The money was too much.

"And the car fare, more than a thousand is too little!"

Huang Fei's grandfather was furious and threw out the specific amount of money to see if he would believe it this time!

"Ah, so much?" The unknown old man saw that he was talking with eyes and immediately believed it.

Huang Fei's grandfather couldn't stop him from saying it, and simply said it all out.

"Not only him, they all made money this time, the least one person made more than a thousand, and the most, like Chen Feng, made three thousand this time."

"My grandson made more than eight hundred, that's because he drove both ways and wasted time, otherwise, he would have made more than them!"

Huang Fei's grandfather said proudly.

Anyway, in the old man's filter, their own children are the best, and no one else can.

"My God, they've made a fortune this time." The unknown old man murmured, with a surprised expression.

Seeing the surprise on the old man's face, Huang Fei's grandfather was quite satisfied.

Why did he say so much? Isn't this the effect he wanted?

"Tell you, don't tell anyone. I told you because we have a good relationship. My grandson has repeatedly told us not to disclose it."

"If he knows that I said it, he will definitely blame me."

After the fun, Huang Fei's grandfather remembered this and couldn't help but warn him seriously.

"Don't worry, what's our relationship? Can I tell anyone?" The unknown old man's expression was quite resolute.

When walking back, the unknown old man couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "Old things are the same as when they were young. They don't resist provocation, but they will take the bait once they are provoked..."

Of course, it's not just Huang Fei's grandfather, but the family and friends of other companions are also experiencing the same script.

A few hours later, the news about how much money they made spread throughout the village.

"Fuck, they made a fortune this time, Qiuling City is really a big gold mine!"

"More than a thousand per person a week, that's a lot!"

"Oh my god, if I had known I would have gone with them this time!"

"Damn, how much money did they lose this time? I must go with them next time they go out!"

The whole village was talking about the news of their gains this time, and everyone seemed very excited, especially those who didn't go, they were quite regretful.

Everyone was beating their chests and stamping their feet at home, as if they had lost more than a thousand.

They swore that they would follow Zheng Ping and his team next time they went out.

However, what these people didn't know was that Zheng Ping and his team didn't plan to take anyone with them, and their hopes were about to be shattered.

After dinner in the evening, it was probably around nine o'clock. Chen Feng lay on the kang, ready to play with his mobile phone for a while before going to bed. He missed his bed very much.

I have never felt that this hard kang is so comfortable.

No snoring, no talking in sleep, no peculiar smell, no dirty hands.

All of this is so beautiful.

I will definitely have a good dream tonight, and I must sleep until I wake up naturally tomorrow.

He looked at his phone, and his right hand subconsciously touched the cigarette box beside him. He poured it out and found that the last cigarette had been smoked by himself.

At such a comfortable moment, you told me that there was no cigarette?

Chen Feng leaned on the kang and really didn't want to move, otherwise he would play with his phone and sleep.

But then he thought again, if he didn't buy it now, he would still have no cigarettes to smoke tomorrow morning. Would he have to wake up and go to Lu Dahai's house in a daze to buy cigarettes?

Forget it, let's go now.

Chen Feng got off the ground and put on his shoes, and walked to Lu Dahai's house in his pajamas.

As soon as he entered Lu Dahai's house, the vicious dog tied by the yard barked at Chen Feng.

There was no one before, probably because Lu Dahai couldn't hold him during the time Chen Feng was away.

The vicious dog looked to be three months old. It was a small white dog, but its fur was dirty and a little gray, and it was not as long as Chen Feng's forearm.

I can only say that when you are weak enough, you look cute when you are angry.

This little dog is guarding the house, but it has no deterrent power at all.


Chen Feng threatened the dog.

I don't know if it was really scared or thought Chen Feng was crazy, the little white dog turned around and actually returned to the nest.

Chen Feng was complacent about this and felt that he was full of deterrence.

Pushing the door and entering Lu Dahai's house, the house was still so lively. Someone greeted him as soon as he entered.

"Fengzi, you are back."

"Yeah, I just came back." Chen Feng agreed casually and walked to the counter.

Before Chen Feng could speak, Lu Dahai blinked and said, "I heard that you made more than 3,000 this time. How did you do it? It's not as much as before."

Chen Feng: "..."

When I was in the car, I heard

When they wanted to keep the news secret, Chen Feng thought it was impossible.

It wasn't just one or two people, it was impossible to keep it secret, there is no impenetrable wall in this world.

But he thought he could hold on for a few days, he still had some control, right?

But he never expected that before even three hours, the news spread all over the village.

Okay, it's understandable, who wouldn't want to show off and show off when they make so much money for the first time.

Even when Chen Feng first started panning for gold and the whole village was amazed, he felt great.

"Hey, who can be so lucky every day, do you really think I'm a gold panning saint?" Chen Feng leaned on the counter and pointed at the Yellow Crane Tower and the White Pagoda.

He also changed his taste and tried the Yellow Crane Tower.

Lu Dahai handed him the cigarettes from the shelf and said, "You have more than others. Others have more than 1,000 yuan on average, but you have 3,000 yuan. You can only buy two bottles with your money. What else do you want?"

"That's good. If I could have your income, I would be so happy."

Chen Feng couldn't help but feel helpless when he heard Lu Dahai's words. You are too well-informed. If you don't know, you would think you were there at the time.

"If you want to make more money, sell fake cigarettes. Your profit is much higher than mine." Chen Feng took the cigarettes and smiled.

Lu Dahai was a little nervous when he heard this, and quickly said, "Don't talk nonsense, I never sell fake cigarettes."

"Indeed, I don't know if the cigarettes are fake or not, but you have a lot of counterfeit goods anyway. Have you sold all your fake cigarettes?" Chen Feng said, looking at the shelf behind him.

"Hey, don't mention it. It seems that the workshop went bankrupt. The police raided it. They said they were selling fake and shoddy products. I don't know. Anyway, that's it."

"I've added some new Kangshoubi. Do you want to try a bottle?" Lu Dahai picked up a bottle and laughed.


Chen Feng was stunned when he took the bottle. What the hell is this? Can it be sewn like this?

"What the hell is this, iced black tea flavored Sprite?"

Chen Feng likes to drink both of these things, but if you say to mix them together...

Forget it, he still wants to live two more years.

"This thing won't kill people." Chen Feng frowned and said.

"It won't kill people. I tried it. It's sweet and okay. I took a sip and gave the rest to the little white dog at the door. Look, it's still alive and kicking. It's okay." Lu Dahai promised.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes when he heard it. So you're not sure, and you're using a dog for an experiment, right?

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