands on the left and right sides of the van seat and said with a teasing smile on his face.

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