The wound was so severe that the wound was still hard to move.

Everyone sighed when they heard Huang Fei's story, and kept asking him why he was not more careful.

Huang Fei didn't take off his shoes yet, so he didn't know what it looked like. He must not break a bone, because that would be a big deal.

Huang Fei was helped to the van, and he took off his shoes and socks slowly. Every time he moved, Huang Fei grimaced in pain.

When Huang Fei completely took off his shoes and socks, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw his right foot.

"Fuck, it's so swollen?"

"Oh my god, are you sure it's not broken?"

"Oh my god, it's almost as thick as my arm, right?"

Huang Fei didn't expect his right foot to be so swollen, and he grimaced when he saw it.

"Do you need to go to the hospital? What's wrong with you?" Zheng Ping said worriedly.

Don't really have a fracture, it will be troublesome if it's delayed.

Huang Fei tried to use a little force, and shook his head with a frown.

"It should be a sprained ankle, not a fracture. I sprained it before, and it felt like this."

"Who has Yunnan Baiyao, give me some."

Everyone looked at each other, as if no one had bought that stuff.

"Wait, I have it in the car." Chen Feng went to the car after hearing the words, took out the newly bought Yunnan Baiyao, and sprayed it on his feet.

"Let's wait for tomorrow. If it doesn't get better tomorrow, go to the hospital. If it gets better slowly, you don't have to go." Huang Fei said with gritted teeth in pain.

Everyone nodded when they heard it. After spraying Yunnan Baiyao, the effect will be seen tomorrow.

Huang Fei couldn't cook this time, so everyone helped him cook the meal together.

On the other side, Li Dazhuang came to Liu Ping's house with a contract.

"Aunt, my workers are all in place, and we can start tomorrow. Should we wait for Fengzi to come back and choose an auspicious day, or do it tomorrow?" Li Dazhuang walked in and asked.

"I don't know what Fengzi is planning, I'll ask him."

Liu Ping saw the contract that Li Dazhuang put on the table and flipped through it. She didn't quite understand it.

So she sent a WeChat message to Chen Feng.

"Son, your brother Zhuang is here, take a look..."

Although the signal was not good, Chen Feng still received the WeChat message sent by Liu Ping.

After listening, Chen Feng replied directly: "Let's do it. The house will be demolished tomorrow. Please take a photo of the contract and I will take a look. If there is no problem, just sign it directly."

Liu Ping received the WeChat and listened to it for a while. After hesitating for a while, he replied: "Son, other people have to choose a day to start construction. Why don't you choose one?"

"No, any day is fine. I am in a hurry to move in. You can go to Lu Dahai's house to buy firecrackers tomorrow." Chen Feng didn't care about this kind of thing and replied directly.

Liu Ping took a photo of the contract and showed it to Chen Feng. Chen Feng took a long time to take the photo.

After looking back and forth and seeing that there was no problem, Chen Feng asked Liu Ping to sign it directly.

Although Liu Ping thought it was better to choose a day for such things, since Chen Feng said so, Liu Ping would do it.

At worst, when the house is built, you can just pick a good day for the banquet.

"Brother Zhuang, I will send you the money. Please take it." Chen Feng sent a WeChat message to Li Dazhuang and transferred 20,000 yuan.

This is the entrance fee, which was agreed upon before.

Liu Dazhuang was polite after receiving the WeChat message.

"Don't worry, Fengzi, I'll pay you back in a few days."

A minute later, 20,000 yuan was transferred. Liu Dazhuang saw that the money was not counted and turned off his phone.

It's not good to answer the phone right after it was transferred. It's better to wait until you get home to answer it.

This is all about human relations.

Since everything has been finalized, Liu Ping chose a time and confirmed that the work will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. She went to buy firecrackers.

The matter was settled, and Chen Feng's stewed rice was ready. Everyone chatted while eating. The funniest one was Huang Fei.

Originally, he had been helped to the car, and everyone was cooking and chatting outside.

As a result, this guy felt that it was boring to not hear them talking in the car, so he moved and stretched his legs to sit on the steps of the car.

He also asked them to come closer, otherwise it would be too difficult for him to chat, and it was too far away to reach.

This is so funny to everyone. You are so careless to join in the fun even though your ankle is so sprained.

After dinner, when it was time to sleep at night, Huang Fei was not comfortable in the driver's seat. He didn't dare to move his feet. It was uncomfortable to lean or sit.

Seeing this, Chen Feng simply asked him to come to his car and gave him the small bed.

He moved the things in the car, put the driver's seat down, and lay on the driver's seat himself.

It was okay for the two of them in the car. Huang Fei didn't snore when he slept.

Lu, quite honest.

And this time he will be even more honest, not daring to touch his feet, and he even has trouble turning over.

"Fengzi, it has to be you, thank you." Huang Fei lay on the small bed and thanked him rather exaggeratedly.

"It's okay, we are all brothers, how can I watch you suffer." Chen Feng said leaning on the driver's seat.

After a few minutes, Chen Feng suddenly asked: "Hey, Dafei, have you seen a certain type of movie?"

"What type?" Huang Fei was a little tired today, and answered with his eyes closed.

"The plot is roughly like this, the heroine broke her leg for some reason, and can only sit in a wheelchair and can't walk."

"Then a man took advantage of the situation and turned the heroine over and over."

"The heroine couldn't walk because her leg was broken, and she couldn't cry for help from heaven or earth. She could only watch the man do whatever he wanted to her. Wow, she cried so miserably."

"Have you seen this kind of movie?"

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Huang Fei was startled and opened his eyes, and all his sleepiness disappeared.

"Brother, don't tease me. I'm timid." Huang Fei raised his head and said to Chen Feng tremblingly.

"That movie was so exciting. I really want to try it." Chen Feng leaned back on the seat with his arms around his shoulders and muttered with his eyes closed.

Huang Fei listened to his words and felt a part of his body tighten.

No, you had to make me get in your car for a purpose?

"Go to sleep. It won't hurt when you fall asleep." Chen Feng said to Huang Fei with concern.

Huang Fei had a sad face. He just wanted to ask if it was too late for him to leave now?

But thinking about it again, Chen Feng liked to joke. He must be teasing himself and deliberately scaring himself here.

Thinking of this, Huang Fei closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

When Huang Fei was about to fall asleep, he felt as if a hand was touching him.

Huang Fei suddenly shuddered, pressed the hand on his chest, and slowly raised his head.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Chen Feng leaning over from the driver's seat with a harmless smile on his face.

"It's okay, I just checked to see if you were asleep." Chen Feng said with concern, then patted his head, retreated back to the driver's seat, hugged his shoulders and fell asleep.

A few minutes later, Chen Feng even snored, and it seemed that he really fell asleep.

But now Huang Fei was lying on the bed with his eyes open, he couldn't sleep...

The next day, Huang Fei didn't know at what time he was so sleepy that he couldn't hold on.

He only knew that in the middle of the night, he touched a certain part of himself in worry, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

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