The gold rush was so intense that the gold rush was so intense.

"There are quite a few gold diggers in the city. They have their own bases. They usually stay in the place where gold is collected and chat."

"Let's talk about where there is a lot of gold, or where a new mine has opened, and whose mine has produced a large amount of gold."

"His family also sells these instruments. You can go for a stroll when you have nothing to do. It's very good." The young man put out his cigarette and said.

"Really? That's really good. Let's go there to see it this time." Chen Feng said with a surprised expression.

But I don't know how much of this surprise he pretended.

But then again, this news is really useful to Chen Feng. He is now worried that there is no such place to inquire about the news.

At that time, I will get acquainted with a few gold diggers and ask them about their experience in this industry.

After Chen Feng finished speaking, the two stood there, feeling a little awkward again.

The young man didn't want to leave, and Chen Feng didn't want to dig while he was there, so the two of them just stayed here.

Shaking awkwardly, the young man looked at the small pit under Chen Feng's feet.

"Did you find the goods?" The young man asked knowingly.

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded and admitted directly.

This move was to tell the young man that he found the goods himself.

If he said he didn't find it, the young man would just take the detector and go through it, and it would be unclear who the goods belonged to.

"Then you can get up, don't worry about me, haha." The young man said with a smile that he thought was kind.

"It's okay, I'm a little tired, I'll rest for a while." Chen Feng sat down on the ground directly, looking like he was not going to do anything for the time being.

"Don't be like this, buddy, it's not that serious." The young man finally couldn't hold it anymore, and his face turned cold.

Seeing that he couldn't pretend anymore, Chen Feng put his hand on his pickaxe and stood up, his face was also cold.

"What's wrong? I found the goods. I want to take a break before searching. What's the problem?"

The two looked at each other directly, the atmosphere gradually became heavy, and they were both unwilling to give in, like a needle against a wheat spike, as if they would fight in the next second.

In the end, the young man who wanted to say something took a look at the sharp pickaxe in Chen Feng's hand, nodded with an ugly face, said nothing, stepped back a few steps and left here.

Seeing him walk away, Chen Feng's hand holding the pickaxe slowly loosened.

The young man just now was obviously malicious. If he really wanted to do it, Chen Feng would not be a pushover.

He was even ready just now. If the young man did something a little bit beyond the line, he would start first and dig a few holes in him with the pickaxe before saying anything else.

There was no one in this wilderness, who dared to bet on the other party's purpose.

The first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

After the young man left, his face was extremely gloomy, biting his lips tightly, with a kind of unwillingness to achieve his goal and the shame of being forced away.

If he hadn't seen the pickaxe in Chen Feng's hand just now, he would have had to take action.

He has always been a tyrant in this area, when will it be his turn to be forced away.

But it is true that when he met Chen Feng's eyes just now, he was really a little scared.

Because he often conflicts with others, he can completely tell whether the other party is bluffing or really fierce and cruel.

"Fuck, who comes out to pan for gold with a pickaxe, what a thing."

The young man attributed the reason for his retreat to Chen Feng's better weapons, and he recognized the situation and was not a coward.

If he didn't hold a weapon, would he be afraid of him?

Yes, that's it.

On the other side, after Chen Feng saw that the young man really left, he squatted down and started digging for goods.

This time his movements were much faster than before. The best way was to quickly take the goods out and take them away, otherwise things would change.

God knows whether that person left or asked someone to go.

Chen Feng didn't like to have conflicts with others. He came out only to make money, not to occupy a mountain.

But if someone really bullied him, you can try it, I can't kill you.

Chen Feng would rather fight to death with others than let others die.

He squatted on the ground and hugged the soil hard, and a small pile of soil was quickly piled up.

He brought the detector over and passed it over it, and the detector made a "Oh~" sound.

Proving that the goods had been dug out by him, he changed to a small shovel and started to search on it. After searching for a few times, he didn't see it, so Chen Feng started to scour the soil with a shovel.

About five or six times, Chen Feng found the goods, and he shook it gently.

He shook the shovel and continued to use the detector.

After a slight shake, Chen Feng saw a gold piece floating in the shovel. He picked it up and looked around cautiously. After making sure that no one was there, he wiped off the dust.

The size of the gold piece was okay. Chen Feng estimated that it was worth more than a thousand yuan.

Putting the goods into a small bottle, Chen Feng carried the tools and walked in the opposite direction of the young man.

Chen Feng tried to avoid conflicts as much as possible.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, Chen Feng's system rang.

He drew a range and started to detect with the detector.

But when detecting, Chen Feng couldn't help looking around to observe whether anyone was catching up.

He detected row by row until he reached two-thirds of the place and the detector made a sound.

Chen Feng squatted on the ground, changed to a small pickaxe, and began to scoop the soil vigorously.

The wind was quite strong in the morning. Chen Feng was already dusty when he was scooping the soil. When the wind blew, Chen Feng was covered with dust. He frowned and squinted his eyes unconsciously, and used his arms to block it.

Chen Feng continued to scoop the soil after the wind died down.

Feeling that it was almost done, Chen Feng turned back and took the detector and passed it over the soil pile.

The detector did not make a sound. Chen Feng knew that the goods were still underneath, so he changed to a shovel and shoveled the soil in the pit.

He shoveled the soil one shovel at a time, and soon the detector sounded. Chen Feng shook it a little and started to dig it directly.

After a while, a silver grain was picked out by Chen Feng.

The silver grain was worth about 40 yuan. Chen Feng blew it, put it in a bottle, packed up the tools, and continued to move forward.

The ground here was uneven. Chen Feng walked forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow. At this time, he seemed to see something different in front of him.

It seemed like there were a lot of sticks stuck in the ground, and he didn't know what was going on, so he prepared to go over and find out.

When Chen Feng walked over, he found a big hole in front of him. He stuck his head out and saw that it was pitch black inside.

The sticks Chen Feng saw were some steel bars stuck around the hole, probably to remind people not to fall in.

Chen Feng picked up a stone and threw it in. After several seconds, the sound of the stone falling to the ground came from the bottom of the hole.

Chen Feng couldn't help but grin when he saw this. No wonder it was said that it was dangerous for gold diggers to dig for gold at night.

It turns out that there is not only the risk of getting lost.

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