The police officer came to Chen Feng's house.

"Yes, I know who it is. The surveillance camera captured them. Send someone."

After Chen Feng finished the call, he got up, washed up, and prepared to have breakfast leisurely.

Soon after Chen Feng finished his meal, the police uncle came to Chen Feng's house.

"Hello, you reported the case... is it you?" The policeman who came was the last time, and he knew Chen Feng.

"Yes, it's me." Chen Feng smiled and explained the whole story.

"Since you know who it is, let's go find him now."

The police took Chen Feng to Li Chunsheng's house, and another policeman went to call Huang Mao.

Li Chunsheng had just gotten up at this time, and he was shocked when he saw Chen Feng and the police coming. He didn't expect the police to come so quickly.

However, because he was well prepared and confident, he was not afraid.

"What is this?" Li Chunsheng asked, pretending to know nothing.

Chen Feng said nothing, and watched his performance with a smile from behind.

Soon Huangmao brought him over, and the two asked together.

"The reporter said that his tire was punctured last night. Did you do it?" the police asked.

As soon as this was said, Li Chunsheng and Huangmao looked confused, as if they didn't know anything about it.

"His tire was punctured, what does it have to do with us? I was sleeping all the time last night." Li Chunsheng spread his hands with an innocent look.

Huangmao also said: "I don't know, why would we puncture someone's tire for no reason, isn't that a disease?"

The police sneered, hugged his shoulders and asked: "It's really not you?"

"It's definitely not, God and God are conscientious, if you don't believe it, ask my brothers, we were sleeping all the time." Li Chunsheng felt very wronged, and if Chen Feng didn't have surveillance, he would almost believe it.

"But the reporter has evidence. If it is really you who did it, I advise you to confess now and not make a big deal out of it. You should pay the money if you should pay the money and apologize if you should apologize. Do you understand?"

The police started a classic set of operations.

When it comes to evidence, Li Chunsheng and the other person looked at each other subconsciously, feeling a little uneasy and puzzled.

How could there be evidence? They had obviously done it perfectly, without any loopholes at all!

This must be the police trying to trick them. They understand!

When the police saw their subconscious look, they knew even without surveillance that it was definitely done by them. There was no escape.

"It's not me, it's really not me, you got the wrong person." Li Chunsheng still denied it flatly.

"I was really sleeping at home. If you don't believe me, ask my mom." Huang Mao argued.

"Okay, it's not you two, right? Come and see if these two people are you." The police took the phone from Chen Feng's hand and turned on the surveillance to show them.

The picture freezes when they just enter Chen Feng's yard and look around furtively.

The clarity is outrageous, just like a face-to-face shot!

"You two are quite cautious even wearing gloves, why don't you cover your faces?" the police said disdainfully.

"I forgot..."

Li Chunsheng was dumbfounded when he saw the surveillance camera. What is this!

How could something capture them? It's not someone's good family who has nothing to do and installs a surveillance camera in the yard!

Huangmao's eyes widened at this time, full of disbelief and annoyance.

How could there be a surveillance camera if it's not his house!

"Do you two have anything else to quibble about? The clothes captured in the surveillance camera are still by your kang. You don't want to say that these two are not you two?" The police snorted.

"No, this is all a misunderstanding, and there are reasons for everything." Li Chunsheng said hurriedly.

Now he was really panicking. He thought he was perfect, so he specially prepared gloves and asked someone to keep watch. But he didn't expect that the other party had surveillance!

Isn't this just a clown.

"Don't make excuses. It's a fact that you punctured someone's tire. It's useless to say anything."

"How much property was lost?" The police turned around and asked Chen Feng.

"My new car, four tires will cost at least 800 yuan." Chen Feng answered truthfully.

This is the market price. It's useless to say more. You can't deceive people.

"And I was going to go out to pan for gold today. I have to pay for lost work after being tossed like this. He should give me some compensation, right?"

The police nodded and said, "Of course he will."

"What do you say? Are you willing to compensate the reporter, or go back to the station to talk slowly?" The police looked at Li Chunsheng.

If the police's meaning doesn't work, they can settle it privately.

"Eight hundred is too much. What kind of tire is so valuable." Li Chunsheng hesitated. Eight hundred is not a small amount. He really couldn't bear to part with it.

"Eight hundred is expensive, right? I don't want it, police officer.

Uncle, just convict them of intentional damage to property. How long can they be sentenced? "Chen Feng saw this and spoke directly, not wanting to waste time with him.

"Eight hundred yuan, and the circumstances are serious, so they can be locked up for about a month." The police thought for a while and said.

"No, buddy, you are scaring me, I only want five hundred yuan, you can take it or not." Li Chunsheng felt that he could not let Chen Feng lead him by the nose, so he said it toughly.

What's the benefit of sentencing him to one month? He estimated that Chen Feng would definitely ask for money in the end. He said this now just to scare him and want more.

When these words came out, Chen Feng and the police were a little surprised, even the yellow-haired man beside was surprised.

Brother, this is not the script, right?

The police had never seen such a stubborn person, and he was begging to be arrested.

Chen Feng was also happy. He didn't think that he really cared about a mere five hundred yuan.

"Don't say anything, just sentence directly." He spoke even more straightforwardly.

"Then sentence, who is afraid of who! "Li Chunsheng stiffened his neck, looking fearless.

"Let's go, get in the car and go back to the station." The police nodded silently, turned around and took them to the police car.

Several people returned to the police station. In the car, Li Chunsheng still looked fearless, while Huangmao was a little panicked. Would he really be locked up for a month?

Until Chen Feng began to take notes and the police began to file a case, Li Chunsheng saw that Chen Feng did not mention compensation at all, and he finally panicked.

No, why didn't this plot go as I thought? Shouldn't it be Chen Feng asking me for more money, and then I bargained with him?

Why did they start filing a case and arrest me?

"Hey, wait a minute, brother, can you be less? I just thought about it, and it was really wrong for us to puncture your tire."

"It's better to resolve a feud than to make one. Why don't we just let it go. "Li Chunsheng's tone began to soften.

Chen Feng sneered and raised his eyebrows at Li Chunsheng: "This is not right, you didn't have this attitude just now."

"I still like your rebellious attitude just now, do you want to recover?"

Li Chunsheng felt a little embarrassed when he heard Chen Feng's words, but he was afraid of being detained.

"I was confused before, don't argue with me, eight hundred is eight hundred, do you think it's okay?"


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