After doing a few things this time, he had a deep understanding.

There is always a kind of person who feels uncomfortable if he doesn't take advantage of a little bit, and he feels lost if he doesn't pick up money while walking.

"Song Hui, it's not about the money. I really can't take it. There is no seat." Zheng Ping didn't say anything else, just evaded.

"How can there be no seat? It's already reserved?" Song Hui was shocked. Could it be that he rushed or arrived late?

"No, there are seven people in the car, and the other places are full of things and supplies. It's full. It's not enough."

"Add one more person, there is no place to sit." Zheng Ping said in a difficult way.

"Ah, can you move some things and make room for me?" Song Hui tried to find a way.

"I really can't move it. The key is that the car is so big." Zheng Ping is honest, but he is not stupid.

He won't be stupid enough to say directly, who will take you guys who are waiting to pick up bargains? Maybe in the next life.

It's too offensive to say that.

"What can I do? There is really no way?"

"No, I'll add 20 yuan and buy some things for everyone next time. I'll think of a way." Song Hui was a little anxious.

If I can't go, I will lose a lot. It's more than 1,000 yuan each time.

"It's really not possible. It's not about money. Only when someone doesn't go can there be a vacant seat." Zheng Ping said helplessly with his hands spread out.

It's the same as saying nothing. It's more than 1,000 yuan each time. Who wouldn't go? Everyone is scrambling to go.

"Okay, then I'll go home and think of a way. If things turn around, tell me." Song Hui said without giving up.

"Okay, then you go slowly." Zheng Ping stood up and said.

"Okay, tell me if you have a solution." Song Hui reminded him before leaving.

"No problem." Zheng Ping smiled and agreed repeatedly, and when he returned to the house, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Mao Min saw his look and laughed, knowing that they didn't take Song Hui with them.

"What do you think he was thinking? He came up and bargained with me. If you give me more, we won't take you. He even bargained for a higher price. Does he think we are begging them to go?"

"Without them, we can't even afford the travel expenses?" Zheng Ping complained.

"Hey, isn't that the case with the old Song family? His father is just like that."

"When he asked someone to help with farming, everyone else offered 60, and he also agreed to 60, but when he settled the bill, he insisted on paying 58, and he was still making excuses."

"If I don't hire you, you can't even make 58."

"This made those helpers very angry, and they swore never to work for his family again. Later, when they were farming again, no one came to help, and they couldn't even hire anyone. This time they were dumbfounded."

"In the end, it took a lot of effort to find someone from the county town. Including travel expenses and food, each person cost almost 80."

"This time it's comfortable. They didn't hire someone who was 60, but had to hire someone who was 80."

"Why is his family so unpopular? Isn't this the reason? They always like to take advantage of others and play tricks."

"We have to meet him and say something. There's no need to make things too awkward and offend him, otherwise who will care about him." Mao Min also said with disgust.

Zheng Ping complained a few more times and was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep, but his cell phone rang again.

He picked it up and saw that it was other gold diggers in the village.

After a few words on the phone, the other party said that he wanted to follow Zheng Ping and his friends to pan for gold next time.

This person didn't round off the amount, but said very openly that he would pay the right amount, and he would not be a penny less, even if it was a little more.

Unfortunately, no matter what the other party said, Zheng Ping only said one thing.

The position was full and he couldn't take it, so he had no choice.

The other party talked for a long time, and seeing that Zheng Ping's attitude was so firm and there was no intention to give in, he could only sigh and give up.

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Ping just hugged Mao Min and lay down, and a few minutes later the phone rang again.

"Oh my god, what happened today?" Zheng Ping rarely swore, a little annoyed.

Anyone who is always interrupted at a critical moment will inevitably be annoyed.

Picked up the phone, it was still a gold digger from the same village, who wanted to save a seat on the bus.

Zheng Ping patiently said that he couldn't take it, and the other party finally turned him down and hung up the phone.

"Turn it off." Mao Min whispered.

"Turn it off!"

Zheng Ping never had the habit of turning off his phone before going to bed, and this was the first time he turned it off before going to bed.

"Okay, these people are really annoying." Zheng Ping said unhappily.

Why didn't I see you guys were so active before? You wouldn't get on the bus even if I asked you to.

Now it seems so profitable, and everyone is trying to get on the bus. It's speechless.


Although it stopped, there was a knock on the door half an hour later.

"Pingzi, Pingzi!"

"It's me, are you home?"

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Zheng Ping raised his head suddenly, and he was almost angry.

Seeing that the man kept knocking and had no intention of stopping, he got up and walked out angrily.

"Hey, don't argue with others, talk nicely." Mao Min saw that he was about to explode and couldn't help but persuade him.

Zheng Ping didn't say anything, he went directly to the outer room and shouted loudly: "What's the matter!"

The man outside was a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a dark complexion, a flat head, big and loose clothes, and slippers.

He looked annoying. If Zheng Ping hadn't spoken, he would not have stopped and would have kept knocking.

As for whether Zheng Ping slept or not, it was none of his business. Anyway, Zheng Ping was famous for being honest, and he could just complain a few words.

But if I wait until tomorrow morning, there will definitely be no quota.

"I called you, but I found that your phone was not connected, so I hurried over to tell you."

"You must leave a place for me in your car. We have been panning for gold together before, you can't forget it!" The man shouted outside the door.

Zheng Ping was furious when he heard that it was this matter again.

It's okay to call in the middle of the night, but you come to bang on the door when the phone is not connected?

What time is it? It's almost twelve o'clock now. Do you really think you don't need to sleep? Can't you talk about it tomorrow?

"Do I not need to sleep? You come to my house and bang on the door at twelve o'clock in the evening. Are you stupid!"

"You can't talk about it tomorrow, you have to say it now!" Zheng Ping shouted angrily.

The man outside the door heard Zheng Ping's words, not only was he not afraid, but he was very confident.

"I called you but the call didn't go through. I know what happened. You didn't turn on your phone."

"You must be anxious. Otherwise, how could I come here in the middle of the night?"

To be honest, he is just a bully who is afraid of the strong. He knows that Zheng Ping is always honest and easy to bully, so he dares to say so and is so stubborn.

If it were Chen Feng, he wouldn't dare to knock on Chen Feng's door in the middle of the night even if you gave him a hundred courages.

Not to mention the middle of the night, he doesn't have the courage even in the daytime.

If you dare to knock on Chen Feng's door in the middle of the night, he will definitely rush out of the house with a shovel, point at your nose and curse you from the beginning to the end of the village, and curse your ancestors for eighteen generations.

If you dare to say one more word, he will definitely hit you with a shovel.

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