At this moment, only Zheng Ping and Chen Feng had not been cupped. Huang Fei didn't know why the thieves liked to drag Zheng Ping into the thief's boat.

"Brother Zheng, come one, everyone comes except you."

To be honest, Zheng Ping also wanted to cup, but he couldn't bear to spend the money, so he shook his head: "No, you can cup."

"What do you mean we can cup, sister, you cup him one later, and I'll pay for it." Huang Fei said to the technician sister.

"Okay." The sister smiled.

"No, no, how can I let you spend money." Zheng Ping said hurriedly when he heard this.

"Then spend it yourself and cup one!" Huang Fei continued to urge.

Zheng Ping hesitated, unable to resist Huang Fei's constant persuasion, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, then cup one."

When he saw that he agreed, Huang Fei couldn't help but chuckle.

"Fengzi, you come too, don't just watch."

Now only Chen Feng was left leaning on the bed, crossing his legs, fiddling with his phone and smoking, and Huang Fei would definitely not let him go.

"I really can't come, you guys try your best." Chen Feng took a puff of cigarette and replied.

It's not that he lacks money, but he didn't know where he heard a saying.

Basically, if you cupping is comfortable, but after cupping, your bone joints will open, and you will often catch a cold in the future, so you have to cup frequently.

If you haven't cupped, and the bone joints are not opened, it's fine.

God knows whether this statement is true or false, but Chen Feng's waist and legs are not sore, and his back is not uncomfortable.

If you are tired, just sleep overnight, it's better for him not to cup.

After several persuadings, Chen Feng still didn't listen. Huang Fei knew that he really didn't like cupping, not because he didn't want to spend money, so he stopped persuading him.

Soon, the technicians put cups on their backs one by one. Zheng Ping, who had been resistant just now, also became very happy after the cups were put on.

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing at this funny scene.

"Fengzi, give me a cigarette." Huang Fei lay on the bed and turned his head to look at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng came to him with a cigarette box, put a cigarette in his mouth, and then lit it for him.

"Fengzi, I want one too."

"I want one too."

Good guy, as Huang Fei said this, everyone turned their heads and stretched out their hands to look at Chen Feng.

"Okay, okay, okay, the other elder sister serves you and gets paid, but I have to pay for my cigarettes."

Chen Feng put a cigarette in each of their mouths and lit it, and everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard Chen Feng's words.

When the cupping was almost done, two elder sister technicians came in to remove the cups and rubbed their backs attentively.

After a break, everyone went downstairs to get dressed and prepared to go back.

After paying the bill and getting in the car, the car drove to the village an hour later, and everyone took a deep breath.

Finally back.

The car drove to Huang Fei's yard, and everyone carried their things and walked home. Some unimportant things would be discussed tomorrow.

Anyway, even if they went to Qiuling City to pan for gold, they would have to wait a few days and have a good rest.

As soon as Chen Feng opened the door, he smelled the fragrance of food.

On the way, he sent a WeChat message to his mother, and Liu Ping knew when he would be back.

"You're back. Did you take such a long shower?" Liu Ping turned around and said with a smile.

"They were delayed for a while by the cupping. Otherwise, they should have been back half an hour ago." Chen Feng put a bag and a backpack on the ground.

The detector was still in Huang Fei's car, so there was no rush to get it.

He changed into the clean clothes he brought after taking a shower, so he didn't need to change again.

Soon, Liu Ping brought the food to the table, boiled pork slices, stir-fried pork with peppers, home-cooked cold dishes, garlic sprouts and eggs.

When Chen Feng took the bowls and chopsticks, he saw a plate of leftover stewed eggplant in the bowl rack. He didn't know how many days ago it was made.

He knew that during the time he was away, his mother had always made do with what she could, and stewed some broken eggplants for three days.

After he came back, she was willing to cook good meals.

"Hurry up and eat. Have you been making do with it these days? You haven't had hot meals." Liu Ping said as she served him a big bowl of rice.

"We can cook something in the evening. There is firewood there." Chen Feng took a bite of the dish and put it into his mouth. It smelled delicious.

"That's OK. Eating cold food every day is not good for the stomach." Liu Ping nodded, a little relieved.

"Is the place OK? Will you go there next time?"

Hearing Liu Ping's question, Chen Feng couldn't help but grin, put down his chopsticks, and took out the small bottle from his backpack.

The small bottle was full of gold, almost full. He put the bottle on the table, and Liu Ping was stunned for a moment.


…This is all what you found this time, all gold?” Liu Ping stared with disbelief.

This is the first time she has seen so much gold since she was a child, how could she not be dumbfounded.

“Of course, so you tell me whether I will go next time, and there are more than this, there are also two bottles of silver, which I have already sold for three thousand yuan.” Chen Feng said proudly.

“My goodness, how much is this?” Liu Ping picked up the gold bottle and shook it.

“I estimate it to be around 40,000, but we will know the exact amount after we sell it all.” Chen Feng laughed.

“40,000, my God, that’s so much.”

Making 40,000 in seven days, for Liu Ping, it was like a dream.

“Your son is a gold-digging saint, how can he be the same as others? They each made more than 1,000 this time, which is not bad.”

“I told others that I made 3,000 yuan, so don’t tell me about it. "Chen Feng told his mother the truth.

"I know, I won't let it slip." Liu Ping said she knew it.

"By the way, Mom, I want to buy a car." Chen Feng brought it up.

"Buy a car, what car, a sedan, but you can't drive it normally." Liu Ping thought for a while and said.

"No, I'm going to buy a Wuling van for gold panning in the future. I can't sleep well with Huang Fei this time, and I can't bring too many things, it's too inconvenient."

"Having a car makes everything easier." Chen Feng explained.

"Oh, so, that's fine, I don't know much about this, you make the decision yourself."

"Then do you want me to give you some money? I still have some." Liu Ping said.

Now that Chen Feng is doing business, Liu Ping, as a mother, will support him with all her strength.

"No, I estimate that I will have 50,000 yuan in my hand after selling the goods, which is enough for everything. "

Chen Feng not only wants to buy a car, he also has to modify it.

Take off the back seat and put a bed in it, so that he can rest and sleep, and the space is bigger, so he can put more things.

As for buying a motorhome, Chen Feng has never considered it. That thing costs at least hundreds of thousands, and it is not practical for gold panning.

Wuling is more durable, it can run on any terrain, and it is cheap to maintain. It has a mid-mounted rear drive and supercar configuration. It is not a joke.

If you really buy a motorhome, it will be scrapped in a few years in the uneven place of the waste mine.

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