After the fire was lit, the fire was still burning.

Chen Feng finally felt comfortable, leaning on the bed and saying, "Hey, if you do this, you can still lie on my bed tomorrow."

Huang Fei made an OK gesture, and everything was self-explanatory.

The two of them talked a little bit, and then they went to chop wood together. They couldn't let others chop wood all the time.

The two of them chopped two large bundles and put them on the ground. At this time, the bonfire circle had been built. Zheng Ping put the firewood in and started to light the fire.

The sun gradually went down, and the hot air became cool. They started to like drinking herbal tea recently, and felt that it was very effective in cooling down.

They even made a big cup of it at night and took it with them when they went panning for gold the next day.

Chen Feng heated up the food and waited for the rice to cook.

He borrowed some green vegetables from his companions and prepared to eat with them later, otherwise it would be a bit greasy.

"Hey Fengzi, what did you call yesterday to say about the transfer of the land deed? Did you sell your house?" someone asked curiously.

"No, my house leaked, so I bought Mrs. Chen's yard and planned to build another one." Chen Feng didn't think of hiding it. Since they asked, he told the truth.

"Fuck, you are going to build a house, why didn't you say it earlier, who are you looking for?" Zheng Ping said in surprise.

Everyone has such a good relationship. Knowing that Chen Feng is building a house, they will definitely go to help.

"Li Dazhuang, it should start in two days."

Chen Feng held a cigarette in his mouth, took a branch and inserted it into the fire, took it out after a few seconds, and lit the cigarette with the lit branch.

"That's amazing, Fengzi, you just bought a car and you're building a house now. How much is the house? Have you negotiated?" Yin Xing asked with a smile.

He estimated that it would only cost a few hundred thousand yuan, so he could build a nice house. Most of the houses in the village were of this kind.

Chen Feng was making so much money now, he wouldn't be willing to build a house of 60,000 or 70,000 yuan, they had already guessed it.

"600,000 yuan, a two-story building with a garage." Chen Feng took a puff of cigarette and didn't hide it, anyway, they would know it sooner or later.

"What the hell, 600,000 yuan!"

These companions were dumbfounded when they heard it, looking at Chen Feng in disbelief, and even suspected that they had heard it wrong.

600,000 yuan, what concept, even the village chief's house was not said to be so luxurious.

Chen Feng actually said to build it, how much money did he make from gold mining recently!

"Really 600,000 yuan, you are not kidding us?" Huang Fei said with his eyes wide open.

"I'm not kidding you, it's really 600,000." Chen Feng looked back at their incredulous eyes and smiled.

"Don't look at me like that, I can't take out that much at once, I just build it now and borrow it from others now."

"My mother has a capital of more than 100,000 yuan, which she has saved for so many years, and I borrowed some from relatives."

"Then I went to the bank to borrow 300,000 yuan, with monthly payments."

"I'll save and borrow the rest." Chen Feng said to them.

"How about you each contribute some to me?"

Everyone took this seriously, because even if Chen Feng was lucky, he couldn't save hundreds of thousands in such a short time.

This was simply impossible.

"If you really want it, I can go home and collect some. I don't know the exact amount, but it's 10,000 yuan at least. If it's not enough, I can collect more." Huang Fei said after calculating the spare money on hand.

"I'm not well off lately, and I still have debts to pay off, but I can get 5,000 if I can. If it's not enough, I'll tell them to wait and give it to you first."

Zheng Ping saw that Huang Fei had said so, and Chen Feng really wanted to borrow money, so he would definitely try his best to help Chen Feng.

"I can get 3,000."

"I still have 2,000 in spare money, if not, you can use it first."

"I don't have any spare money, but I can get 2,000 with what I spent last time and this time."

Everyone spoke up, and their expressions were quite serious.

Chen Feng listened to their answers, and his heart warmed. He knew that everyone was not rich, and he just wanted to play a joke on them, not really wanting to borrow from them.

Unexpectedly, everyone took his joking tone as if they were embarrassed to lend money, and they all took it seriously.

No matter how much, as long as you can give it, it's a token of your heart. Chen Feng put away his smile and nodded.

"Okay, I appreciate your kindness. Thank you. For now, I have enough money. If I don't have enough money when I renovate my house, I will ask you for it."

Chen Feng looked at everyone and said.

He chose not to disclose

Revealing your real income is actually good for everyone.

Not only to protect yourself, but also to avoid causing trouble for them.

Your daily income is really outrageous. If it gets out, not only the village, but also the gold diggers nearby will probably be furious.

At that time, you and your close ones will cause a lot of trouble. This is a white lie.

Listening to Chen Feng's words, everyone nodded and said that they would tell them when they need it, don't be embarrassed.

In fact, from the moment they came to Qiuling City, they have already separated from other gold diggers and become grasshoppers on the same rope.

It's just that maybe they haven't noticed it yet.

The food is ready at this time, and everyone picks it up and starts eating.

After finishing the remaining half can of elbows, Chen Feng is full.

As usual, everyone sits around the fire, talking about the mountains and enjoying the relaxing moments every day.

In fact, it is good to travel together. At least there are people to talk to you, so you won't be too lonely.

If I were to do this by myself, I would open my eyes to pan for gold, close my eyes to sleep, and explore for a week or even longer. No one could stand it after a long time, and people would really become autistic.

After Dashan finished talking, everyone washed up and prepared to get on the car to rest. Chen Feng stretched hard on the ground, poured out the foot washing water casually, returned to the small bed, and closed the trunk lid.

Turning on the movie from yesterday, Chen Feng watched it again.

The main reason was that Chen Feng fell asleep as soon as he turned it on yesterday. The movie was over at the end, but Chen Feng didn't know anything.

While watching the movie, Chen Feng's eyelids began to fight, and soon he began to snore.

In the middle of the night, raindrops began to fall outside the car, hitting the car windows. The sound was not too dense or too loud.

As time passed, the raindrops became more and more dense, and the sound of rain outside the car even became a piece, and the bean-sized raindrops hit the car, making a clattering sound.

Chen Feng felt a little cold in his sleep. He wrapped himself tightly in the quilt and was a little awakened by the sound of rain outside the window.

In fact, Chen Feng likes to sleep with the sound of rain. Every time it rains outside, Chen Feng sleeps very well in the house, just like the sleep-aiding video.

Accompanied by the sound of rain, Chen Feng fell asleep comfortably. At this time, he did not realize in his sleep what this rain meant for tomorrow. He just felt that such an environment was extremely relaxing and his sleep became sweet.

(My sister got married. The author did not sleep for 36 hours. Finally, he sent off the last wave of guests. He wanted to take a leave to sleep, but he thought he would stick to it. Thank you for your support and understanding. I'm going to sleep.)

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