The food was very delicious.

"Braised beef, Dongpo pork elbow, mutton hotpot, which one do you want?" Chen Feng ignored him and asked everyone.

"Let's have mutton. It smelled delicious last time. Let's have mutton."

"Yes, mutton is good. It's also delicious when cooked with noodles."

"Let's have mutton. I still have some vegetables left. Let's eat them together. If we don't cook them, they will wilt and be thrown away." Someone stood up and said.

"Okay, I'll get it." Chen Feng went back to the car and took a can of mutton hotpot. Before he turned around to take it, Zheng Ping came over.

"Here's the money, Fengzi, take it."

He held thirty yuan in his hand and stuffed it into Chen Feng's pocket.

"I don't want it, stop talking nonsense, a can of canned food is nothing." Chen Feng was sure that he couldn't take it, so he stopped Zheng Ping from stuffing it in.

The two of them started to quarrel here.

"Fengzi, Fengzi, listen to me, I made money today, I found a big deal, I'll treat everyone to dinner, let's have fun together."

"You don't want the money, what's going on, it's like you're treating us."

"Take it quickly, otherwise how can I take it next time!" Zheng Ping was quite determined, and threw the money into the car forcefully.

"Well, you... okay." Chen Feng looked at the determined Zheng Ping, and finally listened to him, and didn't take out the money.

The pot that Yin Xing brought came in handy again this time. The small pot was put on top, the fire was set at the bottom, and it was filled with water and boiled.

Zheng Ping heated up the water, opened the can of mutton hotpot, and poured it directly into the can. There was some solidified mutton left in the can. Zheng Ping used a spoon to scoop some water and rinsed the can clean.

"Really, this is really good. Otherwise, let's make a rule in the future. Whoever finds goods worth more than one thousand yuan will treat everyone to a meal."

Yin Xing suddenly thought that this model was very good and suggested.

In fact, it was called a meal, and everyone took what they had. It was just that the host added a box of thirty yuan worth of canned food that everyone usually didn't want to eat.

"Okay, I think it's okay. It's just a good way to improve the food."

"Oh, not bad, not bad, actually it's just for fun, so everyone will have some fun."

"Yes, yes, yes, then it's settled. I hope I can treat everyone to a meal tomorrow, hahaha."

Everyone thought this proposal was good and agreed.

Chen Feng also thought this suggestion was good. He sat on the small stool and nodded. However, he suddenly realized as soon as he nodded and said quickly, "Hey, then I can't be included in it."

"If I treat you to a meal if I find a thousand, then I have to treat you six days a week?"

Everyone looked back at the confused Chen Feng and laughed, as if it was really the case.

"Yes, you can't be included. When you find a real big one and think it's big enough, you can treat us." Yin Xing laughed.

Whatever he did, it seemed like he was doing it for Fengzi.

When the water boiled, the aroma of the mutton hot pot wafted into everyone's nose, and everyone couldn't help but sniff, with a look of anticipation.

It was a luxury to have a meal of mutton noodles in this place.

Half a bundle of noodles was put into the pot, and Zheng Ping stirred it with chopsticks to prevent it from sticking together.

The remaining half bundle would be cooked later, because it would not boil if there were too much.

Soon, a pot of fragrant noodles was cooked. Everyone took lunch boxes and started to choose. Zheng Ping took a spoon to serve soup to everyone.

Chen Feng could eat two meals with a can of canned food, but there was not much mutton in the noodles.

Everyone tacitly took two slices each and added some dishes.

Sitting in front of the fire, slurping the fragrant noodles.

"It's delicious, I still have to have this. It's much better than the hot soup noodles I usually cook."

"That's right, it's really fragrant. It feels no different from the noodles cooked in the hot pot, just a little bit light."

"Okay, that's good. If I can eat this noodles every day, I'll be quite satisfied."

A group of people ate noodles around a warm campfire in the dark night. The scene looked very warm.

A pot of noodles was quickly eaten up by everyone. While there was still some soup, a few people were not full, so Zheng Ping added some noodles.

After the meal, everyone smoked cigarettes, drank tea and chatted in the moonlight, enjoying a rare moment of rest.

Chen Feng sat in front of the campfire, looked up at the moonlight above his head, and thought of the famous book.

The Moon and Sixpence.

No one can have the moon and sixpence at the same time, but you can choose the order.

Even if you choose sixpence, don't forget your heart.

The moonlight in the sky is your final destination and the goal you strive for.

Chen Feng stood up and stretched his body. Following his movements, everyone stood up and it was time to go to bed.

Chen Feng felt extremely comfortable lying back in the driver's seat.

Huang Fei said on the small bed in the back: "Brother Feng, my feet should be much stronger tomorrow. I will go back to the van by then, and you can sleep on the bed."

"Okay, no hurry." Chen Feng said with his eyes closed.

After a while, he began to snore.

In the second half of the night, the moonlight was covered by dark clouds, but everyone was asleep at this time and no one noticed this situation.

In the early morning, Chen Feng woke up from his sleep. The sky was so gloomy that he thought it was still midnight.

He picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was already past six forty. Usually at this time, he would have finished washing and started panning for gold.

He looked up again and found that the people in the van were all there. Some people seemed to be eating. It seemed that they also got up late.

Huang Fei was still snoring in the back, with no intention of waking up.

Chen Feng stretched hard, opened the car door and got out of the car, ready to go to the toilet.

As soon as he walked out and hadn't taken off his pants, Chen Feng felt that his head seemed to be cold.

He looked up at the sky, stretched out his hand to try, until a drop of rain fell on his palm.

"No way, buddy, you are raining at this time?" Chen Feng looked at the sky speechlessly and said.

If it rains heavily in a while, won't it be the end of today?

After going to the toilet, Chen Feng came back to wash and eat. Whether it rains or not, he still packed up in advance, just in case it doesn't rain.

But when Chen Feng finished eating, everyone drove the car forward for a while, and when everyone was carrying things and preparing to leave, a drizzle fell from the sky.

"What should I do? Can I still go shopping today?" Yin Xing stretched out his hand to try the rain and looked at everyone hesitantly.

Zheng Ping felt the rain on his shoulders and hesitated. Finally, he made up his mind and said, "It's not raining hard now, so we can go fishing for a while."

"If it rains hard later, we can still go back in time."

"The detector will be fine in this kind of rain."

"Are you going to go fishing?"

Zheng Ping looked at everyone.

In fact, everyone wanted to go fishing. After all, they had already stayed for a day. If they stayed for another day, they would really feel bad.

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