The money was so much that it was not a small sum.

He didn't expect Chen Feng to take out two more bottles of silver. Even if the price of silver was very cheap, it was not a small amount.

It seems that he had underestimated this gold digger before.

What he didn't expect was that Chen Feng didn't mean to stop at all, and continued to grope in his bag.

What, you still have it?

The teller opened his mouth slightly, a little surprised.

Two more bottles of silver were placed on the counter. The teller blinked, and finally his expression changed a little.

This new gold digger has something.

Chen Feng reached out and took out three bottles of silver directly from his bag this time.

Two full bottles and one half bottle, and slapped them on the bar.

The teller looked at the eight and a half bottles of silver and felt a little numb.

He wanted to say, "Fuck, where did you find so much silver? Did you disturb the silver den?"

This time, when the teller looked at Chen Feng again, his eyes were no longer contemptuous. New gold diggers can't save so much before selling. If they have a bottle of silver, they will be eager to sell it here.

It seems that this is an experienced gold digger. Although young, he should not be underestimated.

However, Chen Feng's actions have not stopped. He opened a grid in his backpack, took out two bottles of gold from it, and put them on the bar.

After the two bottles of gold appeared, the counter's eyes widened instantly, looking at the two bottles full of gold in disbelief.

"Fuck, you still have it?!"

The teller was already shocked and numb at this time. Eight bottles of silver and two bottles of gold, what kind of concept is this!

Even here, he rarely receives so many goods at once.

Based on his experience, these goods are worth at least 100,000 yuan!

100,000 yuan, even an old gold digger can't possibly save so much at one time.

He looked at Chen Feng in amazement. Is this really a new gold digger?

Which new gold digger can take out 100,000 yuan worth of goods at one time!

With the shocked voice of the teller, many people around looked sideways.

Especially the few gold diggers who were also selling goods at the counter. They didn't pay attention to this at first, but subconsciously looked at this after hearing the teller's voice.

They subconsciously wondered what kind of thing could make the experienced teller exclaim.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it. The full of gold and silver on the counter makes them stare wide-eyed for a moment, and almost pop their eyeballs out.

Even for them, after so many years of digging, they rarely see so many goods at one time.

"Oh my god..."

"So awesome?"

"What is this, all gold and silver?" Some people were a little far away and asked in disbelief.

Chen Feng didn't have any fluctuations, after all, he hadn't finished panning yet.

He reached into his bag and grabbed the big piece of gold and slapped it on the bar.

After the big piece of gold appeared, everyone who saw it was completely numb at this moment.

"Oh my god, it's so big, you still have it?" The bartender stared at the big gold nugget in shock, and then looked up at Chen Feng in disbelief.

The spectators next to him were also silent at this time. Such a big piece of gold, what the hell!

And some gold diggers who were far away didn't know what happened at all, they only knew that the bartender was shouting.

Their eyes were a little puzzled. How much goods did this young man take out to shock the bartender like this? Is it necessary?

Some people shook their heads and laughed at the bartender's inexperienced look.

They are well-informed, so they won't be like the bartender for a little bit of goods.

Judging from the appearance of the young man, it is estimated that the goods are only worth 70,000 or 80,000, not more than 100,000.

Although it is not a small amount, it is really not that serious.

"Do you have more?" The bartender said with a voice of doubt. He was really afraid that Chen Feng would take out a bigger piece of goods.

"This time, there is no more. I took it all out." Chen Feng flipped through the bag and said after making sure that there was nothing missing.

The bartender nodded blankly, took a plate, collected all the goods, and then began to refine the goods in front of Chen Feng.

A pile of silver was poured into the crucible, and the bartender took out a large spray gun and started to burn it.

The silver continued to melt and emit light, and a mold next to it was ready.

As two pots of silver water were poured into the mold, slowly waiting for the silver water to cool down, a silver brick quietly took shape.

After cooling with water, the teller put the big silver brick on the electronic scale.

A number popped up immediately.

Nine hundred


In other words, this silver brick weighs nearly two kilograms!

"Nine hundred and fourteen times eight equals seven thousand three hundred and twelve."

After the teller calculated the account, he took a note and started to make alchemy, which was also the highlight of today.

All the gold was poured into the crucible. Under the fierce calcination of the large blowtorch, the gold nuggets began to melt, forming a shining and delightful golden water.

The teller poured the golden water into the mold, and the golden light of the golden water slowly dimmed, and a small gold brick began to take shape.

The teller cooled the gold brick, and after removing the mold, he couldn't help but weigh it with his hand. It was really heavy.

The gold brick was placed on the electronic scale, and the number appeared on the electronic display screen in the next second.

Four hundred and twelve!

Chen Feng and the teller raised their eyebrows at the same time. Chen Feng was surprised that there was more gold than he thought.

And the teller was surprised that this small gold brick was almost one kilogram. My god.

"Four hundred and twelve times four hundred and seven equals one hundred and sixty-seven thousand six hundred and eighty-four."

"The total of gold and silver is one hundred and seventy-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-six."

"If you have no objection, I will ask the accountant to transfer the money to you right now?" The teller looked up and asked.

"Go ahead, all right." Chen Feng told the teller his bank card number, and the teller took the gold and silver to the back.

In less than ten minutes, Chen Feng's mobile phone received a text message, and the bank card was credited with one hundred and seventy-five thousand.

The store rounded it up for him and gave him four more.

When the money was credited, Chen Feng couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth. He tried to suppress his emotions and make himself look calmer. After saying goodbye to the teller, he turned around and prepared to leave.

He just calculated in his mind that selling gold here, more than four hundred grams of gold, sold nearly three thousand more.

It seems that he can't sell here anymore, mainly because he gave too much. With nearly three thousand, there is nothing good to do.

When passing by the old man, Chen Feng even said hello.

"Uncle, take your time drinking, I'm leaving first, I'll contact you in a few days." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, take your time." The old man nodded.

The location here is not close to the bar, and the room is full of people chatting, so he doesn't know what happened at the front desk just now.

It just seems that the bar was a little noisy just now, as if something happened to the bartender.

But he didn't care, and was still drinking his own wine. What can the bartender do with so many people? He is always startled.

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