The shovel was shoveled, and the dirt was shoveled.

He changed the shovel, shoveled a shovel of soil, and passed it through the detector. The detector did not make any sound, so he continued to shovel again.

When the shovel passed over the detector, the detector made a sound of "Oh~", and Chen Feng couldn't help but smile.

Let's say the goods will come out soon.

He shook the shovel with his right hand slightly, and continued to pass it over the detector. Soon something appeared in front of Chen Feng.

It was a piece of black stuff, in a long strip, estimated to be about a few centimeters.

"Ah, what is this?" Chen Feng reached out and picked it up, looking back and forth carefully.

This doesn't look like silver, let alone gold, it doesn't match.

There were some traces of rust on the outside of the strip. Chen Feng rubbed it with his hands, and his fingers turned red.

Isn't this just rust!

"Fuck, what's going on? Why is it scrap iron?" Chen Feng was confused. The system gave a prompt that this was it, why did all the scrap iron come out this time?

Could it be that the weather was too hot and the system was crazy?

He stood up and rubbed the scrap iron with some reluctance, fearing that it was something like iron wrapped in gold, but after rubbing off the outer shell, the inside was still scrap iron. He turned it over and over and couldn't see anything abnormal.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and suddenly realized something. He opened the system panel and found that the system prompt was still there.

He immediately understood what was going on, and threw the scrap iron aside in a very speechless manner, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that the goods were still within the range, and Chen Feng didn't dig up the goods at all. It just so happened that there was a piece of scrap iron within this range, which Chen Feng dug out.

Chen Feng had never encountered such a thing before, so he didn't react for a while.

"Let's just say the system won't have any problems. Even if I have problems one day, the system won't have any problems either." Chen Feng held the detector and continued to search for the hidden cargo underground.

After a few rows, Chen Feng's detector rang. He squatted on the ground and continued to dig back with a small pickaxe.

After digging seven or eight times, Chen Feng pulled the detector over and passed it over the pile of dirt.


The cargo had been dug out by Chen Feng. He used a shovel to search back and forth on the pile of dirt. After finding nothing, he could only dig it over honestly one shovel at a time.

After about four or five shovels, the detector rang. Chen Feng shook off half a shovel of dirt and reached into the shovel to search back and forth.

Soon, a silver grain appeared in Chen Feng's hand. He blew on the silver grain and threw it into the bottle with satisfaction.

Sixty or seventy, not a small amount, what do you want a bicycle for.

Chen Feng stood up, packed up his things and was about to move forward. At this time, he found that the system prompt had not disappeared.

Although the system has a delay in detecting goods, it does not have a delay at other times. Once you hold the goods in your hand, the prompt will disappear in the next second. The reaction is quite fast.

Chen Feng stood there and couldn't help laughing.

"Strange things happen every year. I've been busy all day, and this is still a double yolk egg?"

I don't know if there is another good in the range, or there is something in the pit that has not been dug out.

Chen Feng took the detector and probed in the pit. Sure enough, the detector made a sound in the next second.

There are really two goods in one pit.

"Sister, if someone else came, you would really be missed."

Chen Feng squatted down again with a small shovel, feeling that he would not be able to get out of this circle today.

But it is true that basically all gold diggers will leave and continue to explore after digging out the goods. Who would explore again in the pit that has been dug out?

After all, the probability of a double yolk egg is too low. For ordinary people, it is no different from winning the lottery.

Chen Feng used a small shovel to dig back and forth in the pit, and soon the pile of soil was dug higher and higher.

I don’t know how long it took, but Chen Feng’s shovel finally made a sound.


“Brother, you finally came out.”

Chen Feng took a deep breath and gently shook the soil in the shovel.

Soon, a small dark yellow piece appeared in front of Chen Feng.


Chen Feng laughed out loud when he saw the dark yellow.

“Haha, you know to make a cover on it, you are very smart brother.”

“Unfortunately, I have a system, are you angry.”

Chen Feng wiped the gold piece with his hand, smiled and threw it into the bottle.

This gold piece is worth about 400 yuan, which is very good.

As the gold piece was taken into Chen Feng’s pocket, the system prompt disappeared completely this time, proving that this range had been cleaned up by Chen Feng.

He packed up his tools and carried

The detector went forward.

The temperature was still very cool now, just right, and it would probably get hot soon.

There were a few bushes in front, and Chen Feng went straight to the bushes. He didn't forget that the bushes were where he found his gold.

And with a sharp weapon in his hand, Chen Feng was always eager to try. He was now hoping that there was gold under the bushes so that he could test the strength of the pickaxe.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng wandered around the bushes for a long time, and the system didn't sound. Chen Feng could only shrug and continue to move forward.

After walking for about a few minutes, Chen Feng looked left and right from time to time. He suddenly stopped and looked carefully at the bushes on the left.

Why did he feel that something moved under the bushes just now?

Could there be other gold diggers here?

He walked over there cautiously, looking carefully into the bushes.

Just as he was about to approach the bushes, a snake suddenly swam out from under the bushes and ran towards Chen Feng.


This thing scared Chen Feng so much that he quickly stepped back to make way.

The snake came out of the bushes and did not go straight to Chen Feng, but swam leisurely to the right and burrowed into the sand.

Chen Feng took a few steps with courage and saw the small hole left on the ground after the snake went in.

"Damn, there is a snake in this hole?"

Chen Feng grinned and looked a little terrified.

You know, he urinated in this hole in this waste mine.

Chen Feng was naturally afraid of snakes, so he stepped back subconsciously and didn't want to get entangled with it.

However, they had been digging in this place for so long, and no one said that they had seen a snake. It was probably because they were lucky today that they happened to see it. This snake should rarely exist in the waste mine.

Just as Chen Feng was about to leave, a voice stopped him abruptly.

"Within three meters of the host, there are precious metals!"

He turned around slowly after hearing the voice, looking at the snake hole and wanting to cry.

"Brother, don't mess with me, are you serious?"

To be honest, if he had a choice, he really didn't want to pan for gold in front of a snake, it was really scary.

But you can't leave even if you know there's something here.

He thought about it carefully, the snake didn't have a triangular head, nor did it have wide cheeks.

It seemed to be an ordinary grass snake.

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