After the two finished talking, they began to look for goods again. This time it was Zheng Ping's turn to have his detector ring.

I don't know if it was because he was looking for goods with Chen Feng, but his luck had improved today. He found a good one every now and then, which was much higher than usual.

He squatted down and took out a shovel, muttering, "Gold, gold, gold."

Shoveling through the detector, Zheng Ping wondered if he could find a big piece of gold on the last day.

It didn't have to be much, just four figures. If he could find it, he wouldn't sell it first, but take it home to show Mao Min and make her happy.

As he dug a pit in front of him, the detector next to Zheng Ping rang, and he shook the soil through the detector.

Soon, only one-third of the soil was left in the shovel. Zheng Ping started to search. When he saw the silver grain, he was not disappointed, but quite satisfied.

As long as it is not scrap iron, it is not bad to keep panning for silver grains.

It is estimated that the silver grain is worth forty yuan. Zheng Ping took out a small bottle from the side of the bag and put the silver grain in it.

"What is this? Is it gold?"

Zheng Ping just stood up and heard Chen Feng shouting behind him.

When he turned around, he saw Chen Feng standing there with the detector, looking at him curiously, not even panning for goods.

Zheng Ping laughed at this and felt helpless. Why are you always looking at me? Why don't you pan for your own goods?

What's the point of looking at me all the time? Why are you so curious?

"Forty yuan, not bad!"

Zheng Ping shook the bottle at him and shouted loudly. At this time, there was a gust of wind and the two were a little far away.

If he didn't shout, Chen Feng couldn't hear what he said at all.

"Forty, not a small amount, you're lucky today!" Chen Feng covered his eyes with his hands and replied in the same hoarse voice.

"It's really good, thanks to you!" Zheng Ping made a trumpet shape with his hands around his mouth.

After that, the two continued to shop.

In this way, until noon, the two had a good harvest. Seeing that the time was almost up, Zheng Ping waved to Chen Feng, and the two got together to eat.

"I found more than 300 yuan in the morning. It's really good today." Zheng Ping may be used to shouting today, even if Chen Feng is next to him, he shouted loudly.

"Oh, please be quiet, I can hear you." Chen Feng covered his ears and said loudly.

"I'm used to shouting, cough cough." Zheng Ping felt a little uncomfortable in his throat and couldn't help coughing.

Zheng Ping still had pancakes with green onions at noon, while Chen Feng took out bread and asked Zheng Ping for a green onion to insert, making a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

"Fortunately, I cooked at night these few days, otherwise there wouldn't be enough pancakes." Zheng Ping said as he looked at the few pancakes he had left.

"You didn't bring more?" Chen Feng asked.

"I thought a big bag of pancakes would be enough, but I didn't expect that there would be only so many left after cooking at night. I guess it's because I don't have enough oil in my stomach and I'm hungry quickly." Zheng Ping said after taking a bite of the pancake.

This is true, Chen Feng felt deeply.

When he was at home before, Chen Feng only had two small bowls of rice at a meal, and each meal had some meat, so he didn't get hungry so quickly.

Here, ham sausage is considered meat, and Chen Feng can finish a full box of clay pot rice at night, and even feel empty in the morning when he wakes up.

It can only be said that people can't live without oil, just dealing with it and not being hungry.

Next time he comes, he has to find a way to get some meat, even some dried meat, otherwise he will not only be greedy, but also his body will be bad.

Chen Feng took out two sausages from his bag and handed one to Zheng Ping.

He still had four or five sausages, and he would go back in the evening, so he could share them.

Zheng Ping took the sausage and rolled another pancake, this time rolling the sausage inside.

After taking a bite, Zheng Ping couldn't help but nod.

A little meat is much better than a dry pancake.

After eating, the two of them took a break and continued their shopping trip.

The shouts of the two people echoed in this land from time to time.

"Fengzi, what the hell!"

"It's worthless, just a small silver grain!"

"Brother Zheng, what did you find!"

"Don't mention it, garbage...!"

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Feng calculated today's income.

The gold was not too big, the largest one was about 1,800 yuan.

The total income was about 5,000 yuan, not as good as usual.

Going further, there is a pit that feels like it was hit by a meteorite, but it is not that steep.

Chen Feng looked and walked in directly. The deepest part of the pit is about half a meter above and below the outside.

He came to the middle and kicked it with curiosity. He didn't know why there was a

A pit.

Could it be that the miners dug it at that time?

There was nothing in it, and he saw it all at a glance. Just as he was about to walk out of the pit, the system sent a prompt.


"There are precious metals within a three-meter radius of the host!"

Chen Feng smiled when he heard the sound. Sure enough, the weirder the place, the faster the goods will be shipped.

Next time, I will go to the corners and corners, and there may be goods.

He didn't look this time, and directly picked up the detector and probed in the pit. Anyway, the goods must be in the pit.

From the periphery of the pit, Chen Feng probed inwards in circles. He walked several circles and suddenly felt like he was pulling a mill.

I hope this donkey can pull out some big goods.


The sound of the detector sounded, and the goods were not in the middle of the pit, but on the side.

Chen Feng squatted down when he heard the sound, took out a small shovel and started to shovel the goods.

Perhaps because this place had been dug once, Chen Feng was very convenient to shovel. There were not many gravels in the soil, and he could shovel a large amount of soil with one shovel.

He picked up a shovel of soil and passed it over the detector. The detector did not sound, so Chen Feng dumped the soil aside and continued to shovel.

In this way, one shovel after another, a pit soon appeared in front of Chen Feng.

After an unknown number of shovels, the detector sounded.


Chen Feng held the shovel of soil, shook it gently, and continued to pass the detector.

When half of the soil in the shovel was left, Chen Feng stretched out two fingers and stirred it in the shovel to see where the goods were.

This time Chen Feng was very fast. He touched something as soon as he stretched out his hand. It felt very much like the goods. He pinched it out with two fingers.

A small dark yellow piece was pinched out by him. Chen Feng smiled when he saw it.

Although this gold nugget is not as big as the previous one, it is still okay. Chen Feng estimated that it is worth more than a thousand, which is very good.

Before he could take a closer look, he heard a voice from a distance.

"Fengzi, where are you!"

When Chen Feng heard the voice, he felt guilty and quickly put the gold particles into the bottle and stood up with the detector.

"I'm here!" Chen Feng shouted.

"Fuck, why did you go to the pit? What's that?" Zheng Ping was standing in the distance. He saw Chen Feng when he stood up and shouted.

"Nothing, garbage!" Chen Feng walked out of the pit and looked back.

He dug a small pit in the big pit, and Chen Feng felt like a nesting doll.

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