The two of them were so busy that they had to put the bed in the car.

Huang Fei came out and helped them lift the single bed into the car, along with two detectors.

Chen Feng then drove the car back and found some things to fix the bed with Lin Nian.

Don't let the single bed fly around in the back when you drive, that would be a lot of fun.

The single bed was fixed behind the co-pilot, and all the food was packed together in a Lock box.

The two detectors were placed on the left, and the remaining sundries were all put into another Lock box.

Liu Ping found a mattress, pillow, and a summer quilt for Chen Feng, and Chen Feng went in to make the bed.

Opening the trunk, Chen Feng looked at the masterpiece in front of him, and felt a great sense of accomplishment.

I can only say, perfect!

Next time he goes to Qiu City, Chen Feng dare not think how comfortable he will be.

"Brother, my grandfather told me to go home for dinner, do you have anything else to do?" Lin Nian picked up his phone and played a WeChat message, and said after listening.

"No more, take whatever you want to eat home, go to bed early, and leave tomorrow morning." Chen Feng said.

Lin Nian took a small bag of spicy strips from a large bag of snacks, and said goodbye to Chen Feng and went home for dinner.

Chen Feng pinched his waist and wondered what else was missing in the car.

"Go buy two packs of cigarettes and throw them in the car." Chen Feng thought about it and went to Lu Dahai's house.

At this time, there were only four or five people in Lu Dahai's house, not as many as at night. He came to the bar and said to Lu Dahai: "Give me two white towers and a can of mineral water."

"Fengzi, I heard that you bought a car?" Lu Dahai turned around and took out two white towers from the top of the counter.

"You guys never leave the house all day, you know everything that happens in the village." Chen Feng laughed.

Lu Dahai also grinned when he heard it.

"You drove such a big car into the village, who can't see it? How much did you spend on it?"

"Twenty-seven thousand five, a year and three months of car." Chen Feng said.

"Fuck, can you tell me how the car is?" Lu Dahai said in surprise.

"Not bad, the big fly has no problem after a round, and there has been no accident. The owner just pulls some goods back and forth in the county." Chen Feng leaned on the counter and said.

"Wuling has less damage. A relative of mine just bought a second-hand Wuling, which is about the same age as your car. He talked for a long time and spent 28,800 yuan. Moreover, the left headlight of the car was replaced later because the previous one was broken."

Lu Dahai couldn't help but pursed his lips when he mentioned it, sighing that Chen Feng was lucky.

His relative asked someone to find a car in the car market, and it took more than ten days to find such a car, which was already quite suitable.

I didn't expect Chen Feng to get a bargain just by going to the car market. How can I justify this.

"I didn't expect that you bought a car after just a short time of gold mining. It seems that you have really made a lot of money recently."

Chen Feng shook his head and said, "How can it be that much? My mother took half of it."

"Earning half of it yourself is not a small amount. You have only been gold mining for a short time, and you earn half of a car. I think you can build a house if you mine gold for another year." Lu Dahai said with some amazement.

"That's true. I really want to build a house." Chen Feng laughed.

"Just for your auspicious words, give me two bottles of mineral water."

Hearing this, Lu Dahai also laughed. While carrying mineral water for him, he said: "Fengzi, I think you can build a big villa next year. Can you give me something else?"

"Wait until I get rich next year and buy your store." Chen Feng scanned the code for him to pay, with a smile on his face.

"Damn, you're just playing and throwing sand. What should I do after you buy it?" Lu Dahai laughed.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Feng walked out with his things.

"Slow down, Fengzi." Lu Dahai said.

After Chen Feng left, Lu Dahai leaned on the counter and sighed: "He bought a car in such a short time. I really don't know who can get rich."

"A few months ago, even if people in the village were beaten to death, they would never have thought that the next person to buy a car would be Fengzi."

The news that Chen Feng bought a car was also widely spread in the village. After all, there were only a dozen or twenty families in the village who had cars. How could they not be surprised when Chen Feng was suddenly added?

There were even some people who didn't believe it. They ran to Chen Feng's door to see it. When they really saw the brand new Wuling, they smacked their tongues and were a little envious and jealous.

Old Wang's wife listened to the news of Chen Feng buying a car at home. She was so jealous that her eyes turned green. She couldn't help but complain to her husband.

"Damn, why is Chen Feng worthy of buying a car? He is so lucky. He doesn't know how to show off when he has some money.

, as if no one can afford it. ”

Her husband was mopping the floor nearby, and he said faintly: "Can you afford it? The car seems to be almost 30,000 yuan."

"I can't afford 30,000 yuan, I just don't want to buy it." Lao Wang's wife sneered.

"Yes, you can scrape together 30,000 yuan to buy a car, and then what?"

"I won't farm the land, and I won't live well."

"How can I compare with Chen Feng? He spends several thousand yuan every time he goes out. I can't compare~"

Lao Wang shook his head, his words revealing envy. If possible, he also wanted to buy a car and show off in the village.

Unfortunately, the conditions really don't allow it.

"Humph, what can't be compared? I heard that half of Chen Feng's car was paid for by his mother, not all earned by himself."

"He can rely on his parents for a lifetime, but I wonder what he will do in the future. He can't even afford to fill up the gas in the future! "Old Wang's wife snorted sourly.

Old Wang ignored her, rolled his eyes, and continued to wipe the floor.

You still say that Chen Feng relies on his parents, but how come you don't have any idea about how to build your own house?

Didn't your parents pay the majority and your parents pay the minority, and they pooled the money together to build it?

Otherwise, how could you still have some spare money after building the house?

I'm afraid you would have been in debt a long time ago.

Instead of worrying about whether Chen Feng can afford to fill up the gas, it's better to worry about whether there is grass on your own land. If there is grass, pull it out quickly, which is more useful.

When Song Hui heard the news that Chen Feng bought a car, he was also very jealous at home, and his face was so long.

If others bought a car, he might not be so jealous, but Chen Feng bought a car, he was particularly jealous.

Perhaps this is the reason why colleagues are enemies.

We are all gold diggers, why can he buy a car, but I can't!

"The kid even bought a car, he really got carried away after making some money. "Song Hui's father said while smoking a pipe.

"I don't know how to make some money. How much does it cost to drive yourself? How much does it cost to drive with Huang Fei?"

"Don't think he is happy now. Wait until he drives twice and he will know how high the cost is. He will regret it one day." Song Hui snorted.

Song Hui's father rolled his eyes and suddenly laughed.

"Hey, maybe it's a good thing for us if he buys a car."

"What do you mean?" Song Hui frowned and didn't understand what he meant.

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