The ground was covered with dirt, but the ground was still covered with dirt.

Chen Feng couldn't stand it any longer, so he sat on the ground, holding the detector in both hands and scanning back and forth.

It was also difficult to scan here, as there were branches of bushes everywhere, so it was impossible to get down to it.

After wasting a lot of time, Chen Feng finally found the goods next to a bush in the distance. He crawled over with the things in his hand and took out a shovel with his backhand.

Chen Feng shoveled up a shovel of soil and passed it through the detector. The detector didn't ring, so Chen Feng threw the soil aside and shoveled again.

After about seven or eight shovels, he finally found the goods.

He shook his left hand gently, continued to kneel on the ground to pass the detector, and continued to shake it when it sounded.

Soon, he shook something on the ground with a "crack". Chen Feng looked at the thing and smiled.

It was a gold grain. Chen Feng picked it up and estimated that it was worth about eight or nine hundred.

"Damn, it's not a wasted climb."

Chen Feng put away the silver grain and climbed out of the bush with his tools.

He really had enough of it. He couldn't even straighten his waist.

After climbing out of the bush a few steps, Chen Feng stood up and stretched his waist hard.


After coming out, he felt relaxed all over. Looking at the time, Chen Feng found a place to sit down and took out water and food.

He brought three breads in total, two of which were given to Brother Rat, and now there was only one left.

He tore open the bread and ate it, and picked up a sausage.

Eat a little at noon and have a good meal when you go back tonight.

After a short rest, Chen Feng stood up and randomly found a direction to explore.

Time soon came to five o'clock in the afternoon. Chen Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and prepared to go back.

The harvest in the afternoon was very ordinary, almost all of which were silver grains. He picked up a small gold grain, which was worth two or three hundred.

He estimated today's harvest, which was quite good, almost more than nine thousand. If there were fewer impurities, it would probably be ten thousand.

"Go home and eat."

Chen Feng put the shovel next to the backpack and walked towards the van with satisfaction.

Chen Feng didn't care that there was no further shipment on the way.

When he returned to the van, he could hear Huang Fei playing a song from a long distance, and the sound was particularly loud.

"This guy, he's having a lot of fun playing alone." Chen Feng got in the car and said to Huang Fei who was lying on the driver's seat.

"It's boring. I came back after one o'clock. It was too hot. There was no one in the car when I came back. I couldn't find anyone to talk to."

"After I get back, I have to download more songs and novels to listen to in the car, otherwise it will be too boring."

Huang Fei finally got excited when he saw someone coming back, and sat up and said.

"To be honest, I'm hungry. Why don't we go chop wood first and cook when they come back. If you are tired, you don't have to chop wood, just stay with me." Huang Fei said to Chen Feng.

He was just too bored alone and wanted to find someone to keep him company.

"Okay, wait for me to drink some water and then go." Chen Feng poured some water from the big bucket in the car. The two of them smoked a cigarette and went out to chop wood with an axe.

When the rest of the companions came back one after another, they had built a circle of stones, and the wood was piled high in the middle, waiting to be ignited.

"Wow, what's wrong with you two? Why are you so fast today?" Someone said in surprise.

"I'm hungry." Huang Fei said, throwing the axe aside.

Zheng Ping went forward to light the fire, and the flames quickly shot up into the sky. Today, everyone discussed and unanimously asked Chen Feng to make clay pot rice for them.

Chen Feng had no objection. They washed the rice in the lunch box, and Chen Feng took the seasoning and poured it for them one by one.

Some of the remaining vegetables were already wilted, but fortunately they were not bad, so they did not delay eating.

Huang Fei's lunch box was directly added with three ham sausages, two for Chen Feng himself and one for the others.

Put all the lunch boxes in the fire and wait for the clay pot rice to cook.

"Are we going back tomorrow night, or the day after tomorrow morning?" Yin Xing thought for a while and asked.

Tomorrow is the fifth day, and they have two choices, either one is fine.

If they go home directly after panning for gold at night, they can get home during the day the next day, but Huang Fei will have to drive all night.

If we wait for a day and walk back during the day, we will probably arrive home in the middle of the night. The advantage is that Huang Fei does not have to drive at night.

"Let's see the driver. We will go as you say." Zheng Ping thought for a while and looked at Huang Fei.

He is the driver, he has the final say. Although there are not many things left, it is not a big problem to make do with it and stay one more night.

Huang Fei touched his chin. He actually didn't want to drive at night. Not to mention being sleepy

The view is still not good.

After thinking about it, he came up with a compromise.

"Let's do this. After you come back tomorrow night, we will eat and sleep normally."

"Let's drive home at three in the morning. In this way, it will be brighter and brighter as we go, and we will leave early. We should arrive home around five or six o'clock, and nothing will be delayed."

"What do you think?"

As soon as this idea came out, everyone agreed. It was a very good suggestion.

"Okay, that's it. Let Dafei go to bed early after we come back tomorrow to prevent him from getting sleepy on the road."

Zheng Ping clapped his hands in agreement. It was the driver who chose a much better time than they did.

Soon the clay pot rice was cooked. Although it was covered with a lid, the fragrance could be smelled from time to time.

Everyone took a branch stick and pulled out their own portion of clay pot rice, and lifted the lid on the ground with expectation.

They had been watching Chen Feng eat before, which made them greedy. Today, they can finally eat their own clay pot rice.

When the lids were opened, the aroma came out, and everyone couldn't help but sniff hard.

Wow, it smells so good!

"Fengzi, if you don't pan for gold in the future, you can open a restaurant yourself. Your cooking skills are second to none." Yin Xing took a little with chopsticks and put it in his mouth and praised.

"Forget it, it takes me a long time to serve you guys. If there are too many people in the store, the customers behind will starve to death."

Chen Feng still has some self-awareness. Although he cooks well, it's too slow.

Panning for gold is still more convenient. You can get everything with a shovel. It's much more convenient than cooking.

Huang Fei looked at the full layer of ham sausage in the lunch box and felt extremely satisfied.

Unlike others, others thanked Chen Feng for giving them one of his ham sausages, but Huang Fei didn't. He just felt that he deserved it!

They didn't know what they had experienced in the past two days!

Are three ham sausages too much? Not at all!

Zheng Ping and Chen Feng are both good people. If Huang Fei hadn't been unable to defeat them, he would have stood up long ago!

Fortunately, there was ham sausage to comfort himself.

Picking up a few slices of ham sausage and putting them in his mouth, Huang Fei looked satisfied.

The ham sausage cooked with many ingredients was much more tender, and it also had a special smoky flavor. It was so delicious.

The grievances I suffered in the past two days were worth it!

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