At this time, a black-faced man had sold out the goods at the bar, and the sound of the mobile phone transfer was clearly visible in the room.

"Account received, 42,000 yuan."

Many people looked at the voice, and the man turned and walked to the door. He should be a frequent visitor here, and it seemed that many people knew him.

"Brother Hei, it's okay this time, you have a lot of money." Someone sitting on a chair said to him with a smile.

"It's okay, isn't it from the old Li's mine? It's been more than three months, and I'm drying it." The man stopped and smiled when he heard it.

"You are still lucky. The last time I went to his mine, I only made five or six thousand yuan a month, which made me angry." The man drank a sip of wine and cursed with a smile.

Chen Feng sat in his seat and observed everyone's reaction. If this was in the gold shop in his hometown, more than 40,000 would be enough to shock the whole room.

But here, it seems that the harvest is just good, and it is not to the extent of shocking the whole room, which surprised Chen Feng.

"Big mines are big mines, they are indeed different." Chen Feng muttered in his heart.

He sat here for more than ten minutes, and two or three people came to sell goods one after another, and there were always acquaintances in the room, and they could chat with each other.

Basically, there was no one who left after selling. They all went to a certain table to chat for a while and say a few words.

Chen Feng listened carefully. One of them sold more than 20,000, but he didn't hear how long he had been looking for it.

There was another one who sold the most, more than 60,000. According to him, he also looked for more than three months, but he was very lucky and found a big one, which was nearly 30,000.

It seems that no one has the intention to hide their income. Maybe everyone is in this business, so there is no need to guard against anyone.

After all, think about it, now is a society ruled by law, and the money is in WeChat or bank cards.

Even if you want to rob, it will be difficult. If you rob, the police will find you. No one is stupid enough to do such a thing.

Seeing this, Chen Feng's vigilance was reduced a lot, and those extra thoughts before disappeared.

In his imagination, such big gold diggers come together to sell goods, one person sells, and the others watch.

The atmosphere in the store is very tense, as if a fight will break out in the next second.

There are many young people with bad intentions smoking outside the store, as if looking for a target to commit a crime.

It can only be said that this is the sequelae left by Chen Feng who has watched too many police and gangster movies.

Chen Feng looked back and forth. He wanted to find an old gold digger to inquire about the inside information of gold digging.

But after looking for a long time, many people were in twos and threes, and they couldn't fit in at all.

Chen Feng looked again and finally saw a lone gold digger.

It was an old man, thin, kind-looking, and kind. He didn't drink wine in a glass, but in a small bottle.

There was no side dish in front of him, so he just drank it.

Chen Feng blinked, went to the front desk and asked for another plate of edamame, then walked to the old man with the plate.

"Uncle, can I sit here?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course, kid, sit down."

The old man was a little surprised to hear that, then smiled, and quickly put his wine bottle back to make room for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng put the plate on the table, then sat down, picked up the edamame and put it in the middle of the table.

"Let's eat together. I see you don't have any side dishes, so just drink it." Chen Feng said with a smile on his face.

Chen Feng had a good grasp of the social etiquette.

Only then did Chen Feng see the wine in the old man's hand. It was the cheapest bulk liquor, as if he had brought it himself.

"I'm used to it." The old man took a sip of wine and said with a smile.

"Haha, just like my grandfather, he likes to drink straight without any snacks. Come on, eat some edamame, it's good for your stomach."

Chen Feng politely made way for the old man and pushed the edamame in front of him.

In fact, Chen Feng had never seen his grandfather. It seemed that his grandfather died when he was a few years old. It was said that he went to find his dance partner after drinking.

Then he met another old man, and the two of them fought for the right to dance with a woman, and finally fought.

The result was one death and one injury.

The old man was beaten badly by Chen Feng's grandfather, and before the old man could fight back, Chen Feng's grandfather had a cerebral infarction and drooled at the time.

He died before he was sent to the hospital.

His grandfather had never done anything serious in his life. He either drank a lot of wine and spent a lot of money, or went out to have fun.

Chen Feng didn't care whether he was dead or not, because he had never seen him anyway.

I heard that the next day, the mother

They changed to a new partner and continued to tease the old man, as if nothing had happened.

I can only say that the middle-aged woman is really powerful. Two old men, one dead and one injured.

Seeing that Chen Feng was sincere in giving way, the old man nodded politely and picked up a bean and rubbed it, sucking the salt water taste of the bean skin.

"I haven't seen you before, are you a new gold digger?" The old man said.

"Almost. I have been digging in other places before. This is my first time in Qiu City." Chen Feng smiled while eating the edamame.

"Well, this place is good, the goods are not bad, it is a central area, and there are several large mines next to it, so there are so many people here." The old man explained enthusiastically.

"Oh, that's it, no wonder there are so many people here." Chen Feng said with a look of sudden enlightenment.

"Those mines also cost money. I heard from my colleagues, but I didn't ask carefully at the time. I have always been digging in such abandoned mines." Chen Feng chatted.

"Yes, you probably haven't been to this kind of mine."

"This kind of mine is owned by individuals. After the mine was abandoned, they were contracted and rented out, or they were originally their mines."

"After they have used machinery to mine, there is no value in continuing to mine, but there are still a lot of goods in it, so they will rent it out."

"This kind of mine was contracted by them because it was only mined once on a large scale by machinery, so the goods left in it are much more than the abandoned mines like Qiuling City that everyone mines."

"There are two types of mines. One is profit sharing, that is, he provides the place, you provide the people, and the gold mining is free, but you You have to share half of the gold you find with the mine owner."

"The other way is to pay a ticket, which may not be in any form or how much it costs. It depends on how the mine owner decides."

"But it is basically charged by time, a certain amount per day or a certain amount per week or month."

"Some people make a few dozen yuan a day, some make one or two hundred, two or three hundred, or even five or one thousand yuan."

"In this kind of mine, the mine owner has nothing to do with how much you find. You can just take it away."

"It's just that this business depends on luck. Sometimes you can make money, and sometimes you may even lose all the tickets. It depends on your opinion."

After the old man finished speaking, he took a sip of wine and smiled, grabbed a bean and said.

"Is that so? I haven't been there yet. I'll see it next time." Chen Feng took a sip of wine and nodded.

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