The man was so angry that he went crazy.

"Get lost, look at the door he kicked, it's deformed, what can you do if you don't mess with him?"

"You can't do anything well every day, you drink every meal, you drink until you are crooked, and then you make trouble, I let you drink!"

The aunt was also half crazy at this time, she went into the house and picked up the half pot of wine left by the man, opened the lid and poured it on him.

"What are you doing, you are crazy too!" The man was also angry and blushed, and he kept hiding, but he couldn't hide, and was splashed with wine.

That was all 60-degree sorghum wine. It was such a waste to just waste it like this!

"Don't you like drinking? I'll let you drink enough this time. If you drink again in the future, I'll stick your head into the wine jar and soak you to death!"

The aunt slammed the empty wine barrel to the ground with a bang, and her chest rose and fell violently with anger.

The man looked down at the wine all over his body, and was also sulking, and sat on the ground.

Chen Feng, who was a distance away from here, turned over in a daze, and the shouting in the distance actually woke him up.

"What are you doing? Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night."

He didn't know whose family was arguing, and he couldn't hear clearly. He said something to himself and fell asleep again.

Anyway, he would never have thought that the protagonist tonight would be Zheng Ping.

The next day, Chen Feng woke up at almost nine o'clock. When he woke up, he leaned against the kang, lit a cigarette, and checked the car pictures on his mobile phone.

It is said that Wuling also has many models, and he didn't understand it.

Today he planned to sell the goods and then go buy a car and tools.

After studying for a while, Chen Feng chose the most classic one, Wuling Zhiguang!

He didn't plan to buy a new one, but a second-hand one. First, it was cheap, and second, it was easy to make and he didn't feel bad.

No matter what the pits were, he just drove it. When the time came, he would put a logo of the God of Cars in Akina Mountain on the rear of the car, and he would be the most handsome guy on the road.

But he didn't know much about second-hand cars. After thinking about it, he decided to let Huang Fei go with him. He at least knew a little bit.

Liu Ping saw Chen Feng got up, and heated up the food. Chen Feng came out to wash and eat.

"By the way, didn't you say before that my uncle's family needed work? Did you do it?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, he found someone to do the work two days after you left, and I went there with our shovel. He said that his shovel was broken and not enough, so I took all three of our shovels over." Liu Ping picked up a bite of food and answered.

"Well, what did I cook for you at noon?" Chen Feng asked casually.

"Don't mention it, it's not much better than pig food. Your uncle is really good at it. That pot of stew seems to have taken out all the wilted vegetables in the house."

"The workers twitched their faces when they ate it."

Even Liu Ping, who is so careful, frowned when he thought about it.

"You feel sorry for the money."

Chen Feng smiled. This is his uncle's usual style. He saves as much as possible, and sometimes it's actually quite excessive.

"What about the evening? Didn't he make something for you after the workers left?"

Hearing this, Liu Ping snorted.

"Make something for me separately. We don't have such a big face. The evening is still the leftovers from lunch. It's even worse than lunch. I just eat a little and say I'm full. I'll go home and cook some noodles."

Chen Feng couldn't help but frown when he heard this. Others are workers. It's understandable that you don't eat well to save money. I don't ask you to cook separately.

But at night, there are only three people in your family. Why do you still do this?

Last time he came to help with the work, in the evening, not counting the leftovers from lunch, he also added two new dishes and opened a can of food.

When he came to your place, he didn't even feel full. What the hell.

Is there such a problem?

"Did you bring the shovel back?" Chen Feng continued to ask.

"What are you bringing? Your aunt said that her shovel was broken, and we don't need so many at the moment. She said you haven't come back yet, so she brought me one." Liu Ping shook her head and said.

Chen Feng knew it would be like this. His expression was extremely speechless and disgusted.

"No, you don't buy a shovel and use someone else's. How did it become yours?"

"These two are really, I'm really drunk."

He didn't know what to say.

It's not that Chen Feng is stingy and doesn't like to borrow things from his uncle's house.

It's that the things borrowed from his family basically never get returned, as if they have become his.

You said two shovels, he said he wanted to use them, and you can't chase him for them.

Don't, you are really helpless.

What's more, Chen Feng remembered that once, Liu Ping had just bought a fish plate, a brand new one.

Then he went home and asked Liu Ming's wife to borrow it, saying that a friend came to the house and needed it.

Liu Ping thought that if you want to use it, then I will lend it to you.

As a result,

When it was returned a month later, a chip was knocked off the tail of the fish plate.

Liu Ming said that it was accidentally broken, so he returned it, and he didn't mean to buy a new one, he just returned it with a big face.

Liu Ping sighed deeply when she saw the good plate become second-hand.

The key is that the plate for fish has a chip, how can you use it.

Even if the family is not rich, they will not use a plate with broken teeth, which is not auspicious.

Although Liu Ping felt distressed, she finally threw it away and secretly bought a new one herself, but she didn't tell him because she was afraid that he would borrow it.

You said a plate, ten or eight yuan, and my own brother couldn't ask him to pay for it, so he had to accept it himself.

There are countless things like this, which is why Chen Feng called him uncle.

"Hey, when he returns it, I guess I can show you when there are only a few left."

"When you go to the county town, bring back a new one." Liu Ping shook her head gently and said.

"Okay, I'm going to the county town in the afternoon to look at the car." Chen Feng said.

"Okay." Liu Ping nodded.

After dinner, Chen Feng came to Huang Fei's house. Huang Fei also got up at this time. He was the only one in the kitchen holding a toothpick and looking at his phone, with the dining table in front of him.

Obviously, everyone else had finished eating and went to work, and he got up to eat a bite.

"Fengzi, have you eaten yet? Come on, it's a little cold."

Huang Fei saw that it was Chen Feng who opened the door, and immediately greeted him.

"It's amazing, I just finished eating too." Chen Feng sat next to Huang Fei.

Before Chen Feng took out the cigarette, Huang Fei took out two cigarettes from the dining table and handed one to Chen Feng.

Seeing the cigarette box, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Oh my god, where is Yuxi." Chen Feng took the cigarette and said.

"It must be, isn't this earned, it must be extravagant." Huang Fei smiled and lit the cigarette.

"By the way, I want to buy a car for gold panning. I don't know much about it. Come with me this afternoon to have a look." Chen Feng took a sip and said.

"Buy a car for gold panning?" Huang Fei was a little surprised when he heard it.

This is the first time I heard someone buy a car for professional gold panning in this area. It seems that Fengzi is going to do something big.

"If you want to buy a car for gold panning, listen to me." Huang Fei thought for a while and analyzed it without reservation.

"Let's buy a used car, choose a good car condition, a new one is too expensive, and it's too wasteful to use a new one for gold panning."

"It's not like we drive it ourselves, so we buy a new one for face."

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