Although there are still tens of thousands of points, Chen Feng is not going to click them for the time being. If he clicks them again, the efficiency will be low after the scope is expanded.

Save it for the future upgrade.

After upgrading the system, Chen Feng lay down comfortably to sleep.

At around four o'clock in the morning, Huang Fei's alarm clock rang, and he turned off the phone in a daze. After a few minutes, he got up.

"Get up, don't sleep, we should go."

There was a reluctant voice in the room, but basically everyone sat up and yawned.

A group of people wore bathrobes, went downstairs to wash up, went back upstairs to change clothes, paid the bill and found a breakfast shop. After eating, they returned to the car and set off on the return journey.

At the same time, at around seven in the morning, Liu Ping was carrying some seeds to the vegetable garden of the new house.

Although it is under construction now, it does not prevent her from planting the garden. He has spent a lot of effort in recent days to clean up the abandoned vegetable garden, and today he can finally plant vegetables.

Although it is a bit late in terms of the month, it is okay. Just plant some late vegetables so that you can eat in autumn.

But when she carried things to the vegetable garden of the new house, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

I saw that one-third of the right side of the vegetable garden had been fenced, and the old lady Sun Ling next door was sticking her butt out to plant vegetables in it.

After seeing this scene, Liu Ping was immediately furious. What the hell do you mean by this? What's the point of running to your own garden to build a fence? And you're planting vegetables on the ground you've turned over. Are you going to die?

"Sun Ling, what are you doing? Who told you to plant vegetables in my garden? Why are you building a fence?"

Liu Ping walked over and said angrily while holding something.

Sun Ling, the fat woman, stood up when she heard Liu Ping's bad words, and turned around and said rudely: "What do you mean by your garden? This is my garden. I'm planting vegetables in my garden. What's wrong with you!"

"I haven't said why you turned over my land for no reason. You're bored, right?"

Liu Ping was so angry when she heard this shameless words that she pointed at Sun Ling and cursed: "You're talking nonsense. Which one is your garden? Where is your garden!"

"When I bought the house, Mrs. Zhang said clearly that this garden was hers. Where is your garden? Don't have any shame!"

" Besides, your garden is not behind your house, but behind someone else's house. Are you kidding me?"

Sun Ling snorted and said, "You don't know that this garden was allocated to me by Mrs. Zhang more than ten years ago. I have enough land for my own food, but I never planted it. Now I don't have enough land for my own food, so what's wrong with me planting it!"

"Fuck you, you said that Mrs. Zhang allocated it to you at that time, why didn't she tell me when I bought the house, and I confirmed it again and again at that time, she said that this garden is hers!"

"Why don't you plant it earlier or later, but at this time, do you really think others are stupid!" Liu Ping pointed at her and cursed.

"I think you are stupid, what's the matter, this garden is mine, even if you drag Mrs. Zhang over, it's useless, just watch me plant it or not!" Sun Ling was not willing to be outdone, and pointed at Liu Ping and cursed.

The two people cursed each other across the fence. It looked like they would have fought if there was no railing.

Hearing the noise of quarrel, Sun Ling's son Sun Liang came out. His son is also in his twenties. He usually farms at home and sometimes does odd jobs.

"Mom, stop quarreling. Go back quickly. Why are you quarreling with her?" Sun Liang came out and kept pulling Sun Ling.

"Don't pull me. I have to fight her today. I have never been afraid of anyone in this village. You dare to scold me. Who do you think you are!"

Sun Ling jumped up and cursed. The more her son pulled her, the more fierce she cursed.

"Fuck you, you shameless woman, everything is yours. You have to pick up the shit from others and throw it back to the field. How can you be so shameless? Why don't you say that all the land in the village is yours? Don't compare your face!"

Liu Ping pinched her waist and cursed loudly.

The quarrel between the two of them soon attracted many villagers, especially Li Dazhuang and others who were working.

Li Dazhuang saw this situation and quickly put down the tools in his hand, stepped forward to persuade them to stop fighting, and pulled Liu Ping away.

"Auntie, stop arguing." Li Dazhuang persuaded.

"Don't pull me, I have to see how shameless this woman is today, what a piece of shit!" Liu Ping said with a pah.

The two of them separated after a long time under the interference of the villagers and returned to their respective homes.

After returning home, Liu Ping sat on a stool, picked up the cantaloupe that Chen Feng bought for her, broke it open and took a bite.

She had been cursing for a long time in the morning and felt thirsty.

The key point was that the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. What kind of coercion was that he came to her own land to build a fence and said it was her land.

"Auntie, calm down. I'm going back to work first. Fengzi should be back in a few days. We'll talk about it then."

What could Li Dazhuang say? He could only persuade her first and wait for Chen Feng to come back before deciding what to do.

"Okay, then Dazhuang, you go first. Are you thirsty? Here's a cantaloupe for you to eat." Liu Ping picked up a cantaloupe and handed it to Li Dazhuang.

"I won't eat it, auntie. You sit down. I'm leaving first. Call me if you have anything." Li Dazhuang didn't forget to remind her before he left.

"Okay." Liu Ping nodded.

After seeing Li Dazhuang off, Liu Ping sat back and took a bite of the melon, her mind full of this matter.

She was actually a little unsure herself. Why did Sun Ling say that Mrs. Zhang had allocated this land to her more than ten years ago?

Sun Ling couldn't have made up such a thing.

But if it was really allocated, then what was wrong with her? Wasn't she fooled by Mrs. Zhang?

Liu Ping finished eating a melon and took a deep breath. Everything would be settled after Chen Feng came back.

When Chen Feng got home, it was probably around six o'clock in the evening. As two cars entered the village, everyone knew that they were back.

Chen Feng had just parked the car in the yard when an old man passing by the door greeted him: "Fengzi is back."

"Yeah, I'm back." Chen Feng turned around and packed his things with his bag on his back.

"Go back and take a look. Your mother had a fight with Sun Ling today. I heard it was serious." The man couldn't wait to speak.

"What the hell?" Chen Feng put down the dirty clothes in his hand and frowned.

"Really, many people in the village saw it. I heard that your mother asked Li Dazhuang to carry her back home."

The old man slapped his thigh and said.

"Fuck it, I'll go in and take a look." Chen Feng put down his things and pushed the door open.

If my mother was really beaten by Sun Ling, I will burn her house tonight, fuck you.

When Chen Feng entered the room, he didn't see Liu Ping, and his heart skipped a beat.

He quickly came to Liu Ping's room and saw Liu Ping lying on the bed when he pushed the door open.

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