The gold nugget was so big that it was hard to stop.

Chen Feng had now happily turned into a monkey, his mouth full of monkey calls.

He pulled over his backpack, and now he had to have a celebratory cigarette!


Chen Feng lit a cigarette, laughing and smoking, the cigarette didn't even enter his mouth, all floated out, because he couldn't close his mouth at all.

"It's so cool, so cool, it's so big."

Chen Feng looked at the gold nugget and couldn't help but say.

The gold nugget was so big that it couldn't be put into the bottle, so it could only be put in the bag.

He leaned against the bushes, took a comfortable puff of the cigarette, and felt refreshed now.

No wonder girls always said that it could cure all diseases, he could understand the meaning of this sentence now.

Indeed, gold can cure all diseases!

After playing with the gold in his hands for a long time, Chen Feng smiled and reluctantly put the gold into his bag.

Counting the previous gains, today's gold is almost 50,000.

It's really great!

Chen Feng stood up with the detector, and he felt much lighter when walking.

He would go shopping for a while and go back at five o'clock. It didn't matter whether he could find goods next time. It was enough for today!

At five o'clock, Chen Feng calculated today's income, which was about 49,000 yuan, and it was a few hundred yuan short of 50,000 yuan.

Of course, these are all Chen Feng's valuations. When he actually sells, it may be more or less than this.

After returning to the camp, Chen Feng got in the car first and prepared to change clothes.

Even if it was drizzling, it would be soaked after a day of rain.

Huang Fei lay on the small bed with his legs crossed, admiring the rain outside.

"What are you doing? Why are you taking off your clothes as soon as you come back?" Huang Fei said with some vigilance.

"I've been holding it in for a whole day. I finally see you. Shouldn't I relax?" Chen Feng grinned, naked, and took off his pants.

"Fuck you..."

Huang Fei covered his head with a pillow, out of sight, out of mind.

Chen Feng took off his clothes, wiped the water with a towel, and then found a set of clean clothes to change into.

Chen Feng sat next to Wuling, looking at his canned food and food. He must celebrate today and have a box of braised beef canned food, only beef!

Huang Fei moved the pillow away when he felt that he was almost done. When he looked up, he saw Chen Feng's back sitting next to the car.


For some reason, Huang Fei suddenly sighed, as if Chen Feng didn't do anything to him, and he was a little... disappointed.

After sighing, even Huang Fei himself was confused. What the hell was he sighing for!

It rained all day this time, and except for Chen Feng, no one else could make a fire to cook. So they had a good meal yesterday, so it was enough to last them a day.

Everyone went back to the car to eat cold food, and Chen Feng cooked in the car.

Huang Fei also limped back to the van. In fact, after two days of rest, he felt much better. As long as he came back for another day, his foot would be fine and he could walk normally without exerting too much effort.

Why Huang Fei could walk a little, but he still limped? It can only be said that he seemed to be a little used to the life of limping.

It was a little strange to walk suddenly.

Chen Feng leaned on the small bed and waited for the food to be heated.

After it was heated, Chen Feng picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

That being said, he only ate beef this time and no vegetables, but when he really ate, Chen Feng still ate both the vegetables and meat, and finally left half, waiting to heat it up tomorrow morning.

After dinner, Chen Feng went to the van in the rain with a windproof stove.

Today's time of drinking tea, smoking and bragging began.

"Hurry up, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Yin Xing couldn't wait to take the windproof stove, put the small pot on and started to boil water.

They were eating fast food, and they finished eating before Chen Feng could eat, and then waited for Chen Feng to come over with the windproof stove to drink tea.

Sitting in the seat, Chen Feng scratched his hair and asked, "How many days have we been here?"

"Six days? Actually, it should be six and a half days." Zheng Ping's eyes subconsciously turned up and thought.

"Almost, that's it." Yin Xing also estimated and said.

"What do you mean, when will you go back?" Chen Feng asked.

Everyone looked at each other after hearing this, waiting for others to speak.

"If the weather is good tomorrow, come another day, if not, stay one more day, we must have seven days to talk about it." Zheng Ping said.

Because it rained for a day, they only washed for half a day. If the weather is good tomorrow, they washed for six and a half days in total, which can be counted as seven days.


Staying one more day means earning one more day, but at this point, they all want to go home.

The panning takes seven days, but including the journey from both ends, it will take them ten days.

"Okay, let's see what the weather is tomorrow. By the way, let's go to Qiuling City this time."

"Didn't the fellow villager say that there are all shops supporting gold diggers inside, and there are all kinds of gold digging equipment. We have to go and see it anyway." Chen Feng suggested.

"Yes, no matter what, we have to go in and take a look this time. Otherwise, if we come to Qiuling City twice and never go into the city, we will be laughed at if we tell others about it."

"Besides, the fellow villager said before that Qiuling City is very exciting, much better than our small broken county town, it is simply the place that gold diggers dream of.

Yin Xing was also excited when he heard it, and he quickly agreed. He also wanted to see what Qiuling City is like.

"Okay, since everyone wants to go, let's go and see what Qiuling City is like this time."

"Da Fei, when the time comes, you calculate how much gas money will be for the detour, and we will share it. After all, this place is more than 100 kilometers away from Qiuling City, not close." Zheng Ping nodded in agreement and spoke to Huang Fei at the same time.

"It's a small matter. "Huang Fei said with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

Even if he didn't pay this time, he wanted to go to Qiuling City to have a look. Who wouldn't want to have fun? If they didn't want to go last time because they felt sorry for the money, they would have been anxious to go home.

According to Huang Fei's personality, he would have gone to Qiuling City last time.

Is it reasonable not to come here to see the world?

"Okay, then let's do this. "Chen Feng said with a smile, taking his own cup and grabbing a few tea leaves into it.

Everyone brewed tea in their cups, and the van was filled with the aroma of tea.

A group of men were bragging and chatting here, and the atmosphere was so relaxed that people wanted to join in.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, the fireside chat ended, and Chen Feng returned to his Wuling.

Huang Fei did not continue to sleep on Chen Feng's small bed today, but returned to the driver's seat in the van.

It was enough to stay for two days, and Huang Fei was very grateful to Chen Feng. After all, Chen Feng was very tired of panning for gold every day.

And I was an idle person, it didn't matter whether I slept comfortably or not, even if I came to Chen Feng's car to catch up on sleep tomorrow morning.

It was just a joke, but Huang Fei would remember these things in his heart.

(Tomorrow we will go directly to Qiu City, and skip the last day directly. It's fast enough.)

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