The more you look at the ground, the more you can see.

"Do you know how to pan for gold?" Chen Feng asked.

"I've only heard people say it, but I've never done it. Do you use a detector to probe back and forth, and then use a shovel to dig when you find something?" Lin Nian asked, holding the machine.

"Almost, just like that. Don't let the machine touch the ground. Keep a little distance, and then sweep the ground back and forth."

"Sweep first, and I'll teach you when you're done." Chen Feng demonstrated and said.

Lin Nian followed suit, holding the detector and began to pan the ground under his feet, with novelty and excitement in his eyes.

This is really panning for gold in an abandoned mine, and it feels different from playing with a detector at home.

Chen Feng followed him, holding the detector and said to him nonchalantly: "You must be patient when panning for gold, don't be anxious, sometimes it is normal to find nothing for several hours."

"You know..."


Before Chen Feng finished speaking, the detector in Lin Nian's hand rang.

Lin Nian looked at Chen Feng with innocent eyes and said: "Brother, does this mean there is something down there?"

Chen Feng's words were interrupted by the detector. He opened his mouth, but the words he wanted to say were immediately held back.

No, this slap in the face came too quickly. He just said that panning for gold requires patience, and it is normal not to find anything for a long time.

Then Lin Nian found something, you did it on purpose, didn't you?

However, Chen Feng's system didn't ring, proving that it was just metal garbage. Although Chen Feng was standing in the perspective of God, he didn't hit Lin Nian.

However, he could already imagine Lin Nian's disappointed expression in a while, he smiled and said.

"Yes, this means there is something, you...

"Ding! ”

“The presence of precious metals is detected within a four-meter radius of the host!”

Hearing the voice, Chen Feng stared with his eyes wide open, and his face instantly turned green.

What the hell does this mean? Are you deliberately slapping me in the face?

He said he needed patience, and he found the goods in the next second. He thought there was metal garbage underneath, and the system then rang.

I really admire you, old man. Is there really such a thing as a novice protection period?

“Brother, what’s wrong with you? Keep talking.” Lin Nian still had a serious expression, waiting to listen to the class.

Hearing the words, Chen Feng coughed lightly, adjusted his mentality, and then said: “Squat down and put the detector next to you, then take out the shovel and start digging the soil.”

“Put the excavated soil on the detector. If it rings, it proves that the goods have been dug out by you. If it doesn’t ring, it means there is nothing. Throw it aside and continue digging with another shovel. "

Lin Nian followed Chen Feng's words and took action. Chen Feng also squatted beside him, guiding him step by step to see where he had problems.

Lin Nian held a shovel of soil and passed it back and forth on the detector, looking as if he was afraid of missing the goods. Chen Feng said: "You don't have to keep passing it. The detector is very sensitive. Just pass it closer. "


Lin Nian threw the soil in the shovel aside and started to shovel the second shovel.

After shoveling several times, there was still no goods. Chen Feng added: "Sometimes the goods are buried very deep, so you have to dig for a while. Don't worry, as long as there is no leakage, it will be yours sooner or later."

"Like you, the soil in the shovel is not very full, it is normal to pass dozens of shovels of soil, you..."


The detector made an inappropriate sound.

"I shouldn't talk." Chen Feng muttered in his heart with some depression.

"Brother, did I find the goods? "Lin Nian turned his head and said excitedly.

"Yes, then shake the shovel gently to shake off a layer of soil, and then pass it through the detector."

Lin Nian did what Chen Feng said. He already understood why he had to do this, and he became more and more skilled.

Soon, he found a silver grain in the shovel. He was unsure for the first time, so he passed the silver grain through the detector.

Until the detector made a sound, he smiled.

"Brother, is this the goods?"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Yes, this is a silver grain. I estimate it is worth twenty yuan. It's a good start today. You are lucky."


Lin Nian was so happy to hear this that he threw the silver grain into the small bottle in his trouser pocket and shook it back and forth.

"Brother, do you have any other gold panning skills? Tell me. "Lin Nian said impatiently, he was thirsty for knowledge now.

Thinking of the slap in the face just now, Chen Feng was silent for a while and said: "No, you are a master, take the detector and find a piece of world that belongs to you."

Lin Nian turned around and happily carried the detector to scan back and forth. Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders, also carried his own detector, and started not far from Lin Nian.

Start exploring.

After walking for about ten minutes, Chen Feng was still thinking about the people in Xiaoqiao Village. Suddenly, the system gave a prompt, and then a surround sound of "Oh~" pulled Chen Feng out.

He looked sideways and found that it was his and Lin Nian's detectors that rang at the same time.

"Damn, this works." Chen Feng squatted down and took out a small pickaxe.

In fact, it is more convenient to use a shovel here, but he just wanted to try his new weapon.

The soil here is relatively loose. Chen Feng put the small pickaxe flat and pulled it on the ground. A layer of soil was dug up by him. After a few times, he pulled out a raised bag of soil.

"Gosh, this thing is more convenient than I thought."

Chen Feng was very satisfied and pulled the detector over to sweep the pile of soil.

The detector made a sound, proving that the goods had been dug up by Chen Feng. He took out a small shovel and started to dig the soil.

Lin Nian was also digging the dirt one shovel at a time. He said to Chen Feng with great expectation: "Brother, whose goods do you think are bigger?"

"I guess it's yours." Chen Feng laughed while digging the dirt, as if he was coaxing a child.

"I guess it's mine!" Lin Nian worked harder and became happy.

Chen Feng's forehead flashed a few black lines when he heard this. You are really rude. It's just been a few minutes and you want to hit the front wave on the beach.


Lin Nian found the goods first. He shook the shovel a few times, blinked his eyes, and searched in the shovel.

"Brother, mine is so small, not as big as the last time."

Lin Nian held up the goods to show Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took a look and couldn't help laughing.

That's too small, it's only worth a few dollars.

"Your goods are not good, look at mine." Chen Feng's hands moved faster, and Lin Nian also ran over and squatted down, wanting to know how big Chen Feng's goods were this time.


Chen Feng shook the shovel gently and passed it over the detector. His operation was smooth and smooth, and he looked very professional.

Unlike Lin Nian, who was slow and unimpressive.

"Brother is so good, no wonder you can find big stuff." Lin Nian said with some envy.

"Of course." Chen Feng smiled. If I don't show you my skills, do you really think I can't do it?

Soon, under the expectant eyes of the two, a silver grain that was not much different from sand lay in Chen Feng's shovel.

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